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Top 10 Examples of "node-getopt in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-getopt' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var chai = global.chai = require('chai')
var rewire = global.rewire = require('rewire')
var graphql = global.graphql = require('graphql')
var private = global.private = rewire('../index')
var factory = global.factory = require('../index')(graphql)
var expect = global.expect = chai.expect
var utils = require('./utils')

global.logger = {
  error: function (log) {

var opt = require('node-getopt').create([
  ['t', 'test=ARG', 'tests to run using comma separated']

// include tests
var unitTests = require('./unit')

// get tests to run
var tests = (opt.options.test || 'all').split(',')

// run appropriate tests
if (utils.hasTest(tests, /^unit/)) unitTests(tests)
#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    Getopt = require('node-getopt'),
    sp = require('./softplus'),
    getParams = require('./getparams')

var getopt = Getopt.create([
  ['p' , 'params=FILE'      , 'specify parameters as JSON file'],
  ['x' , 'inprof=FILE'      , 'specify input profile as CSV file'],
  ['y' , 'outprof=FILE'     , 'specify output profile as CSV file'],
  ['i' , 'inseq=STRING'     , 'specify input sequence as string'],
  ['o' , 'outseq=STRING'    , 'specify output sequence as string'],
  ['h' , 'help'             , 'display this help message']
])              // create Getopt instance
.bindHelp()     // bind option 'help' to default action
var opt = getopt.parseSystem() // parse command line

var input, output, params

function readCSV (filename) {
  var rows = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString().split('\n').filter (function (line) { return line.length }).map (function (line) { return line.split(',') })
  return { header: rows[0], row: rows.slice(1).map (function (row) { return (parseFloat) }) }
"use strict";

let mongo = require('mongodb').MongoClient,
    random = require('randomstring'),
    faker = require('faker'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    optionParser = require('node-getopt').create([
        ['c', 'customize=[ARG]', 'file to customize the data generation process'],
        ['m', 'mongourl=[ARG]', 'Mongo DB url'],
        ['h', 'help', 'Display this help']

let arg = optionParser.bindHelp().parseSystem();

// check preconditions
// we need a mongo url, first check environment variables, then
// parameters and if neither provides a url, exit with an error

let mongoUrl = arg.options.mongourl || process.env.MONGO_URL;

if (!mongoUrl) {
    console.error('No mongo url found in env or given as parameter.');
(function () {
    "use strict";

    var modular = require("modular-amd"),
        optionsManager = require("node-getopt").create([
            ["g", "grep=
// Generated by LispyScript v1.0.0
var fs = require("fs"),
    path = require("path"),
    ls = require("./ls"),
    repl = require("./repl"),
    watch = require("watch"),
    isValidFlag = /-h\b|-r\b|-v\b|-b\b|-s\b/,
    error = function(err) {
        return process.exit(1);
var opt = ((((require('node-getopt')).create([['h', 'help', 'display this help'],
    ['v', 'version', 'show version'],
    ['r', 'run', 'run .ls files directly'],
    ['w', 'watch', 'watch and compile changed files beneath current directory'],
    ['b', 'browser-bundle', 'create browser-bundle.js in the same directory'],
    ['m', 'map', 'generate source map files'],
    ['i', 'include-dir=ARG+', 'add directory to include search path']])).setHelp(("lispy [OPTION] [] []\n\n" + " will default to  with '.js' extension\n\n" + "Also compile stdin to stdout\n" + "eg. $ echo '(console.log \"hello\")' | lispy\n\n" + "[[OPTIONS]]\n\n"))).bindHelp()).parseSystem();
(function(___monad) {
    var mBind = ___monad.mBind,
        mResult = ___monad.mResult,
        mZero = ___monad.mZero,
        mPlus = ___monad.mPlus;
    var ____mResult = function(___arg) {
        return (((typeof(___arg) === "undefined") && (!(typeof(mZero) === "undefined"))) ?
            mZero :
#!/usr/bin/env node

var getopt = require('node-getopt')
var negbin = require('./negbin')
var fast5 = require('./fast5')

var defaultStrand = 0
var defaultKmerLen = 6
var defaultComponents = 1

var minFracInc = 1e-5  // minimum fractional increment for EM negative binomial fit
var minExtendProb = 1e-10

var parser = getopt.create([
  ['f' , 'fast5=PATH'      , 'FAST5 input file'],
  ['s' , 'strand=N'        , 'strand (0, 1, 2; default ' + defaultStrand + ')'],
  ['g' , 'group=GROUP'     , 'group name (000, RN_001, ...)'],
  ['k' , 'kmerlen=N'       , 'kmer length (default ' + defaultKmerLen + ')'],
  ['c' , 'components=N'    , 'negative binomial mixture components (default ' + defaultComponents + ')'],
  ['a' , 'aggregate'       , 'give all kmers the same length distribution'],
  ['h' , 'help'            , 'display this help message']
])              // create Getopt instance
.bindHelp()     // bind option 'help' to default action
var opt = parser.parseSystem(); // parse command line

function inputError(err) {
  console.warn (err, "\n")
#!/usr/bin/env node

var getopt = require('node-getopt')
var fasta = require('bionode-fasta')
var colors = require('colors')
var fast5 = require('./fast5')

var defaultStrand = 0
var matchScore = +5, mismatchScore = -4, gapScore = -7

var parser = getopt.create([
  ['q' , 'query=PATH'      , 'FASTA query file'],
  ['r' , 'reference=PATH'  , 'FAST5 reference file'],
  ['s' , 'strand=N'        , 'strand (0, 1, 2; default ' + defaultStrand + ')'],
  ['g' , 'group=GROUP'     , 'group name (000, RN_001, ...)'],
  ['h' , 'help'            , 'display this help message']
])              // create Getopt instance
.bindHelp()     // bind option 'help' to default action
var opt = parser.parseSystem(); // parse command line

function inputError(err) {
  console.warn (err, "\n")

var queryFilename = opt.options.query || inputError("Please specify a query file")
// the data model
const ItemSchema = {
    name: 'Item',
    primaryKey: 'itemId',
    properties: {
        'itemId': { type: 'string', optional: false },
        'body': { type: 'string', optional: false },
        'isDone': { type: 'bool', optional: false },
        'timestamp': { type: 'date', optional: false }

// parsing command-line options
let getopt = require('node-getopt').create([
    [ 'c', 'create=ARG', 'create a new item' ],
    [ 'l', 'list',       'list all items' ],
    [ 'm', 'mark=ARG',   'mark a item done' ],
    [ 'h', 'help',       'display this text'],
let opt = getopt.parse(process.argv.slice(2));

// open the Realm and perform operations
Realm.Sync.User.login(`https://${SERVER}`, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
    .then(user => {
        console.log(`${USERNAME} is logged in`);{
            sync: {
                url: `realms://${SERVER}/~/todo`,
                user: user
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const tl = require('azure-pipelines-task-lib/task');
const util = require('./util');

const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");

const OWNER = 'microsoft';
const REPO  = 'azure-pipelines-agent';
const GIT = 'git';
const VALID_RELEASE_RE = /^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/;
const octokit = new Octokit({}); // only read-only operations, no need to auth

process.env.EDITOR = process.env.EDITOR === undefined ? 'code --wait' : process.env.EDITOR;

var opt = require('node-getopt').create([
    ['',  'dryrun',               'Dry run only, do not actually commit new release'],
    ['',  'derivedFrom=version',  'Used to get PRs merged since this release was created', 'latest'],
    ['',  'branch=branch',        'Branch to select PRs merged into', 'master'],
    ['h', 'help',                 'Display this help'],
    'Usage: node createReleaseBranch.js [OPTION] \n' +
    '\n' +
  .bindHelp()     // bind option 'help' to default action
  .parseSystem(); // parse command line

async function verifyNewReleaseTagOk(newRelease)
    if (!newRelease || !newRelease.match(VALID_RELEASE_RE) || newRelease.endsWith('.999.999'))
#!/usr/bin/env node
// emacs mode -*-JavaScript-*-

// An automata that echoes all DNA sequences except those matching a pattern.

var fs = require('fs'),
    getopt = require('node-getopt')

// parse command-line options
var opt = getopt.create([
  ['m' , 'motif=SEQ'        , 'specify motif [ACGTN]+'],
  ['f' , 'forward'          , 'do not check reverse strand'],
  ['r' , 'repeats'          , 'allow homopolymer repeats'],
  ['h' , 'help'             , 'display this help message']
])              // create Getopt instance
    .bindHelp()     // bind option 'help' to default action
    .parseSystem() // parse command line

var motif = opt.options.motif || 'Z', forward = opt.options.forward, repeats = opt.options.repeats
var motifSeq = motif.toUpperCase().split('')

// The state space is indexed (P,M[1],M[2]...M[motif.length-1])
// where
//  P is the previous nucleotide (or the empty string if in the initial state),
//  M[K] is a binary variable that is true iff the previously-emitted K symbols match the first K characters of the motif.
// We only need to keep 2^(motif.length-1) states because the last bit is never allowed to be 1.

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