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Top 10 Examples of "reftools in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'reftools' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function inner(obj,key,state){
            if (obj[key] && isRef(obj[key],'$ref')) {
                let $ref = obj[key].$ref;
                if (!$ref.startsWith('#')) { // is external

                    let $extra = '';

                    if (!refs[$ref]) {
                        let potential = Object.keys(refs).find(function(e,i,a){
                            return $ref.startsWith(e+'/');
                        if (potential) {
                            if (options.verbose) console.warn('Found potential subschema at',potential);
                            $extra = '/'+($ref.split('#')[1]||'').replace(potential.split('#')[1]||'');
                            $extra = $extra.split('/undefined').join(''); // FIXME
                            $ref = potential;
    let resultStr = yaml.stringify(result);

    if (typeof result !== 'boolean') try {
        if (!options.yaml) {
            try {
                resultStr = yaml.stringify(result); // should be representable safely in yaml
                let resultStr2 = yaml.stringify(result); // FIXME dropped 'noRefs:true' here
                should(resultStr)'{}','Result should not be empty');
                should(resultStr).equal(resultStr2,'Result should have no object identity ref_s');
            catch (ex) {
                if (options.verbose>1) {
                    console.warn('Result dumped to debug.yaml fixed.yaml');
                    let fix = reref(result);
      ,true,'Result cannot be represented safely in YAML');

        validator.validate(result, options)
    catch (ex) {
        console.warn(common.colour.normal + options.file);
let context = clone(options.cache[target]);
        let data = options.externalRef = context;
        if (fragment) {
            data = jptr(data, fragment);
            if (data === false) {
                data = {}; // case:A(2) where the resolution fails
                if (options.fatal) {
                    let ex = new Error('Cached $ref resolution failed '+target+fragment);
                    if (options.promise) options.promise.reject(ex)
                    else throw(ex);
        data = resolveAllFragment(data, context, pointer, fragment, target, options);
        data = filterData(data, options);
        callback(clone(data), target, options);
        return Promise.resolve(data);

    if (options.verbose) console.warn('GET', target, fragment);

    if (options.handlers && options.handlers[effectiveProtocol]) {
        return options.handlers[effectiveProtocol](base, pointer, fragment, options)
            .then(function (data) {
                options.externalRef = data;
                data = filterData(data, options);
                options.cache[target] = data;
                callback(data, target, options);
                return data;
                if (options.verbose) console.warn(ex);

                    if (!refs[$ref]) {
                        refs[$ref] = { resolved: false, paths: [], extras:{}, description: obj[key].description };
                    if (refs[$ref].resolved) {
                        if (options.rewriteRefs) {
                            // we've already seen it
                            let newRef = refs[$ref].resolvedAt;
                            if (options.verbose>1) console.warn('Rewriting ref', $ref, newRef);
                            obj[key]['x-miro'] = $ref;
                            obj[key].$ref = newRef+$extra; // resolutionCase:C (new string)
                        else {
                            obj[key] = clone(refs[$ref].data); // resolutionCase:D (cloned:yes)
                    else {
                        refs[$ref].extras[state.path] = $extra;
function fixupRefs(obj, key, state) {
    let options = state.payload.options;
    if (isRef(obj,key)) {
        if (obj[key].startsWith('#/components/')) {
            // no-op
        else if (obj[key] === '#/consumes') {
            // people are *so* creative
            delete obj[key];
            state.parent[state.pkey] = clone(options.openapi.consumes);
        else if (obj[key] === '#/produces') {
            // and by creative, I mean devious
            delete obj[key];
            state.parent[state.pkey] = clone(options.openapi.produces);
        else if (obj[key].startsWith('#/definitions/')) {
            //only the first part of a schema component name must be sanitised
            let keys = obj[key].replace('#/definitions/', '').split('/');
            let newKey = componentNames.schemas[decodeURIComponent(keys[0])]; // lookup, resolves a $ref
            if (newKey) {
                keys[0] = newKey;
            else {
                throwOrWarn('Could not resolve reference '+obj[key],obj,options);
let target;
    if (effectiveProtocol === 'file:') {
        target = path.resolve(base ? base + '/' : '', pointer);
    else {
        target = url.resolve(base ? base + '/' : '', pointer);

    if (options.cache[target]) {
        if (options.verbose) console.warn('CACHED', target, fragment);
            resolutionSource:A this is where we have cached the externally-referenced document from a
            file, http or custom handler
        let context = clone(options.cache[target]);
        let data = options.externalRef = context;
        if (fragment) {
            data = jptr(data, fragment);
            if (data === false) {
                data = {}; // case:A(2) where the resolution fails
                if (options.fatal) {
                    let ex = new Error('Cached $ref resolution failed '+target+fragment);
                    if (options.promise) options.promise.reject(ex)
                    else throw(ex);
        data = resolveAllFragment(data, context, pointer, fragment, target, options);
        data = filterData(data, options);
        callback(clone(data), target, options);
        return Promise.resolve(data);
let newRef = url.resolve(base,obj[key]).toString();
                    if (options.verbose>1) console.warn(common.colour.yellow+'Rewriting external url ref',obj[key],'as',newRef,common.colour.normal);
                    obj['x-miro'] = obj[key];
                    obj[key] = newRef;
                else if (!obj['x-miro']) {
                    let newRef = url.resolve(base,obj[key]).toString();
                    if (options.verbose>1) console.warn(common.colour.yellow+'Rewriting external ref',obj[key],'as',newRef,common.colour.normal);
                    obj['x-miro'] = obj[key]; // we use x-miro as a flag so we don't do this > once
                    obj[key] = newRef;

        if (isRef(obj, key)) {
            if (typeof obj.$fixed !== 'undefined') delete obj.$fixed;

    if (options.verbose>1) console.warn('Finished fragment resolution');
    return obj;
options.allowFailure = false;

        if ((options.source.indexOf('!')>=0) && (options.source.indexOf('swagger.')>=0)) {
            expectFailure = true;
            options.expectFailure = true;
            options.allowFailure = true;
        if ((options.source.indexOf('!')>=0) && (options.source.indexOf('openapi.')>=0)) {
            expectFailure = true;
            options.expectFailure = false; // because some things are corrected
            options.allowFailure = true;

        if (file.startsWith('http')) {
            swagger2openapi.convertUrl(file, clone(options))
                if (expectFailure) {
                    warnings.push('Converter failed ' + options.source);
                else {
                    failures.push('Converter failed ' + options.source);
                result = false;
return maybe(callback, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        if (!swagger) swagger = {};
        options.original = swagger;
        if (!options.text) options.text = yaml.stringify(swagger);
        options.externals = [];
        options.externalRefs = {};
        options.rewriteRefs = true; // avoids stack explosions
        options.preserveMiro = true;
        options.promise = {};
        options.promise.resolve = resolve;
        options.promise.reject = reject;
        if (!options.cache) options.cache = {};
        if (options.source) options.cache[options.source] = options.original;
        if (swagger.openapi && (typeof swagger.openapi === 'string') && swagger.openapi.startsWith('3.')) {
            options.openapi = cclone(swagger);
            fixInfo(options.openapi, options, reject);
            fixPaths(options.openapi, options, reject);

            resolver.optionalResolve(options) // is a no-op if options.resolve is not set
                if ( {
                    return resolve(options.openapi);
                else {
                    return resolve(options);
function checkContent(content, contextServers, openapi, options) {
    contextAppend(options, 'content');;;
    for (let ct in content) {
        contextAppend(options, jptr.jpescape(ct));
        // validate ct against
        should(/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|'.`~]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|'.`~]+/.test(ct)).be.exactly(true,'media-type should match RFC6838 format'); // this is a SHOULD not MUST
        let contentType = content[ct];

        if (typeof contentType.schema !== 'undefined') {
        if (contentType.example) {
        if (contentType.examples) {
            contextAppend(options, 'examples');

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