Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'slug' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let doc = this.company.cnpj || this.company.cpf;
this.buffer.setString(0, '1');
// CPF/CNPJ. de 2 a 15. 14.
this.buffer.setString(1, doc.replace(NON_NUMERIC, '').substring(0, 14));
// T:CPF/CNPJ. de 16 a 16. 1.
this.buffer.setString(15, this.company.cnpj ? '1' : '2');
// Nome do Cedente. de 17 a 56. 40.
this.buffer.setString(16, slug((this.company.nome || this.company.responsavel)).replace(NON_WORD, ' ').substring(0, 40));
// Endereco. de 57 a 96. 40.
let endereco = [
].join(' ');
this.buffer.setString(56, slug(endereco).substring(0, 40));
// Cidade. de 97 a 114. 18.
this.buffer.setString(96, slug(this.company.endereco[5]).substring(0, 18));
// Estado. de 115 a 116. 2.
this.buffer.setString(114, slug(this.company.endereco[6]).substring(0, 2));
// CEP. de 117 a 124. 8.
this.buffer.setString(116, this.company.endereco[4].replace(NON_NUMERIC, '').substring(0, 8));
// Data de operação. de 180 a 185. 6.
this.buffer.setString(179, moment().format('DDMMYY'));
// Fator da operação. de 186 a 192. 7.
this.buffer.setString(185, sprintf('%07d', 0));
// Tx efetiva min. de 193 a 199. 7.
this.buffer.setString(192, sprintf('%07d', 0));
// Tx serviço. de 200 a 206. 7.
this.buffer.setString(199, sprintf('%07d', 0));
// Tx ISS. de 207 a 213. 7.
this.buffer.setString(206, sprintf('%07d', 0));
export function analyzeRowResults (fieldsHash) {
let fieldsArray = []
for (let key in fieldsHash) {
const field = fieldsHash[key]
// Determine which field type wins
field.type = determineWinner(field.typesFound)
field.machineName = slug(key, {
replacement: '_',
lower: true
field.sourceName = key
// If any null values encountered, set field nullable
if (field.typesFound['null']) {
field.nullable = true
return fieldsArray
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: /[.]/g, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots-no-lower'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: false, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.mode = 'rfc3986-non-unicode';
function createSlug(textToSlugify, filenameMode = false, saveLowerChars = false) {
textToSlugify = transliterate(textToSlugify);
if(!filenameMode) {
if(saveLowerChars) {
slug.defaults.mode = 'rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots-no-lower';
req.on("response", res => {
// Don't set up the pipe to the write stream unless the status is ok.
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
slug.defaults.mode = "rfc3986";
const secureFilename = `${new Date().getTime()}/${slug(objectName)}`;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
const writeStream = bucket.file(secureFilename)
// Tweak the config options as desired.
gzip: false,
public: true,
resumable: true,
metadata: {
contentType: res.headers["content-type"],
.on("finish", () => {
const bucketName = config.google.storage.bucket;
import jDataView from 'jdataview';
import { sprintf } from 'sprintf';
import { CMC7Parser } from './cmc7-parser';
import async from 'async';
import { CPF } from 'cpf_cnpj';
import { CNPJ } from 'cpf_cnpj';
import slug from 'slug';
slug.defaults.modes.pretty = {
replacement: ' ', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: false, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.mode ='pretty';
const NON_NUMERIC = /[\D]/g;
const NON_WORD = /[\W]/g;
const ROW_SIZE = 502;
const BAN_VERSION = '02.7';
const MAX_THREADS = 2;
const CRLF = '\r\n';
import Sequelize, { type Transaction } from 'sequelize';
import removeMarkdown from '@tommoor/remove-markdown';
import isUUID from 'validator/lib/isUUID';
import { Collection, User } from '../models';
import { DataTypes, sequelize } from '../sequelize';
import parseTitle from '../../shared/utils/parseTitle';
import unescape from '../../shared/utils/unescape';
import Revision from './Revision';
const Op = Sequelize.Op;
const Markdown = new MarkdownSerializer();
const URL_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*-([a-zA-Z0-9]{10,15})$/;
const DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Untitled';
slug.defaults.mode = 'rfc3986';
const slugify = text =>
slug(text, {
remove: /[.]/g,
const createRevision = (doc, options = {}) => {
// we don't create revisions for autosaves
if (options.autosave) return;
// we don't create revisions if identical to previous
if (doc.text === doc.previous('text')) return;
return Revision.create(
title: doc.title,
text: doc.text,
* Custom mode of rfc3986 without unicode symbols
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: /[.]/g, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots-no-lower'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: false, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.mode = 'rfc3986-non-unicode'
* Slugify 文本
* @param textToSlugify 待 slugify 的文本
regionCode?: string;
slug: string;
* Helper class for retrieving locations by id or name
export namespace LocationHelper {
const locationById: Map = new Map();
const locationBySlug: Map = new Map();
const slugOptions: {} = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: true, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: /[.]/g, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
// Add icon urls for all locations
const cdnUrl: string = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weeco/clash-royale-assets/master/images';
// Load location object array into Map
countriesJson.forEach((location: IApiLocation) => {
const locationDetailed: ILocationDetails = {
iconUrls: {
large: `${cdnUrl}/clash-royale/locations/${location.countryCode}.png`
slug: slug(location.name, slugOptions)
locationById.set(location.id, locationDetailed);
slug: string;
* Helper class for retrieving locations by id or name
export namespace LocationHelper {
const locationById: Map = new Map();
const locationBySlug: Map = new Map();
const slugOptions: {} = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: true, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: /[.]/g, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
// Add icon urls for all locations
const cdnUrl: string = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weeco/clash-royale-assets/master/images';
// Load location object array into Map
countriesJson.forEach((location: IApiLocation) => {
const locationDetailed: ILocationDetails = {
iconUrls: {
large: `${cdnUrl}/clash-royale/locations/${location.countryCode}.png`
slug: slug(location.name, slugOptions)
locationById.set(location.id, locationDetailed);
locationBySlug.set(locationDetailed.slug, locationDetailed);
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: /[.]/g, // (optional) regex to remove characters
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: true, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986-non-unicode-with-dots-no-lower'] = {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
symbols: false, // replace unicode symbols or not
lower: false, // result in lower case
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap, // replace multi-characters
slug.defaults.mode = 'rfc3986-non-unicode'
* Slugify 文本
* @param textToSlugify 待 slugify 的文本
* @param filenameMode