Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'parse-numeric-range' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function parseLines(str, idx) {
let ret = '';
while (idx < str.length && /[0-9\-.,]/.test(str[idx])) {
ret += str[idx];
if (str[idx - 1] === ',') { // Put back trailing commas
ret = ret.slice(0, -1);
const range = rangeParser.parse(ret);
if (range === undefined || range.length == 0) {
return { result: range, index: idx, error: `Could not parse ${ret}` };
if (_.every(range, num => num > 0)) {
return { result: range, index: idx };
return { result: range, index: idx, error: 'Negative line index' };
// styles seen using this current approach but that's probably ok. Fixing
// the flash will require changing the theming approach and is not worth it
// at this point.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const button = useRef(null);
let highlightLines = [];
let codeBlockTitle = '';
const prismTheme = usePrismTheme();
if (metastring && highlightLinesRangeRegex.test(metastring)) {
const highlightLinesRange = metastring.match(highlightLinesRangeRegex)[1];
highlightLines = rangeParser
.filter((n) => n > 0);
if (metastring && codeBlockTitleRegex.test(metastring)) {
codeBlockTitle = metastring
.replace(/"+/g, '');
let language =
languageClassName && languageClassName.replace(/language-/, '');
if (!language && prism.defaultLanguage) {
language = prism.defaultLanguage;
files: this.files.map(file => ({
path: path.join(this.path, file.path),
length: file.length,
offset: file.offset
length: this.length,
name: this.infoHash
this.files = this.files.map(file => new File(this, file))
// Select only specified files (BEP53) http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0053.html
if (this.so) {
const selectOnlyFiles = parseRange.parse(this.so)
this.files.forEach((v, i) => {
if (selectOnlyFiles.includes(i)) this.files[i].select(true)
} else {
// start off selecting the entire torrent with low priority
if (this.pieces.length !== 0) {
this.select(0, this.pieces.length - 1, false)
this._hashes = this.pieces
this.pieces = this.pieces.map((hash, i) => {
const pieceLength = (i === this.pieces.length - 1)
? this.lastPieceLength
case "highlight-end":
range += `${blockStart}-${lineNumber - 1},`;
lines.splice(index, 1);
} else {
// lines without directives are unchanged
index += 1;
highlightLines = rangeParser.parse(range);
code = lines.join("\n");
const handleCopyCode = () => {
setTimeout(() => setShowCopied(false), 2000);
return (
case 'highlight-end':
range += `${blockStart}-${lineNumber - 1},`;
lines.splice(index, 1);
} else {
// lines without directives are unchanged
index += 1;
highlightLines = rangeParser.parse(range);
code = lines.join('\n');
const handleCopyCode = () => {
setTimeout(() => setShowCopied(false), 2000);
return (
function getHighlightLines(code) {
const res = code.match(/highlight\{(.+?)\}/);
return res ? rangeParser.parse(res[1]) : [];
}, []);
const target = useRef(null);
const button = useRef(null);
let highlightLines = [];
let codeBlockTitle = '';
const {isDarkTheme} = useThemeContext();
const lightModeTheme = prism.theme || defaultTheme;
const darkModeTheme = prism.darkTheme || lightModeTheme;
const prismTheme = isDarkTheme ? darkModeTheme : lightModeTheme;
if (metastring && highlightLinesRangeRegex.test(metastring)) {
const highlightLinesRange = metastring.match(highlightLinesRangeRegex)[1];
highlightLines = rangeParser.parse(highlightLinesRange).filter(n => n > 0);
if (metastring && codeBlockTitleRegex.test(metastring)) {
codeBlockTitle = metastring
.replace(/"+/g, '');
useEffect(() => {
let clipboard;
if (button.current) {
clipboard = new Clipboard(button.current, {
target: () => target.current,
export default ({children, className: languageClassName, metastring}) => {
const {
siteConfig: {
themeConfig: {prism = {}},
} = useDocusaurusContext();
const [showCopied, setShowCopied] = useState(false);
const target = useRef(null);
const button = useRef(null);
let highlightLines = [];
if (metastring && highlightLinesRangeRegex.test(metastring)) {
const highlightLinesRange = metastring.match(highlightLinesRangeRegex)[1];
highlightLines = rangeParser.parse(highlightLinesRange).filter(n => n > 0);
useEffect(() => {
let clipboard;
if (button.current) {
clipboard = new Clipboard(button.current, {
target: () => target.current,
return () => {
if (clipboard) {
options.forEach(option => {
option = option.slice(0, -1);
if (rangeParser.parse(option).length > 0) {
highlightLines = rangeParser.parse(option).filter(n => n > 0);