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Top 7 Examples of "mem-fs-editor in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'mem-fs-editor' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async processFiles(targetDir, templateDir) {
    // const src = path.join(templateDir, 'boilerplate');
    const src = path.join(templateDir);
    const locals = {};
    const fsEditor = editor.create(memFs.create());
    const files = glob.sync('**/*', { cwd: src, dot: true, nodir: true });
    for (const file of files) {
      const from = path.join(src, file);
      const to = path.join(
        this.replaceTemplate(this.fileMapping[file] || file, locals)
      fsEditor.copy(from, to, {
        process: (content) => {
'write to:%s', to);
          return this.replaceTemplate(content, locals);

    // write boilerplate base info to dist pkg info
#!/usr/bin/env node
const program = require('commander');
const memFs = require('mem-fs');
const editor = require('mem-fs-editor');
const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
const ora = require('ora');
const store = memFs.create();
const fsEditor = editor.create(store);
const rootPath = process.cwd();
const path = require('path');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const child_process = require('child_process')
const log = require('../lib/log');
const download = require('../lib/download');
const server = require('../server/index');

// download('test');

program.usage('  ').parse(process.argv)

// 根据输入,获取项目名称
const projectName = program.args[0]
let projectType = program.args[1]
let projectUrl = program.args[2]
      'You must provide the resolved path value. Use env#create() to create a new generator.'
    this.env = this.options.env;
    this.resolved = this.options.resolved;

    // Ensure the environment support features this yeoman-generator version require.

    this.description = this.description || '';

    this.async = () => () => {};

    this.fs = FileEditor.create(this.env.sharedFs);

    this.conflicter = new Conflicter(this.env.adapter, this.options.force, {
      bail: this.options.bail,
      ignoreWhitespace: this.options.whitespace,
      skipRegenerate: this.options.skipRegenerate,
      dryRun: this.options.dryRun

    // Mirror the adapter log method on the generator.
    // example:
    // this.log('foo');
    // this.log.error('bar');
    this.log = this.env.adapter.log;

    // Determine the app root
  } = config;

  const seederName = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(name));
  const seederFileName = `${_.kebabCase(name)}.seeder.js`;
  const seederFilePath = path.join(userSeedersFolderPath, seederFileName);
  const seederFileRelativePath = path.join(
  const templatePath = useEs6Generator
    ? path.join(__dirname, '../../../templates/seeder.es6.js')
    : path.join(__dirname, '../../../templates/seeder.js');

  const store = memFs.create();
  const fs = editor.create(store);

  if (fs.exists(seederFilePath)) {
      `${'ERROR')} ${seederFileRelativePath} are already exists`
    throw new Error('exit');

  fs.copyTpl(templatePath, seederFilePath, { seederName });

  fs.commit(() => {
    console.log(`${'CREATED')} ${seederFileRelativePath}`);
constructor (sourceRoot?: string) {
    const store = memFs.create()
    this.fs = editor.create(store)
    this.sourceRoot(sourceRoot || path.join(getRootPath()))
_initMemFs() {
    const store = memFs.create();
    this.fs = editor.create(store);
_initMemFs() {
    const store = memFs.create();
    this._memFsEditor = editor.create(store);

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