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Top 10 Examples of "sourcemap-codec in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'sourcemap-codec' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

modules.forEach(module => {
		if (!/\.css$/.test(module)) return;

		const css = css_map.get(module);

		const { code, map } = extract_sourcemap(css, module);


		if (map) {
			const lines = codec.decode(map.mappings);

			if (combined_map.sources.length > 0 || combined_map.names.length > 0) {
				lines.forEach(line => {
					line.forEach(segment => {
						// adjust source index
						segment[1] += combined_map.sources.length;

						// adjust name index
						if (segment[4]) segment[4] += combined_map.names.length;

function fixMappings( mappings ) {
	if ( typeof mappings !== 'string' ) {
		return '';

	mappings = decode( mappings );

	mappings[ 0 ].forEach( ( line, index ) => {
		// If the line has only one segment with only one item,
		// just drop the whole line.
		if ( line && line.length === 1 ) {
			mappings[ 0 ].splice( index, 1 );
	} );

	return encode( mappings );
while ( i-- ) {
			line = this.node.mappings[i];
			resolved[i] = result = [];

			for ( j = 0; j < line.length; j += 1 ) {
				applySegment( line[j], result );

		let tracingTime = process.hrtime( tracingStart );
		this._stats.tracingTime = 1e9 * tracingTime[0] + tracingTime[1];

		// Encode mappings
		let encodingStart = process.hrtime();
		let mappings = encode( resolved );
		let encodingTime = process.hrtime( encodingStart );
		this._stats.encodingTime = 1e9 * encodingTime[0] + encodingTime[1];

		let includeContent = options.includeContent !== false;

		return new SourceMap({
			file: basename( this.node.file ),
			sources: source => slash( relative( options.base || dirname( this.node.file ), source ) ) ),
			sourcesContent: source => includeContent ? this.sourcesContentByPath[ source ] : null ),
			names: allNames,

		return source;

	let source = new Link( map, sources );

	bundleSourcemapChain.forEach( map => {
		source = new Link( map, [ source ] );

	const { names, mappings } = source.traceMappings();

	// we re-use the `map` object because it has convenient toString/toURL methods
	map.sourcesContent = module => module.originalCode );
	map.mappings = encode( mappings );
	map.names = names;

	return map;
// adjust name index
						if (segment[4]) segment[4] += combined_map.names.length;



	if (parts.length > 0) {
		combined_map.mappings = codec.encode(mappings);

		combined_map.sources = => path.relative(asset_dir, source).replace(/\\/g, '/'));

		return {
			code: parts.join('\n'),
			map: combined_map

	return null;
function fixMappings( mappings ) {
	if ( typeof mappings !== 'string' ) {
		return '';

	mappings = decode( mappings );

	mappings[ 0 ].forEach( ( line, index ) => {
		// If the line has only one segment with only one item,
		// just drop the whole line.
		if ( line && line.length === 1 ) {
			mappings[ 0 ].splice( index, 1 );
	} );

	return encode( mappings );
export default function check ( magicString, ast ) {
	const code = magicString.toString();

	try {
		parse( code, {
			ecmaVersion: 8,
			sourceType: 'module'
	} catch ( err ) {
		const map = magicString.generateMap();
		const { line, column } = err.loc;
		const snippet = code.slice( Math.max( 0, err.pos - 35 ), Math.min( code.length, err.pos + 35 ) );

		const mappings = decode( map.mappings );
		const segments = mappings[ line - 1 ];

		for ( let i = 0; i < segments.length; i += 1 ) {
			const segment = segments[i];
			if ( segment[0] >= column ) {
				const sourceCodeLine = segment[2];
				const sourceCodeColumn = segment[3];

				err.message = `Butternut generated invalid JS: code in source file near (${sourceCodeLine + 1}:${sourceCodeColumn}) became\n...${snippet}...`;

				try {
					const repro = createRepro( magicString.original, ast, sourceCodeLine, sourceCodeColumn );
					if ( repro ) err.repro = repro;
				} catch (err) {
					// do nothing
unit => {
      t.deepEqual(unit, {
        contents: 'a;\nadd;\nb;\n',
        path: 'src/foo.js',
        moduleId: 'foo',
        sourceMap: {
          version: 3,
          file: 'src/foo.js',
          sources: [ 'src/foo.js' ],
          sourcesContent: [ 'a;b;\n' ],
          names: [],
          mappings: encode([
            [ [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 2, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
            [ [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
            [ [ 0, 0, 0, 3 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 3 ], [ 2, 0, 0, 3 ] ]
if (i > 0) {
							decoded.forEach(line => {
								line.forEach(segment => {
									segment[1] = i;


				const writer = new CssWriter(result, {
					mappings: encode(mappings)
				}, this.warn);

codeStart = codeStart ? codeStart.length + 1 : 1;

	let whitespaceAtStart = code.replace( `${ banner }\n`, '' ).match( /^(\s)+/g );
	whitespaceAtStart = whitespaceAtStart ? whitespaceAtStart.length : 0;

	mappings.unshift( [] );

	if ( Array.isArray( mappings[ codeStart ] ) && mappings[ codeStart ].length ) {
		const offset = mappings[ codeStart ][ 0 ][ 0 ] - whitespaceAtStart;

		mappings[ codeStart ].forEach( ( segment ) => {
			segment[ 0 ] -= offset;
		} );

	map.mappings = encodeSourceMap( mappings );

	return {

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