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Top 10 Examples of "xregexp in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'xregexp' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

issueObj['refreshed'] = true;
  issueObj['points'] = null;
  issueObj['boardState'] = null;

  //The data version module is used to identify when the data model has changed and it is necessary to clear the cache.
  // For now only doing this for issues
  issueObj['data_version'] = Meteor.settings.public.data_version;

  if (issueObj.labels !== undefined) {
    //Get points from labels
    // Regex to test: SP:[.\d]
    //let pointsExp = RegExp('SP:[.\\d]');
    let pointsExp = XRegExp('SP:[.\\d]');
    //let pointsLabelExp = RegExp('loe:(?.+)');
    //let boardExp = RegExp('(?AB):(?[.\\d]):(?.+)');
    let boardExp = XRegExp('(?AB):(?[.\\d]):(?.+)');
    for (var currentLabel of issueObj.labels.edges) {
      if (pointsExp.test( {
        let points = parseInt('SP:', ''));
        issueObj['points'] = points;
      } else if (pointsExp.test(currentLabel.node.description)) {
        let points = parseInt(currentLabel.node.description.replace('SP:', ''));
        issueObj['points'] = points;
      } else if (
        Meteor.settings.public.labels.effort !== undefined &&
        Meteor.settings.public.labels.effort[] !==
          undefined &&
      ) {
        // Interesting edge case, if the label is actually named "constructor"
function getFont(text) {
  // Once unicode regex scripts are fully supported we should be able to get rid of the dependency
  // on xRegExp library.  See
  // for more information. We are matching Han characters which is one of the supported unicode scripts
  // (you can see the full list of supported scripts here:
  // This will match Chinese, Japanese, Korean and some other Asian languages.
  const isCKJ = xRegExp('\\p{Han}').test(text, 'g');
  if(isCKJ) {
    return 'noto-cjk';
  } else {
    return 'Roboto';
// String optimized for compatibility, ie. CO₂ becomes CO2.
var scientific = "CO\u2082 and E=mc\u00B2";
console.log("- Example 3 -");

// NOTE: Rest of the example requires XRegExp: npm install xregexp

// Remove combining characters / marks from Swedish name, ie. ö becomes o.
// This is useful for indexing and searching internationalized text.
try {
	var xregexp = require("xregexp").XRegExp;
	var name = "\u00C5ngstr\u00F6m";
	console.log("- Example 4 -");
	console.log(name.normalize("NFKD").replace(xregexp("\\p{M}", "g"), ""));
} catch (ex) {}
// Here split some special cases like: period (`terminal.integrated`),
        // digit (`good2know`), dash (`wp-admin`) etc. Other consequence should
        // be that these words are spelled both as split and as the whole.
        var rother = XRegExp('([^\ \.0-9\-\(\)‘’]+)');
        var rsep = /[\ \.0-9\-\(\)‘’]/;
        var parts = [];

        // We need a phantom split (e.g. for "2sth", "(sth)" case).
        if (rsep.test(word)) {
                word: '',
                offset: 0

        XRegExp.forEach(word, rother, (match, i) => {
                word: match[0],
                offset: match.index

        return parts;
SpellRight.prototype.splitSnakeCase = function (word) {

        // SnakeCase cases: HTML_Script, snake_Case, __test__.
        var rsnake = XRegExp('([^_]+)');
        var rsep = /_/;
        var parts = [];

        // We need a phantom split (e.g. for "_sth: case).
        if (rsep.test(word)) {
                word: '',
                offset: 0

        XRegExp.forEach(word, rsnake, (match, i) => {
                word: match[0],
                offset: match.index

        return parts;
function execRegex (text, pattern, start) {
  var results = null

  if (pattern.xregexp) {
    // a regex that xregexp can handle right out of the gate.
    results = xregexp.exec(text, pattern, start)
  } else if (/^\(\?[><][=!]?/.exec(pattern.original)) {
    // a leading lookbehind regex.
    results = xregexp.execLb(text, pattern.original, start)
  } else if (/\(\?[><][=!]?/.exec(pattern.original)) {
    // allow for an alternation chracter followed by
    // a lookbehind regex.
    var splitPattern = pattern.original.split(/\|(\(\?[><][=!][^|]*)/g)
    if (splitPattern.length > 1) results = alternationPrefixedLookbehinds(text, splitPattern, start)

  return results
} => {
              // determine if the segment is a die or not
              if (XRegExp.test(segment, dieRegex)) {
                // this is a die - parse it into an object and add to the list
              } else {
                // not a die (ie. number, operator)
                  segment = parseFloat(segment);

                // add to the list
')\\s*' +
        //   var foo = bar '=>' {}

    var functionRegexMatch = null;
    var methodRegexMatch = null;
    var geterSetterMethodRegexMatch = null;
    var arrowFunctionRegexMatch = null;

    // XXX: Note assignments
    var matches = (
        (functionRegexMatch = xregexp.exec(line, functionRegex)) ||
            (methodRegexMatch = xregexp.exec(line, methodRegex)) ||
            (geterSetterMethodRegexMatch = xregexp.exec(line, geterSetterMethodRegex)) ||
            (arrowFunctionRegexMatch = xregexp.exec(line, arrowFunctionRegex))

    if(matches === null) {
        return null;
    // grab the name out of "name1 = function name2(foo)" preferring name1
    var name = matches.name1 || matches.name2 || '';
    var args = matches.args || matches.arg || null;

    // check for async method to set retval to promise
    var retval = null;
    if (matches.promise) {
        retval = 'Promise';
    } else if (matches.generator) {
        retval = 'Generator';
CoffeeParser.prototype.parse_var = function(line) {
    //   var foo = blah,
    //       foo = blah;
    // = blah;
    //   baz = {
    //        foo : blah
    //   }
    var regex = xregexp(
        '(?P' + this.settings.varIdentifier + ')\\s*[=:]\\s*(?P.*?)(?:[;,]|$)'
    var matches = xregexp.exec(line, regex);
    if(matches === null)
        return null;

    return [, matches.val.trim()];
for (var i = 0, pattern; (pattern = splitPattern[i]) !== undefined; i++) {
    if (/\(\?[><][=!]?/.exec(pattern)) {
      currentPattern = ''
    currentPattern += pattern

  // now apply each pattern.
  for (i = 0, pattern; (pattern = patterns[i]) !== undefined; i++) {
    try {
      if (/\(\?[><][=!]?/.exec(pattern)) {
        result = xregexp.execLb(text, pattern, start)
      } else {
        result = xregexp.exec(text, xregexp(pattern), start)
      if (result) return result
    } catch (e) {
      // we're officially in uncharted territory.
      return null

  return null

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