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Top 10 Examples of "lodash in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'lodash' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function parseASTComments(astNode) {
    var comments = [];
    if(astNode && astNode.leadingComments) {
        _.forEach(astNode.leadingComments, function(comment) {
            if(comment.type === 'Block') {
                comments = comments.concat(comment.value.split('\n').map(function(commentLine) {
                    // Remove asterisks at the start of the line
                    return commentLine.replace(/^\s*\*\s*/g, '').trim();
            } else {

    return comments;
test('should skip empty array', () => {
        const config: Config = new AppConfig(_.cloneDeep(authPluginPassThrougConf));
        const auth: IAuth = new Auth(config);


        const callback = jest.fn();
        const value = [ ];

        // @ts-ignore
        auth.authenticate(null, value, callback);
it('should render post title', () => {
      const query = { complete: true, OK: true, entities: [] }
      state = merge({}, stateMultipleEntities, { wordpress: { queries: { 0: query } } })
      rendered.update() // Fake store update from completed request
      expect(rendered.html()).toEqual('<div>Architecto enim omnis repellendus</div>')
.on('end', function () {
                // If CSV is single column - return all values including header
                var headers = _.keys(rows[0]), result = {}, columnMap = {};
                if (columnsToExtract.length === 1 && headers.length === 1) {
                    results =, function (value) {
                        result = {};
                        result[columnsToExtract[0].name] = value[headers[0]];
                        return result;
                } else {
                    // If there are multiple columns in csv file
                    // try to match headers using lookup value

          , function findMatches(column) {
                        _.each(headers, function checkheader(header) {
                            if (column.lookup.test(header)) {
                                columnMap[] = header;

                    results =, function evaluateRow(row) {
                        var result = {};
                        _.each(columnMap, function returnMatches(value, key) {
                            result[key] = row[value];
                        return result;
findCard = (id) => {
    const { data: { boardFeatures: issues } } = this.props;

    const issue = find(issues, { issueId: id });
    const index = findIndex(issues, { issueId: id });
    // console.log(id, issue, index);
    return {
// * ensure we have access to captions data
  if (!decodedData.includes('captionTracks'))
    throw new Error(`Could not find captions for video: ${videoID}`);

  const regex = /({"captionTracks":.*isTranslatable":(true|false)}])/;
  const [match] = regex.exec(decodedData);
  const { captionTracks } = JSON.parse(`${match}}`);

  const subtitle =
    find(captionTracks, {
      vssId: `.${lang}`,
    }) ||
    find(captionTracks, {
      vssId: `a.${lang}`,
    }) ||
    find(captionTracks, ({ vssId }) =&gt; vssId &amp;&amp; vssId.match(`.${lang}`));

  // * ensure we have found the correct subtitle lang
  if (!subtitle || (subtitle &amp;&amp; !subtitle.baseUrl))
    throw new Error(`Could not find ${lang} captions for ${videoID}`);

  const { data: transcript } = await axios.get(subtitle.baseUrl);
  const lines = transcript
    .replace('', '')
    .replace('', '')
    .filter(line =&gt; line &amp;&amp; line.trim())
    .map(line =&gt; {
      const startRegex = /start="([\d.]+)"/;
      const durRegex = /dur="([\d.]+)"/;

      const [, start] = startRegex.exec(line);
let intermediary = function(err, result) {
    // clone result so that we can mutate the response without worrying about
    // that messing up assumptions the calling logic might have about us
    // mutating things
    result = _.cloneDeep(result);
    let response;
    if (Array.isArray(result)) {
      response = [];
      for (let i = 0; i &lt; result.length; i++) {
        response.push(self.reportErrorInResponse(payload[i], err, result[i]));
    } else {
      response = self.reportErrorInResponse(payload, err, result);

    if (self.options.verbose) {
        " &lt;   " +
          JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)
            .join("\n &lt;   ")
function getRenderContent(entityClassInstance) {
    const content = entityClassInstance.render();
    // console.log('renderContent');
    // console.log(content);
    if (isNil(content)) return [];

    return isArray(content) ? content : [content];
const checkOrderbook = async function(name) {
  // console.log('+-+-+-+')
  try {
    var data = await global.CHECKSTOCK[name].fetchOrderBook(global.CHECKSYMBOLS[name].symbols[0])
    // console.log(data)
    var isObject = _.isPlainObject(data)
    var isArray = _.isArray(data.bids)
    var isNumber = _.isNumber(data.bids[0][0])
    if (isObject && isArray && isNumber) {
      global.CHECKCCXT[name]['orderbook'] = 'ok'
    } else {
      global.CHECKCCXT[name]['orderbook'] = 'ok, but strange shema'
  } catch(err) {
    global.CHECKCCXT[name]['orderbook'] = serializeError(err).message
function getParameterValue(parameter, context) {

  var path = parameter.path || parameter;

  var value = (path[0] === '.') ? JSPath.apply(path, context) : path;

  //console.log('****', path, context, value);

  // Use the default value when necessary
  if (_.isUndefined(value)) { value = parameter.default; }

  return value;

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