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Top 10 Examples of "temp in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'temp' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

test('mergeFiles', function (t) {
    t.plan(isWindows ? 1 : 2);

    var releasefile = temp.openSync();
    fs.writeFileSync(releasefile.path, 'A');

    var zipFile = temp.openSync();
    fs.writeFileSync(zipFile.path, 'B');

    utils.mergeFiles(releasefile.path, zipFile.path, '0755').then(function() {
        var contents = fs.readFileSync(releasefile.path);
        var stats    = fs.lstatSync(releasefile.path);
        t.equal(contents.toString(), 'AB', 'merge two files');

        if(!isWindows) {
            t.equal(stats.mode.toString(8), '100755', 'fix the permission'); // DOES NOT WORK ON WINDOWS

function checkCode(code) {
    var instCode = esnstrument.instrumentCodeDeprecated(code, {wrapProgram: false, dirIIDFile: temp.dir}).code;
//    console.log(instCode);
	var ast = acorn.parse(instCode);
	// NOTE: this is not a robust way to do a deep copy of ASTs,
	// just good enough for unit tests

//    console.log("init:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
	var astCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ast));
	var table = astUtil.serialize(ast);
	// assert.deepEqual(ast,astCopy); would fail here
//    console.log("serialized:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
//    console.log("deserialized:\n" + JSON.stringify(ast,undefined,2));
export async function cloneRepository(repoName = 'three-files') {
  if (!cachedClonedRepos[repoName]) {
    const cachedPath = temp.mkdirSync('git-fixture-cache-');
    const git = new GitShellOutStrategy(cachedPath);
    await git.clone(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', `repo-${repoName}`, 'dot-git'), {noLocal: true});
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'core.autocrlf', 'false']);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'commit.gpgsign', 'false']);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', '',]);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', '',]);
    await git.exec(['config', '--local', 'push.default', 'simple']);
    await git.exec(['checkout', '--', '.']); // discard \r in working directory
    cachedClonedRepos[repoName] = cachedPath;
  return copyCachedRepo(repoName);
exports.configurate = function () {
  if (!lconfig) {
    // override from the system temporary directory because of the locker's insane insistence on relative paths.
    temp.dir = '.';

    process.env.NODE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'Common', 'node');

    process.env.LOCKER_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..');
    process.env.LOCKER_CONFIG = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'resources');
    process.env.LOCKER_ME = temp.path({prefix : 'Me.',
                                       suffix : '.test'});

    lconfig = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'Common', 'node', 'lconfig.js'));
    lconfig.load(path.join(process.env.LOCKER_CONFIG, 'config.json'));

  return lconfig;
it('relativizes against both the linked path and the real path', () => {
        // Creating symbol link on Windows requires administrator permission so
        // we just skip this test.
        if (process.platform === 'win32') { return }

        const repoDirectory = fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync('node-git-repo-'))
        const linkDirectory = path.join(fs.realpathSync(temp.mkdirSync('node-git-repo-')), 'link')
        wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/master.git'), path.join(repoDirectory, '.git'))
        fs.symlinkSync(repoDirectory, linkDirectory)

        repo =
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(repoDirectory, 'test1'))).toBe('test1')
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(linkDirectory, 'test2'))).toBe('test2')
        expect(repo.relativize(path.join(linkDirectory, 'test2/test3'))).toBe('test2/test3')
res.sendSafely(_.bind(function(cb) {
                var urlPath = req.params[0].split('/');
                if (urlPath.length > 1 && urlPath[0] == imagesDirName) {
                    var imageFileName = urlPath[1];
                    // var imageSize = urlPath[2];
                    // var imagePath = path.join(blog.contentPaths[0].path, imagesDirName,
                                                // imageFileName);
                    var imageSize = null;//urlPath[2];
                    var imagePath = path.join(blog.contentPaths[0].path, imagesDirName,
                    if (!imageSize) {
                        cb(0, {path: imagePath});
                    } else {
                        var temp = require('temp');
                        var tempPath = temp.path({suffix: path.extname(imagePath)});
                        var options = {
                            srcPath: imagePath,
                            dstPath: tempPath

                        var m = /^\s*(\d*)x(\d*)\s*$/.exec(imageSize);
                        if (m) {
                            if (m[1]) {
                                options.width = parseInt(m[1]);
                            if (m[2]) {
                                options.height = parseInt(m[2]);
                        if (options.width && options.height) {
function copyConfig(callback) {{}, function(err, tempfile) {
    if (err) throw err;

    var config = {
      // Our keys for signing certificates
      gnomn_public_key: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../sekret/key.publickey'))),
      gnomn_private_key: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../sekret/key.secretkey'))),

      // Yubico client api keys
      yubico_client_id: getenv('YUBICO_CLIENT_ID'),
      yubico_secret_key: getenv('YUBICO_SECRET_KEY')

    fs.writeFileSync(tempfile.path, JSON.stringify(config), 'utf8');
    var dest = 'app@'+getenv('AWS_IP_ADDRESS')+':'+CONFIG_FILE

    console.log("Copying config");
beforeEach(async () => {
    jasmine.unspy(global, 'setTimeout');


    directory = atom.project.getDirectories()[1];
    fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'js'), atom.project.getPaths()[1]);

    activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('symbols-view-plus');

    // NOTE: to be compatible with atom/symbols-view
      'Modal Panel (like atom/symbols-view)'
beforeEach(() => {
    env = Object.assign({}, process.env)
    if (isTruthy(env.GOROOT)) {
      delete env.GOROOT
    environmentFn = () => {
      return env
    readyFn = () => { return true }
    platform = process.platform
    if (process.arch === 'arm') {
      arch = 'arm'
    } else if (process.arch === 'ia32') {
      // Ugh, Atom is 32-bit on Windows... for now.
      if (platform === 'win32') {
        arch = 'amd64'
      } else {
async function writeHtmlToTempFile(html?: string): Promise {
  if (!html) {

  try {
    const tempFile = temp.path({ prefix: 'sme-result-', suffix: '.html' });
    fs.writeFileSync(tempFile, html);

    const childProcess = await open(tempFile);

    if (childProcess.stderr) {
      // Catch error output from child process
      childProcess.stderr.once('data', (error: Buffer) => {
        logError({ code: 'CannotOpenTempFile', tempFile, error });
  } catch (error) {
    throw new AppError({ code: 'CannotCreateTempFile' }, error);

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