Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-native-router-flux' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
.then(() => {
this.deleting = true;
let state = this.props.store.getState();
let actions = [];
if (state.app.activeSphere === this.props.sphereId)
actions.push({type:'REMOVE_SPHERE', sphereId: this.props.sphereId});
// stop tracking sphere.
export default function routesReducer(state = initialState, action = {}) {
switch (action.type) {
// focus action is dispatched when a new screen comes into focus
case ActionConst.FOCUS:
return {
scene: action.scene,
// ...other actions
return state;
edgeSignedTransaction.metadata = edgeMetadata
edgeSignedTransaction.wallet = wallet
playSendSound().catch(error => console.log(error)) // Fail quietly
Alert.alert(s.strings.transaction_success, s.strings.transaction_success_message, [
onPress () {},
style: 'default',
text: s.strings.string_ok
if (guiMakeSpendInfo.onDone) {
guiMakeSpendInfo.onDone(null, edgeSignedTransaction)
} else {
Actions.replace(TRANSACTION_DETAILS, { edgeTransaction: edgeSignedTransaction })
} catch (e) {
let message = sprintf(s.strings.transaction_failure_message, e.message)
if (e.name === 'ErrorEosInsufficientCpu') {
message = s.strings.send_confirmation_eos_error_cpu
} else if (e.name === 'ErrorEosInsufficientNet') {
message = s.strings.send_confirmation_eos_error_net
} else if (e.name === 'ErrorEosInsufficientRam') {
message = s.strings.send_confirmation_eos_error_ram
dispatch(updateTransaction(edgeSignedTransaction, null, true, new Error('broadcastError')))
Alert.alert(s.strings.transaction_failure, message, [
const reducerCreate = params => {
const defaultReducer = new Reducer(params);
return (state, action) => {
// console.log('ACTION:',action,Actions.currentScene)
// console.log('Actions:', Actions);
return defaultReducer(state, action);
this._service.onLogin((/* err, */ /* res */) => {
// console.log('onLogink', err, res, this._service.service.loggedInUser);
if (this._mounted && this._service.service.loggedInUser) {
if (this._service.service.loggedInUser.username) {
Actions.app({ type: 'reset' });
this._mounted = true;
}, () => {
// console.log('RegCB 01', lerr, lres);
if (this._net.service.loggedInUser && this._net.service.loggedInUser.username) {
Actions.app({ type: 'reset' });
} else {
this.setState({ setUsername: true, alert: { success: '' } });
this._net.service.getUsernameSuggestion((Uerr, Ures) => {
if (Uerr) {
this.setState({ alert: { error: 'Error fetching username!' } });
} else if (Ures) {
this.setState({ inputUsername: Ures });
onActionSelected(position) {
if (position === 0) { // index of 'Add'
} else if (position === 1) { // index of 'Done'
function* deleteBasketWatcher() {
while (true) {
// Wait until we get a delete request
const { payload: id } = yield take([BASKET_DELETE_REQUEST])
try {
// Fetch and return it
yield deleteBasket(id)
yield put({type: BASKET_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: id})
// And leave the scene of action
} catch(e) {/* Errors are handled via Redux reducers */}
componentDidMount() {
const { realm } = this.props;
// Register an action to create a project
rightTitle: " Create",
onRight: () => {
// Get a result containing all projects
const projects = realm
.filtered("owner == $0", this.props.user.identity)
.sorted("timestamp", true);
// When the list of projects change, React won't know about it because the Result object itself did not change.
projects.addListener(() => {
// Bump a data version counter that we'll pass to components that should update when the projects change.
this.setState({ dataVersion: this.state.dataVersion + 1 });
checkFirebaseAuth(accessTokenData).then((user) => {
if (user){
Actions.home({type: ActionConst.RESET})
}else{ // user needs to login to get a Facebook auth token
Actions.login({type: ActionConst.RESET})