Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rx' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
beforeEach(function() {
messages = new rx.Subject();
channel = {
send: function() {
// NB: Posting a message to the channel returns an editable message
// object, which we're faking out here.
return { updateMessage: function() { } };
scheduler = new rx.HistoricalScheduler();
players = [];
_defineRootElemStream() {
// Create rootElem stream and automatic className correction
let originalClasses = (this._domContainer.className || '').trim().split(/\s+/);
//console.log('%coriginalClasses: ' + originalClasses, 'color: lightgray');
this._rawRootElem$ = new Rx.Subject();
this._rootElem$ = this._rawRootElem$
.map(function fixRootElemClassName(rootElem) {
let previousClasses = rootElem.className.trim().split(/\s+/);
let missingClasses = originalClasses.filter(function (clss) {
return previousClasses.indexOf(clss) < 0;
//console.log('%cfixRootElemClassName(), missingClasses: ' + missingClasses,
// 'color: lightgray');
rootElem.className = previousClasses.concat(missingClasses).join(' ');
//console.log('%c result: ' + rootElem.className, 'color: lightgray');
//console.log('%cEmit rootElem$ ' + rootElem.tagName + '.' + rootElem.className,
// 'color: #009988');
return rootElem;
(s) => s,
// Center the camera vertically and align it to the top
.map(() => ({weightX: 0.5, weightY: 0})),
return {
DOM: O.combineLatest(
// merge the cost panel into the vtree
(a,b) => [a,b]
preventDefault: O.merge([
const model = actions => {
const message$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
// we listen to this observable
// because when the submit button is clicked
// we want to clear the message input out
actions.submitMessage$.map(x => '')
return Observable.combineLatest(
(pusherMessages, username, message) => ({ pusherMessages, username, message })
Slider.rectangular = function (value, postprocessor) {
var hotspot = Ax.create()
.lineTo([20, 0])
.lineTo([20, 20])
.lineTo([0, 20])
.lineTo([0, 0]));
value.subscribe(function (x) { return console.log("pre construction value changed", x); });
var slider = new Slider(hotspot, new events.ComponentMouseState(), new events.ComponentMouseState(), value, Ax.create().fillStyle("red"), /* pressed */ Ax.create().fillStyle("orange"), /* over */ Ax.create().fillStyle("white") /* idle */); /* idle */
if (postprocessor)
return slider;
return Slider;
var value = new Rx.BehaviorSubject(0);
//each frame, first draw black background to erase the previous contents
animator.play(Ax.create().fillStyle(Parameter.rgba(Parameter.updateFrom(0, value).mapValue(function (x) { return x * 2.5; }), 0, 0, 1)).fillRect([0, 0], [100, 100]));
helper.playExample("@name", 2, animator, 100, 100);
const App = R(({events}) => {
const inc$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "inc-click").map(() => +1)
const dec$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "dec-click").map(() => -1)
// also React onChange is supported
const text$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "text-change")
.map(e => e.target.value)
const counter$ =
.scan((val, d) => val + d, 0)
const style$ =
Observable.combineLatest([text$, counter$])
.map(([text, counter]) => text.length === counter ? "red" : "black")
.map(color => ({color}))
// You can emit events from reactive components by giving an object
const App = R(({events}) => {
const inc$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "inc-click").map(() => +1)
const dec$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "dec-click").map(() => -1)
// also React onChange is supported
const text$ = Observable.fromEvent(events, "text-change")
.map(e => e.target.value)
const counter$ =
.scan((val, d) => val + d, 0)
const style$ =
Observable.combineLatest([text$, counter$])
constructor() {
let loadDisposable = new Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable();
this._stream = Rx.Observable.empty();
this._publishedStream = Rx.Observable.defer(() => {
// We close over _stream so that we allow the class to modify
// it (see registerStream function)
return this._stream;
// When we load, stop on the first error result we get
// But yield it back to the consumer so they know it stopped
.takeUntilInclusive((result: LoadResult) => result.stage === ResultStage.Error)
.multicast(new Rx.ReplaySubject(1))
export default ({
DOM, // DOM driver source
globalEvents, // globalEvent driver sources
}) => {
const openData$ = new Subject();
const importExpression$ = new Subject();
const viewSetting$ = new Subject();
const actions = intent({
DOM, globalEvents,
viewSetting$: viewSetting$,
const state$ = model(O.empty(), actions);
const plaData$ = state$.map(({state}) =>
toPLA(state.diagram, state.currentKvMode, state.currentLoop.cube)
const jsonData$ = state$.map(({state}) =>
function EventEmitter() {
// System creates a different object for import * than Typescript es5 emit.
if (Rx.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
this._subject = new Rx.default.Rx.Subject();
this._immediateScheduler = Rx.default.Rx.Scheduler.immediate;
else {
this._subject = new Rx.Subject();
this._immediateScheduler = Rx.Scheduler.immediate;
EventEmitter.prototype.observer = function (generator) {