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Top 10 Examples of "cli-progress in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'cli-progress' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

//var Gauge = require("gauge")
//var gauge = new Gauge()
//var a = 0;
//var timer = setInterval(() => {
//	a += 0.01;
//	if(a > 1) {
//		clearInterval(timer)
//	}
//"test", a)
//}, 30)

const _cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const terminal = require('terminal-utilities')
const bar1 = new _cliProgress.Bar({
	//	barCompleteChar: '#',
	//  barIncompleteChar: '.',
	//  fps: 5,
	//  stream: process.stdout,
	//  barsize: 65,
	//  position: 'center'
}, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
bar1.start(200, 0);
var a = 0
var timer = setInterval(() => {
	a = a + 10
	if(a > 200) {

		//terminal.clear()   //清屏
if (complexFilterString.length > 0) {
      complexFilterString += `, `;
    complexFilterString += `${overlayTextFilterString}`;

  // Set our final output video pad
  complexFilterString += ` [videooutput]`;

  // Apply our complext filter
  ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.complexFilter(complexFilterString);

  // Let's create a nice progress bar
  // Using the song length as the 100%, as that is when the stream should end
  const songTotalDuration = Math.floor(metadata.format.duration);
  const progressBar = new progress.Bar(
      format: 'Audio Progress {bar} {percentage}% | Time Playing: {duration_formatted} |'

  // Set our event handlers
  ffpmepgCommand = ffmpegCommand
    .on('start', commandString => {
      console.log(' ');
      console.log(`${'Spawned Ffmpeg with command:')}`);
      console.log(' ');

      // Start our progress bar
      progressBar.start(songTotalDuration, 0);
//  | |                        / ;   \;;,\
       (<_  | ;                      /',/-----'  _>
        \_| ||_                     //~;~~~~~~~~~
            `\_|                   (,~~


import program from "commander";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
import { times, randomInt, printUnicorn, processError } from "./utils";

const _progress = require('cli-progress');
const progressBar = new _progress.Bar({}, _progress.Presets.shades_classic);

export function deliverUnicorn() {

  console.log('Generating your human looking contribution bar...\n');
  const days = initDaysList();

  console.log('Running GIT contributions now...\n');
  progressBar.start(program.contributions, 0);

function sanityChecks() {
  const gitLogResults = runCommand('git log').output;

  // Set our final output video pad
  complexFilterString += ` [videooutput]`;

  // Apply our complext filter
  ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.complexFilter(complexFilterString);

  // Let's create a nice progress bar
  // Using the song length as the 100%, as that is when the stream should end
  const songTotalDuration = Math.floor(metadata.format.duration);
  const progressBar = new progress.Bar(
      format: 'Audio Progress {bar} {percentage}% | Time Playing: {duration_formatted} |'

  // Set our event handlers
  ffpmepgCommand = ffmpegCommand
    .on('start', commandString => {
      console.log(' ');
      console.log(`${'Spawned Ffmpeg with command:')}`);
      console.log(' ');

      // Start our progress bar
      progressBar.start(songTotalDuration, 0);
    .on('end', () => {
      if (endCallback) {
// Get input arguments or default values
    this.namespace = flags.namespace;
    this.majorversion = flags.majorversion;
    this.minorversion = flags.minorversion;
    this.folder = flags.folder || '.';
    if (flags.verbose) {
      this.verbose = true;
    console.log(`Initialize update of dependencies in ${this.folder} with ${this.namespace} ${this.majorversion}.${this.minorversion}`);

    // Read files
    const fileList = glob.sync('**/*.xml');

    // Progress bar
    // @ts-ignore
    this.progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({
      format: '{name} [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total} | {file} ',
      stopOnComplete: true
    if (this.progressBar.terminal.isTTY()) {
      this.progressBar.start(fileList.length, 0, { name: 'Progress', file: 'N/A' });

    // Replace dependencies in files
    let updatedNb = 0;
    const parser = new xml2js.Parser();
    const promises = [];
    for (const sfdxXmlFile of fileList) {
      const filePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(sfdxXmlFile, (err, data) => {
          // Parse XML file
          parser.parseString(data, (err2, parsedXmlFile) => {
this.verbose = true;

    console.log('Starting sfdx essentials:uncomment with uncomment key "' + this.uncommentKey + '"');

    // List apex classes
    const fetchClassesExpression = this.folder + '/classes/*.cls';
    const customApexClassFileNameList = glob.sync(fetchClassesExpression);

    // List aura items
    const fetchAuraExpression = this.folder + '/aura/**/*.js';
    const customAuraFileNameList = glob.sync(fetchAuraExpression);

    // Progress bar
    // @ts-ignore
    this.progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({
      format: '{name} [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total} | {file} ',
      stopOnComplete: true
    if (this.progressBar.terminal.isTTY()) {
      this.progressBar.start(customApexClassFileNameList.length + customAuraFileNameList.length, 0, { name: 'Progress', file: 'N/A' });

    // Replace commented lines in each class
    customApexClassFileNameList.forEach((customApexClassFileName) => {
      if (!this.verbose && this.progressBar.terminal.isTTY()) {

    // Replace commented lines in each aura item
this.copySfdxProjectFolder = (flags.copySfdxProjectFolder === 'true');
    this.verbose = flags.verbose;

    if (flags.fetchExpressionList) {
      this.fetchExpressionList = flags.fetchExpressionList.split(',');
    } else if (flags.fetchExpressionList === '') {
      this.fetchExpressionList = [];

    // Read config file and store it in class variable
    const jsonDataModelToMigrate = fs.readFileSync(this.configFile);
    this.configData = JSON.parse(jsonDataModelToMigrate.toString());

    // Build progress bars
    // @ts-ignore
    this.multibar = new cliProgress.MultiBar({
      clearOnComplete: false,
      hideCursor: true,
      fps: 500,
      format: '{name} [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total} | {file} '
    }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_grey); = this.multibar.create(this.fetchExpressionList.length, 0, { name: 'Total'.padEnd(30, ' '), file: 'N/A' });
    // Expression list progress bars
    this.fetchExpressionList.forEach((fetchExpression: string) => {
      const customFileNameList = glob.sync(this.inputFolder + '/' + fetchExpression);
      if (this.multibar.terminal.isTTY()) {
        this.multibars[fetchExpression] = this.multibar.create(customFileNameList.length, 0, { name: fetchExpression.padEnd(30, ' '), file: 'N/A' });
    // Delete files progress bar
    if (this.deleteFiles && this.configData.objectToDelete && this.multibar.terminal.isTTY()) {
      this.multibars.deleteFiles = this.multibar.create(1, 0, { name: 'Delete files & folders'.padEnd(30, ' '), file: 'N/A' });
public async run(): Promise {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-shadowed-variable
        const { flags } = this.parse(RestoreCommand);

        await setUpLite(flags);

        const emitter = app.resolvePlugin("event-emitter");

        const progressBar = new _cliProgress.Bar(
                format: "{bar} {percentage}% | ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total} | Duration: {duration}s",

        emitter.on("start", data => {
            progressBar.start(data.count, 1);

        emitter.on("progress", data => {

        emitter.on("complete", data => {
const captureScreenshots = async () => {

    // create a new progress bar instance and use shades_classic theme
    const bar1 = new _cliProgress.Bar({}, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);

    let urls = await sitemapParser.getUrls(__dirname + '/sitemap.xml');
    const devicesToEmulate = [
        'iPhone 6',
        'iPhone 6 landscape',
        'iPhone 6 Plus',
        'Nexus 6',
        'iPad Pro'

    // urls = [
    //     '',
    //     '',
    //     ''
    // ];
    // urls = urls.slice(0, 10);
.action(asyncWrapper(async (filelist, options) => {
        // initialize a new progress bar
        const bar = new _progressbar.Bar({
            clearOnComplete: true,
            hideCursor: true
        }, _progressbar.Presets.shades_classic);

        // expand glob expressions
        const files = await _globExpression.expand(filelist);

        // files provided ?
        if (files.length == 0){
            _logger.error('No files provided for upload (empty file-list)');

        // handle multiple uploads
        let currentFileNumber = 0;

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