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Top 10 Examples of "node-hue-api in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-hue-api' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* eslint new-cap: ["error", { "newIsCap": false }] */
const hue = require('node-hue-api').v3

const hex2rgb = require('../lib/hex2rgb')
const db = require('../lib/db')

if (process.argv.length !== 3) {
  console.warn('This script must be run as `node brightChecker.js ID`, where ID is the number Hue has for light')

db.event.on('loaded', function () {
  const bridgeInfo = db.settings.findOne({ type: 'hue' })

  if (!bridgeInfo) {
    console.warn('Did you forget to run Hue settings setup?')
by Tom Igoe

	Based on the examples in the node-hue-api readme:

	to call this from the commandline:
	node fadeLight.js address username portname

	(username must be a previously registered user)

var hue = require("node-hue-api"),	// include the node-hue-api library
	HueApi = hue.HueApi,							// make a local instance of HueApi
	hub, 															// will hold the hub info when you instantiate it
	lightState = hue.lightState;

var serialport = require("serialport"),	// include the serialport library
	SerialPort  = serialport.SerialPort;	// make a local instance of it

var address = process.argv[2],			// hub IP address from command line
	username = process.argv[3],				// your app's username from the command line
	portName = process.argv[4];				// serial port from the command line

// print a JSON object nicely:
var displayResult = function(result) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

// set a light's state using parameters given:
var displayBridges = function(bridge) {
    console.log("Hue Bridges Found: " + JSON.stringify(bridge));
var displayResult = function(result) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

fs.readFile('./username.tmp', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;

fs.writeFile('./username.tmp', 'blah123');

var state = hue.lightState.create().off()
console.log('state', state)

api.setLightState(15, state)
// Using a promise

// Using a promise
api.registerUser(hostname, null, 'dshjdksaskhjd')
var displayBridge = function(bridge) {
  console.log('Bridge "' + + '"');
  console.log("\tTime: " + bridge.localtime);
  console.log("\tAPI version: " + bridge.apiversion);
// api.config().then(displayBridge).done();

var displayBridges = function(bridge) {
    console.log("Hue Bridges Found: " + JSON.stringify(bridge));


// // var redX = 0.6417, redY = 0.304;
// // var blueX = 0.168, blueY = 0.041;
// // // var state = lightState.create().on().xy(redX, redY);
// // var state = lightState.create().on().effect('none');

// // api.setLightState(lightID, state).
// //     then(displayLightState).fail(displayError).done();
module.exports = function PhilipsHueService(gladys, serviceId) {
  // require the node-hue-api module
  // @ts-ignore
  const hueClient = require('node-hue-api').v3;
  const philipsHueLightHandler = new PhilipsHueLightHandler(gladys, hueClient, serviceId);

   * @public
   * @description This function starts the PhilipsHueService service
   * @example
  async function start() {
    logger.log('starting Philips Hue service');

   * @public
   * @description This function stops the PhilipsHueService service
var request = require('request'),
    HueApi = require('node-hue-api').HueApi,
    LightState = require('node-hue-api').lightState;

// Get the weather data from at 7:15am
job('get weather', function(done) {
    var url = '' + this.config.tokens.forecastio + '/' + + ',' +;

    request({ url: url, json:true}, function(err, data) {
            color: {
                red: 0,
                green: 0,
                blue: 0
            forecast: data.body
}).at('15 7 * * *'); //.defer();
* Examples:
 *   /light/all/state        on
 *   /light/1/state          off
 *   /light/3/brightness     100
 *   /light/all/brightness   50
var mqtt     = require('mqtt');
var hue      = require('node-hue-api');
var config   = require('./config');

var mqttUri     = 'mqtt://' + config.mqtt.hostname + ':' + config.mqtt.port;
var mqttOptions = {username: config.mqtt.username, password: config.mqtt.password};
var client      = mqtt.connect(mqttUri, mqttOptions);
var api         = new hue.HueApi(config.hue.hostname, config.hue.username);
var state       = hue.lightState.create();

// topic is /light//
var topicRegex = config.mqtt.namespace + "/(.*)/(.*)";

var lights = [];
api.lights().then(function(result) {
    lights = result.lights;

    client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
        var topicParts = topic.match(topicRegex);
        if(topicParts == null) {
            // These are not the topics you are looking for
        var identifier = topicParts[1];
        var property   = topicParts[2];
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
    hue.nupnpSearch((err, result) => {
      if (err) {
        log.error('An error occurred fetching bridges from Hue: %s', err)
        return rej(err);

      // Get the first bridge
      const bridge = result.length ? result[0] : {}
      if (! {
        log.error('No bridges found!');
        return rej('No bridges found');
      }'Found bridge: %s (IP: %s)',, bridge.ipaddress)

// Using a promise
api.registerUser(hostname, null, 'dshjdksaskhjd')

// --------------------------
// Using a promise

api.config(function(err, config) {

server.get('/bridges/discover', async (req, res) => {
  const timeout = 2000; // 2 seconds
  hue.nupnpSearch(timeout).then((bridges) => {
  }).fail((err) => {

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