Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bitcore' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
'use strict';
var chai = require('chai');
/* jshint unused: false */
var should = chai.should();
var expect = chai.expect;
var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var P2P = require('../');
var Peer = P2P.Peer;
var MessagesData = require('./data/messages');
var Messages = P2P.Messages;
var Pool = P2P.Pool;
var Networks = bitcore.Networks;
var dns = require('dns');
var sinon = require('sinon');
describe('Pool', function() {
it('should be able to create instance', function() {
var pool = new Pool();
expect(pool.network).to.satisfy(function(network) {
return network === Networks.testnet || network === Networks.livenet;
it('should be able to create instance setting the network', function() {
var pool = new Pool(Networks.testnet);
if (!pushes) {
console.log('contract is not an atomic swap script recognized by this tool');
const ctTx = new Transaction(strCtTx);
const refundAddrString = pushes.refundHash160.replace('0x', '');
const refundAddress = Util.NewAddressPubKeyHash(refundAddrString, 'testnet');
const contractP2SH = Util.NewAddressScriptHash(strCt, this.configuration.network);
let ctTxOutIdx = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ctTx.outputs.length; i++) {
const scr = new Script(ctTx.outputs[i].script);
const address = scr.toAddress(this.configuration.network);
const addressHash = address.toJSON().hash;
if (addressHash === contractP2SH.toJSON().hash) {
ctTxOutIdx = i;
if (ctTxOutIdx === -1) {
console.log('transaction does not contain a contract output');
// TODO: "getrawchangeaddres" WTF?
// const addr = new Address(await getChangeAddress())
public async buildRefund(strCt, strCtTx, privateKey) {
// TODO: change strCt, strCtTx to ct, ctTx
const contract = new Script(strCt);
const pushes = this.extractAtomicSwapContract(strCt);
if (!pushes) {
console.log('contract is not an atomic swap script recognized by this tool');
const ctTx = new Transaction(strCtTx);
const refundAddrString = pushes.refundHash160.replace('0x', '');
const refundAddress = Util.NewAddressPubKeyHash(refundAddrString, 'testnet');
const contractP2SH = Util.NewAddressScriptHash(strCt, this.configuration.network);
let ctTxOutIdx = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ctTx.outputs.length; i++) {
const PK = PrivateKey.fromWIF(privateKey);
const refundAddr = PK.toPublicKey().toAddress(this.configuration.network);
const themAddr = new Address(them);
const contract = this.atomicSwapContract(
const contractP2SH = Util.NewAddressScriptHash(contract.toHex(), this.configuration.network);
const contractP2SHPkScript = Script.buildScriptHashOut(contractP2SH);
const contractTx = new Transaction();
const value = Math.round(amount * 100000000);
// console.log(value);
const output = Transaction.Output({
script: contractP2SHPkScript,
satoshis: value,
const transaction: BtcTransaction = new BtcTransaction(this.configuration);
await transaction.fundTransaction(refundAddr, contractTx);
const signatures = contractTx.getSignatures(privateKey);
for (const signature of signatures) {
broadcast(tx, function(id){
console.log("funded to",id);
var tx2 = new bitcore.Transaction()
.from({txId:id, outputIndex:0, inputIndex:0, satoshis:10000, script:P2SHFund.toString()}, [publicKey1, publicKey2], 1)
.to(address, 10000)
// console.log('tx2 input',tx2.inputs[0]);
// work around hard-wired multisig to get the signature (TODO make a real input class for P2CM)
// var signature = Sighash.sign(tx2, privateKey2, 1, 0, P2CMScript).toBuffer();
// console.log("tx2 signed",signature);
// use the real script
var s = new bitcore.Script();
if (ctTxOutIdx === -1) {
console.log('transaction does not contain a contract output');
// TODO: "getrawchangeaddres" WTF?
// const addr = new Address(await getChangeAddress())
const addr = 'mnopGXXKQdt6mXnwHeRcdWNsaksoqKcvwZ';
const outScript = Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(addr);
// https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-examples#offline-signing
const refundTx = new Transaction();
const lockTime = new BufferReader(pushes.lockTime).readUInt32LE();
// TODO: "refund output value of %v is dust"
let output = Transaction.Output({
script: outScript,
satoshis: 0,
const feePerKb = await this.getFeePerKb();
console.log('Fee per kb:', feePerKb);
const redeemSerializeSize = Util.EstimateRefundSerializeSize(contract, refundTx.outputs);
const refundFee = Util.FeeForSerializeSize(feePerKb, redeemSerializeSize) * 100000000;
const amount = ctTx.outputs[ctTxOutIdx].satoshis - refundFee;
console.log("transaction does not contain a contract output");
const PK = PrivateKey.fromWIF(privateKey);
const newRawAddr = PK.toPublicKey().toAddress(configuration.network);
// const addr = new Address(newRawAddr);
// TODO: "getrawchangeaddres" + erroe await getChangeAddress()
// TODO: pass redeemToAddr as parametar
const redeemToAddr = new Address("moPkgMW7QkDpH8iR5nuDuNB6K7UWFWTtXq")
const outScript = Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(redeemToAddr);
// https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-examples#offline-signing
const redeemTx = new Transaction()
// TODO: "redeem output value of %v is dust"
let output = Transaction.Output({
script: outScript,
satoshis: 0,
const feePerKb = await getFeePerKb()
const redeemSerializeSize = estimateRedeemSerializeSize(contract, redeemTx.outputs)
const fee = feeForSerializeSize(feePerKb, redeemSerializeSize) * 100000000
const amount = ctTx.outputs[ctTxOutIdx].satoshis - fee
public async redeem(strCt, strCtTx, secret, privateKey) {
// TODO: change strCt, strCtTx to ct, ctTx
const contract = new Script(strCt);
const pushes = this.extractAtomicSwapContract(strCt);
if (!pushes) {
console.log('contract is not an atomic swap script recognized by this tool');
const ctTx = new Transaction(strCtTx);
const recipientAddrString = pushes.recipientHash.replace('0x', '');
const recipientAddress = Util.NewAddressPubKeyHash(recipientAddrString, 'testnet');
const contractP2SH = Util.NewAddressScriptHash(strCt, this.configuration.network);
let ctTxOutIdx = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ctTx.outputs.length; i++) {
const scr = new Script(ctTx.outputs[i].script);
const address = scr.toAddress(this.configuration.network);
const addressHash = address.toJSON().hash;
if (addressHash === contractP2SH.toJSON().hash) {
ctTxOutIdx = i;
const PK = PrivateKey.fromWIF(privateKey);
const refundAddr = PK.toPublicKey().toAddress(configuration.network);
const themAddr = new Address(them);
const contract = atomicSwapContract(
const contractP2SH = AddressUtil.NewAddressScriptHash(contract.toHex(), configuration.network);
const contractP2SHPkScript = Script.buildScriptHashOut(contractP2SH);
const contractTx = new Transaction();
const value = Math.round(amount * 100000000)
// console.log(value);
const output = Transaction.Output({
script: contractP2SHPkScript,
satoshis: value,
await fundTransaction(refundAddr, contractTx);
const signitures = contractTx.getSignatures(privateKey);
for (let signiture of signitures) {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
case 0:
PK = PrivateKey.fromWIF(privateKey);
refundAddr = PK.toPublicKey().toAddress(_config.configuration.network);
themAddr = new Address(them);
contract = (0, _atomicSwapContract.atomicSwapContract)(refundAddr.toJSON().hash, themAddr.toJSON().hash, lockTime, secretHash);
contractP2SH = _addressUtil.AddressUtil.NewAddressScriptHash(contract.toHex(), _config.configuration.network);
contractP2SHPkScript = Script.buildScriptHashOut(contractP2SH);
contractTx = new Transaction();
value = Math.round(amount * 100000000);
// console.log(value);
output = Transaction.Output({
script: contractP2SHPkScript,
satoshis: value
_context.next = 12;
return (0, _fundTransaction.fundTransaction)(refundAddr, contractTx);