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Top 10 Examples of "turf in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'turf' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

module.exports = function(tileLayers, tile, done){
  var bbox = tilebelt.tileToBBOX(tile);
  var minDistance = 50/5280; // 50 ft in miles
  var disconnects = turf.featurecollection([]);
  var caps = [];

  // Types we are looking for disconnected ends for
  var preserve_type = { "motorway" : true, "primary" : true, "secondary" : true, "tertiary" : true, "trunk": true, "residential": true };

  // Classes that we don't want to suggest that they should connect to
  var reject_class = { "major_rail" : true, "minor_rail" : true, "aerialway" : true };

  // First pass: finding road ends that don't connect to anything
  for (var layer in tileLayers.streets) {
    var i, j, k, f, g;

    for (var i = 0; i < tileLayers.streets[layer].features.length; i++) {
      var flat = flatten(tileLayers.streets[layer].features[i]);

      for (var f = 0; f < flat.length; f++) {
flat.forEach(function(line) {
          // Don't try to match an endpoint to the way that it came from
          if (layer == cap.layer && i == cap.i) {

          if (!reject_class[] && line.geometry.type === 'LineString') {
            var distance = turf.distance(cap.point, turf.pointOnLine(line, cap.point));

            if (distance < best) {
              var already = false;

              // Don't try to match an endpoint to a way that the
              // way that it comes from already connects to
              cap.line.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(capp) {
                line.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(linep) {
                  if (capp[0] == linep[0] && capp[1] == linep[1]) {
                    already = true;

              if (!already) {
                best = distance;
var streets = normalize(tileLayers.streets.road);
  streets.features = streets.features.concat(normalize(flatten(tileLayers.streets.bridge)).features);
  streets.features = streets.features.concat(normalize(flatten(tileLayers.streets.tunnel)).features);

  // clip features to tile
  streets = clip(streets, tile);
  tigerRoads = clip(tigerRoads, tile);
  streets = normalize(flatten(streets));
  tigerRoads = normalize(flatten(tigerRoads));

  // buffer streets
  var streetBuffers = turf.featurecollection([]);
  streetBuffers.features ={
    return turf.buffer(road, 5, 'meters').features[0];
  streetBuffers = normalize(turf.merge(streetBuffers));

  // erase street buffer from tiger lines
  var tigerDeltas = turf.featurecollection([]);
      var roadDiff = turf.erase(tigerRoad, streetsRoad);
      if(roadDiff) tigerDeltas.features.push(roadDiff);
  tigerDeltas = normalize(flatten(tigerDeltas));

  done(null, {
    diff: tigerDeltas,
    tiger: tigerRoads,
    streets: streets
var coords = String(argv.extent).split(',').map(parseFloat);
			var input = turf.featurecollection([
				turf.point([coords[1], coords[0]]),
				turf.point([coords[3], coords[2]])
			geojson = turf.extent(input);
		} else {
			console.error('No geometry provided. Pipe geojson, or use --point or --extent');
			return process.exit(1);

		if (argv.buffer) {
			var radius = parseFloat(argv.buffer);
			var units = /mi$/.test(argv.buffer) ? 'miles' : 'kilometers';
			geojson = turf.buffer(geojson, radius, units);

		// tilecover doesn't like features
		geojson = turf.merge(geojson);
		if (geojson.type === 'Feature') {
			geojson = geojson.geometry;

	function performAction(callback) {
			geojson = turf.extent(input);
		} else {
			console.error('No geometry provided. Pipe geojson, or use --point or --extent');
			return process.exit(1);

		if (argv.buffer) {
			var radius = parseFloat(argv.buffer);
			var units = /mi$/.test(argv.buffer) ? 'miles' : 'kilometers';
			geojson = turf.buffer(geojson, radius, units);

		// tilecover doesn't like features
		geojson = turf.merge(geojson);
		if (geojson.type === 'Feature') {
			geojson = geojson.geometry;

	function performAction(callback) {
let isIntersect = Turf.intersect(d, e);
      if(isIntersect) {
		isIntersect = arealizeGeometryCollection(isIntersect); =; = Turf.area(d);
	// console.log(resultFeatures);
	// console.log(resultFeatures[0].geometry + ', ' + resultFeatures[0].properties);
	// console.log(Turf.point(resultFeatures[0].geometry[1]));

  return Turf.featurecollection(resultFeatures);
if (isEditable) {

      // set map view to region
      try { // geometry calculcation are a bit hairy for invalid geometries (which may happen during polygon editing)
        let viewPort = bboxPolygon(map.getBounds().toBBoxString().split(',').map(Number))
        let xorAreaViewPort = erase(viewPort, L.polygon(boundsLayer.getLatLngs()[1]).toGeoJSON())
        let fitboundsFunc
        if (moveDirectly) {
          fitboundsFunc = ::map.fitBounds
          moveDirectly = false
        } else if (
          !xorAreaViewPort // new region fully includes viewport
          || area(xorAreaViewPort) > area(viewPort)*(1-0.01) // region is small compared to current viewport (<10% of the area covered) or feature is outside current viewport
        ) {
          fitboundsFunc = ::map.flyToBounds
        } else {
          fitboundsFunc = () => {}
          // zoom to inner ring!
            .map(coords => L.polygon(coords).getBounds())
            .reduce((bounds1, bounds2) => bounds1.extend(bounds2)),
          paddingTopLeft: [20, 10+52],
          paddingBottomRight: [20, 10+ ((fitBoundsWithBottomPadding) ? 212 : 52)]
      } catch(e) {}
const sourceList = sourceFeatures.filter(f => {
	//console.log("f: " + Turf.area(f));
	// There might be areas too tiny to be useful and they crash Turf.intersect(featureSimpl, f);
	if (Turf.area(f) < 180) {  // TODO: sinnvollen Wert (à la 1cm) für minimale Fläche finden. Mit 0.1e-10 scheint gut für wenige Testdaten Berlin
		console.log("Dropping Feature with tiny area");
    let intersection = Turf.intersect(featureSimpl, f);  // This crashes if f is really really small or something. 23.1.2017

    if(!isUndefined(intersection)) {
	  intersection = arealizeGeometryCollection(intersection); =;

      if( !== 0) {

    return !isUndefined(intersection)// && !== 0;
// collect bounding boxes for the districts
  var bounds = turf.extent(d);
  districtBboxes[state + number] = bounds;

  // and for the states
  if (stateBboxes[state]) {
  } else {
    stateBboxes[state] = { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] };

// get the bounding boxes of all of the bounding boxes for each state
for (var s in stateBboxes) {
  stateBboxes[s] = turf.extent(stateBboxes[s]);

// write out data for the next steps
console.log('writing data...');

fs.writeFileSync('./data/map.geojson', JSON.stringify(mapData));

fs.writeFileSync('./example/states.js', 'var states = ' + JSON.stringify(stateCodes, null, 2));

var bboxes = {};
for (var b in districtBboxes) { bboxes[b] = districtBboxes[b] };
for (var b in stateBboxes) { bboxes[b] = stateBboxes[b] };
fs.writeFileSync('./example/bboxes.js', 'var bboxes = ' + JSON.stringify(bboxes, null, 2));

console.log('finished processing, ready for tiling');
function filterGeoJSON(geojson) {
  var outputLine = turf.linestring([]),
      outputGeoJSON = turf.featurecollection([]),
      minTimeDiff = 5, // 12 sampels / minute
      minDistance = 20;

  var feature = geojson.features[0],
      coords = feature.geometry.coordinates,
      times = && || null,
      newTimes = [];

  // added no times option
  if (times && !times[0].match(/^\d+$/)) {
    // check if for special fucked up date format.
    if (times[0].match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d-\d\d/)) {
      times = (t) {

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