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Top 10 Examples of "async in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'async' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('caches concurrent requests to the appropriate file', function(done) {
    // Fire off 20 concurrent requests and ensure that all the cached responses
    // end up in the appropriate place.
    async.times(20, function(index, next) {
      var randomInput = Math.random().toString();
      var url = '/echo_chunked?input=' + randomInput;

      var cacheKey = ['GET', 'localhost:9333', url].join('');
      var cacheBase = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(cacheKey).digest('hex');

      request.get('http://localhost:9333' + url, function(error, response, body) {
        next(null, {
          url: url,
          input: randomInput,
          output: body,
          cacheBase: cacheBase,
    }, function(error, requests) {
      setTimeout(function() {
it('returns 429 over rate limit error when the requests per second exceeds the rate limit plus burst', function(done) {

        async.times(40, function(index, callback) {
          request.get('http://localhost:9080/info/', this.options, function(error, response) {
            callback(error, response.statusCode);
        }.bind(this), function(error, responseCodes) {
          var successes = _.filter(responseCodes, function(code) { return code === 200; });
          var overLimits = _.filter(responseCodes, function(code) { return code === 429; });


          // The rate limiting and burst handling is a bit fuzzy since we
          // don't know exactly when the initial rate limit has been exceeded
          // (since nginx limits aren't based on hard counts, but instead the
          // average rate of requests, and we also don't know how fast the
          // nodejs tests are actually making requests). Since we don't know
          // when the burst kicks in, just make sure we generally start
function findUnusedFile(nonce, next) {
        var filepath = internalGetStreamFilepath(false, nonce);
        var filepathgz = internalGetStreamFilepath(true, nonce);

        ], function (potentialpath, pathresult) {
            fs.stat(potentialpath, function (err, stats) {
                if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
                    // File doesn't already exist, this is good
                } else if (err) {
                    // Something else failed
                } else {
                    // Path existed, use something else
        }, function (err) {
helpers.createAddresses = function(server, wallet, main, change, cb) {
  // var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers('Date');
  async.mapSeries(_.range(main + change), function(i, next) {
    // clock.tick(1000);
    var address = wallet.createAddress(i >= main);, address, function(err) {
      next(err, address);
  }, function(err, addresses) {
    // clock.restore();
    return cb(_.take(addresses, main), _.takeRight(addresses, change));
setTimeout(function() {
                // Perform a number of requests to make sure any local worker
                // cache is cleared across all possible worker processes.
                async.times(20, function(index, timesCallback) {
                  request.get(url, function(error, response) {
                }.bind(this), done);
              }.bind(this), 2100);
txs.sort(function(a, b) {
      var b = (b.firstSeenTs || b.ts)+ b.txid;
      var a = (a.firstSeenTs || a.ts)+ a.txid;
      if (a > b) return -1;
      if (a < b) return 1;
      return 0;
    txs = txs.slice(from, to);

    var txIndex = {};
    _.each(txs, function(tx) {
      txIndex[tx.txid] = tx;

    async.eachLimit(txs, RPC_CONCURRENCY, function(tx2, callback) {
      tDb.fromIdWithInfo(tx2.txid, function(err, tx) {
        if (err) {
          return common.handleErrors(err, res);
        if (tx && {

          if (tx2.firstSeenTs)
   = tx2.firstSeenTs;

          txIndex[tx.txid].info =;
        } else {
          // TX no longer available
          txIndex[tx2.txid].info = {
            txid: tx2.txid,
            possibleDoubleSpend: true,
function executeTests(manifest, callback) {
      async.mapLimit(manifest.tests, workers,
        // 1.2.1 Execute an individual test
        function (test, callback) {
            actionStream: self._fetch.bind(self, test.action),
            resultStream: self._fetch.bind(self, test.result),
          function (error, results) {
            if (error) return callback(error);
            self._performTest(test, results.actionStream, callback);
        // 1.2.2 Show the summary of all performed tests
        function showSummary(error, tests) {
          var score = tests.reduce(function (sum, test) { return sum + test.success; }, 0);
          manifest.skipped.forEach(function (test) { self._verifyResult(test); });
          console.log(('* passed ' + score +
"getBuildLogs": (mCb) => {
										// jobLogs: '/api/repos/#OWNER#/#REPO#/logs/#BUILD_NUMBER#/#JOB_ID#'
										async.eachSeries(jobIds, (oneJobId, fCb) => {
											params = {
												uri: utils.getDomain(opts.settings.domain + config.api.url.jobLogs).replace('#JOB_ID#', oneJobId).replace("#BUILD_NUMBER#", oneBranch.number).replace("#OWNER#", opts.settings.owner).replace("#REPO#", opts.params.repo.split("/")[1]),
												headers: config.headers,
												json: true
											params.headers['Authorization'] = opts.settings.ciToken;
											if (opts.settings.domain) {
												params.headers['Host'] = opts.settings.domain.replace(/https?:\/\//, "");
											request.get(params, (error, resp, body) => {
												if (body && body.error) {
												utils.checkError(error, { code: 997 }, cb, () => {
													if (body && Array.isArray(body) && body.length > 0){
function main ( host) {
    function (cb) {
      getSpeechService(host, cb);
    // [START send_request]

    function sendRequest (speechService, cb) {

        console.log('GOOGLE SPEACH DEAMON : Analyzing speech...'));

        var startOfSpeech   = false;
        var responses       = [];
        var responseTimeout = null;
        var call            = speechService.streamingRecognize();

        // Listen for various responses
bucket: bucket,
                                keys: _get_keys(batch),
                                jobBucket: bucket,
                                jobId: jobId,
                                nReducers: nReducers, 
                                stepId: stepId, 
                                reducerId: i 

                console.log("LBR", lambdaBatchParams);

                /// Stream the files from S3 & Reduce
      , invokeLambda, function (err, rResults){
                    if (err){
                        callback(null, 'Reducer invocation error');

                    var fname = jobId + "/reducerstate." + stepId;
                    writeReducerState(nReducers, nS3, bucket, fname, function(err, data){
                        callback(null, 'Invoked Reducer Step');


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