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Top 10 Examples of "lit-element in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'lit-element' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

} from '@axa-ch/materials/icons';

// icon isolated from others, because it's a component specific icon
import { FileUploadGroupSvg } from './icons';

import defineOnce from '../../../utils/define-once';
import { applyDefaults } from '../../../utils/with-react';
import styles from './index.scss';
import compressImage from './utils/imageCompressor';

const ADD_ICON = svg([AddSvg]);
const ATTACH_FILE_ICON = svg([AttachFileSvg]);
const DELETE_FOREVER_ICON = svg([DeleteForeverSvg]);
const CLEAR_ICON = svg([ClearSvg]);
const FILE_UPLOAD_GROUP_ICON = svg([FileUploadGroupSvg]);

const ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES = 'image/jpg, image/jpeg, application/pdf, image/png';
const NOT_IMAGE_FILE_TYPES = ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.split(', ').filter(
  type => type.indexOf('image') === -1

export const getBytesFromKilobyte = kilobyte => 1024 * kilobyte;

class AXAFileUpload extends LitElement {
  static get tagName() {
    return 'axa-file-upload';

  static get styles() {
    return css`
} from '@axa-ch/materials/icons';

// icon isolated from others, because it's a component specific icon
import { FileUploadGroupSvg } from './icons';

import defineOnce from '../../../utils/define-once';
import { applyDefaults } from '../../../utils/with-react';
import styles from './index.scss';
import compressImage from './utils/imageCompressor';

const ADD_ICON = svg([AddSvg]);
const ATTACH_FILE_ICON = svg([AttachFileSvg]);
const DELETE_FOREVER_ICON = svg([DeleteForeverSvg]);
const CLEAR_ICON = svg([ClearSvg]);
const FILE_UPLOAD_GROUP_ICON = svg([FileUploadGroupSvg]);

const ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES = 'image/jpg, image/jpeg, application/pdf, image/png';
const NOT_IMAGE_FILE_TYPES = ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.split(', ').filter(
  type => type.indexOf('image') === -1

export const getBytesFromKilobyte = kilobyte => 1024 * kilobyte;

class AXAFileUpload extends LitElement {
  static get tagName() {
    return 'axa-file-upload';

  static get styles() {
    return css`

import { classMap } from 'lit-html/directives/class-map';
import { html, property, query, customElement, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import settings from 'carbon-components/es/globals/js/settings';
import ifNonNull from '../../globals/directives/if-non-null';
import FocusMixin from '../../globals/mixins/focus';
import FormMixin from '../../globals/mixins/form';
import styles from './checkbox.scss';

const { prefix } = settings;

 * Check box.
class BXCheckbox extends FocusMixin(FormMixin(LitElement)) {
  protected _checkboxNode!: HTMLInputElement;

   * Handles `click` event on the `<input>` in the shadow DOM.
  protected _handleChange() {
    const { checked, indeterminate } = this._checkboxNode;
    this.checked = checked;
    this.indeterminate = indeterminate;

  _handleFormdata(event: Event) {
    const { formData } = event as any; // TODO: Wait for `FormDataEvent` being available in `lib.dom.d.ts`
    const { checked, disabled, name, value = 'on' } = this;
import { ItemSelectedEvent, NodeServiceData } from "./types";
import { navigate } from "../../../common/navigate";
import { UnsubscribeFunc, HassEvent } from "home-assistant-js-websocket";
import { formatAsPaddedHex } from "./functions";
import { computeStateName } from "../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";

declare global {
  // for fire event
  interface HASSDomEvents {
    "zha-device-removed": {
      device?: ZHADevice;

class ZHADeviceCard extends LitElement {
  @property() public hass!: HomeAssistant;
  @property() public device?: ZHADevice;
  @property({ type: Boolean }) public narrow?: boolean;
  @property({ type: Boolean }) public showHelp?: boolean = false;
  @property({ type: Boolean }) public showActions?: boolean;
  @property({ type: Boolean }) public isJoinPage?: boolean;
  @property() private _serviceData?: NodeServiceData;
  @property() private _areas: AreaRegistryEntry[] = [];
  @property() private _selectedAreaIndex: number = -1;
  @property() private _userGivenName?: string;
  private _unsubAreas?: UnsubscribeFunc;
  private _unsubEntities?: UnsubscribeFunc;

  public disconnectedCallback() {
} from "lit-element";
import "../ha-icon";
import { computeStateDomain } from "../../common/entity/compute_state_domain";
import { stateIcon } from "../../common/entity/state_icon";
import { HassEntity } from "home-assistant-js-websocket";
// Not duplicate, this is for typing.
// tslint:disable-next-line
import { HaIcon } from "../ha-icon";
import { HomeAssistant } from "../../types";

class StateBadge extends LitElement {
  public hass?: HomeAssistant;
  @property() public stateObj?: HassEntity;
  @property() public overrideIcon?: string;
  @property() public overrideImage?: string;
  @query("ha-icon") private _icon!: HaIcon;

  protected render(): TemplateResult | void {
    const stateObj = this.stateObj;

    if (!stateObj) {
      return html``;

    return html`
import {MDCTabAdapter} from '@material/tab/adapter';
import MDCTabFoundation from '@material/tab/foundation';
import {html, property, query} from 'lit-element';
import {classMap} from 'lit-html/directives/class-map';

import {style} from './mwc-tab-css';

// used for generating unique id for each tab
let tabIdCounter = 0;

export class TabBase extends BaseElement {
  protected mdcFoundation!: MDCTabFoundation;

  protected readonly mdcFoundationClass = MDCTabFoundation;

  @query('.mdc-tab') protected mdcRoot!: HTMLElement;

  @query('mwc-tab-indicator') protected tabIndicator!: TabIndicator;

  @property() label = '';

  @property() icon = '';

  @property({type: Boolean}) isFadingIndicator = false;

  @property({type: Boolean}) minWidth = false;

  @property({type: Boolean}) isMinWidthIndicator = false;

  @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true, attribute: 'active'})
  get active(): boolean {
    return this._active;
import { DOCS_URL } from "../../constants";
import "../../elements/footer/footer-element";
import { getMainScrollContainer } from "../../main-scroll-target";
import { sharedStyles } from "../../style/shared";

import styles from "./elements-page.scss";
import { COMPONENTS_ROUTES, IRouteData } from "./elements-routes";

export default class ElementsPage extends LitElement {

	static styles = [sharedStyles, cssResult(styles)];
	private currentRoute?: IRoute;

	@query("#router") protected $routerContainer: HTMLDivElement;
	@query("#router-slot") protected $routerSlot: RouterSlot;
	@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true, attribute: "popover-visible"}) isPopoverVisible = false;

	firstUpdated (props: PropertyValues) {


		this.$routerSlot.addEventListener(RouterSlotEventKind.ChangeState, (e: ChangeStateEvent) =&gt; {
			this.currentRoute = this.$routerSlot.match!.route;
			getMainScrollContainer().scrollTo({top: 0, left: 0});

			// Register that the parent has finished routing
			if (!this.hasAttribute("routed")) {
				this.setAttribute("routed", "");
duration?: number;
  dismissable?: boolean;

export interface ToastActionParams {
  action: () => void;
  text: string;

class NotificationManager extends LitElement {
  @property() public hass!: HomeAssistant;

  @property() private _action?: ToastActionParams;
  @property() private _noCancelOnOutsideClick: boolean = false;

  @query("ha-toast") private _toast!: HaToast;

  public async showDialog({
  }: ShowToastParams) {
    let toast = this._toast;
    // Can happen on initial load
    if (!toast) {
      await this.updateComplete;
      toast = this._toast;
    toast.setAttribute("dir", computeRTL(this.hass) ? "rtl" : "ltr");
    this._action = action || undefined;
    this._noCancelOnOutsideClick =
// TODO fix that stuff
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import '@axa-ch/icon';
import { LitElement, html, css, unsafeCSS } from 'lit-element';
import { classMap } from 'lit-html/directives/class-map';
import linkCSS from './index.scss';
import defineOnce from '../../../utils/define-once';
import { applyDefaults } from '../../../utils/with-react';

class AXALink extends LitElement {
  static tagName = 'axa-link';
  static styles = css`

  static get properties() {
    return {
      href: { type: String },
      variant: { type: String },
      icon: { type: String },
      external: { type: Boolean },
      onClick: { type: Function },

  constructor() {
// tslint:enable:max-line-length

  @property({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  public firstDayOfWeek: number = 0;

  @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true })
  public showWeekNumber: boolean = false;

  @property({ type: String, reflect: true })
  public weekNumberType: WeekNumberType = 'first-4-day-week';

  @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true })
  public landscape: boolean = false;

  @property({ type: String, reflect: true })
  public get startView() {
    return this._startView!;
  public set startView(val: StartView) {
     * NOTE: Defaults to `START_VIEW.CALENDAR` when `val` is falsy.
    const defaultVal: StartView = !val ? 'calendar' : val;

     * NOTE: No-op when `val` is not falsy and not valid accepted values.
    if (defaultVal !== 'calendar' && defaultVal !== 'yearList') return;

    const oldVal = this._startView;

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