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Top 10 Examples of "multiline in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'multiline' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it("Can do simple includes with CWD", function(done) {

        var index = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*

         Button: {{ inc src="button.html" }}


        var page = crossbow.addPage("index.html", index, {});

        var config = {
            cwd: "test/fixtures"

        crossbow.compileOne(page, config, function (err, out) {
            if (err) {
it("can render md blocks with page content", function(done) {

        var layout = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
{{ content }}
        var index = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
layout: "default.hbs"
##Not a title

        crossbow.populateCache("_layouts/default.hbs", layout);

        var page = crossbow.addPage("index.html", index, {});

        crossbow.compileOne(page, {siteConfig:{}}, function (err, out) {
            if (err) {
it("Can do simple includes with params", function(done) {

        var index = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*

         Button: {{ inc src="button.html" text="Cancel" }}


        crossbow.populateCache("button.html", "<button>{{text}}</button>");

        var page = crossbow.addPage("index.html", index, {});

        crossbow.compileOne(page, {siteConfig:{}}, function (err, out) {
            assert.include(out.compiled, "<button>Cancel</button>");
    it("Can do simple includes with interpolated params in config", function(done) {
it("should loop through and render links to posts in categories", function(done) {

        var index = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
{{#each categories}}
    {{#each this.items}}
    <li>{{this.title}} - {{this.url}}</li>

        var expected = multiline.stripIndent(function () {/*
    <li>Blog 2 - /post2.html</li>
    <li>Blog 1 - /post1.html</li>
it("replaces {{content}} with page content", function(done) {

        var layout = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*


        var index = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
layout: "default.hbs"
Some content

        crossbow.populateCache("_layouts/default.hbs", layout);

        var page = crossbow.addPage("index.html", index, {});

        crossbow.compileOne(page, {siteConfig:{}}, function (err, out) {
            if (err) {
            assert.equal(out.compiled, "\nSome content\n");
it("Can render with no layout", function (done) {

        var post1 = multiline.stripIndent(function () {/*

        var post = crossbow.addPost("_posts/", post1, {});

        crossbow.compileOne(post, {siteConfig: {sitename: "({shakyShane})"}}, function (err, out) {
            var compiled = out.compiled;
            assert.include(compiled, "({shakyShane})");
    it("Can render using a default layout in config", function (done) {
it("Does not show any items with published:false in front matter", function() {
        var post = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
         layout: test
         title: "Homepage"
         published: false


        crossbow.addPost("_posts/", post);

        var actual = crossbow.getCache().posts().length;
        assert.equal(actual, 0);
    it("Does not add any items starting with an underscore", function() {
var _             = require("lodash");
var assert        = require("chai").assert;
var multiline     = require("multiline");

var Post     = require("../../../lib/post");
var crossbow = require("../../../index");

var post1 = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
layout: post-test



describe("Creating a Post date from the filename", function(){

    beforeEach(function () {
        crossbow.populateCache("_layouts/post-test.html", "{{ content }}");

    it("uses date from the filename if not available in front-matter", function() {
it("Can use site variables", function(done) {

        var post1 = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
         layout: post-test
         title: "Post 1"
         date: 2013-11-13

         Post 1

        var post2 = multiline.stripIndent(function(){/*
         layout: post-test
         title: "Post 2"
         date: 2013-11-14
it('can parse a multiple &lt;&gt; combinations', function() {
      var dsl = multiline.stripIndent(function() {/*
             key "value"
             key2 "value2"
      var expected = {key: 'value', key2: 'value2'};

      return parser.parseText(dsl).then(function(parsedValue) {

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