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Top 10 Examples of "reactxp in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'reactxp' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

isVisible: boolean;
    shouldUpdate: boolean;

enum FocusDirection {
    Up = -1,
    Down = 1

const _styles = {
    scrollContainer: RX.Styles.createScrollViewStyle({
        flex: 1,
        position: 'relative',
        flexDirection: 'column'
    staticContainer: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        flex: 1,
        flexDirection: 'column'

const _isNativeAndroid = RX.Platform.getType() === 'android';
const _isNativeIOS = RX.Platform.getType() === 'ios';
const _isNativeMacOs = RX.Platform.getType() === 'macos';
const _isWeb = RX.Platform.getType() === 'web';

// How many items with unknown heights will we allow? A larger value will fill the view more
// quickly but will result in a bunch of long-running work that can cause frame skips during
// animations.
const _maxSimultaneousMeasures = 16;

// Recycled cells remain mounted to reduce the allocations and deallocations.
bottom: 0,
        top: 0
    disabledScene: Styles.createViewStyle({
        top: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        flex: 1
    transitioner: Styles.createViewStyle( {
        flex: 1,
        flexDirection: 'column',
        backgroundColor: 'transparent',
        overflow: 'hidden',
        alignItems: 'stretch'
    sceneStyle: Styles.createViewStyle({
        flex: 1,
        shadowOffset: { height: 0, width: 0 },
        shadowRadius: 40,
        shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'

// Transition types
export type TransitionToCallback = () => void;
export type ReplaceAtIndexCallback = () => void;

export interface TransitionToQueueItem {
    // The destination route index.
    destIndex: number;

    // The callback to call after this transition is finished.
overflowVisible: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        overflow: 'visible'
    overflowHidden: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        overflow: 'hidden'

const _isNativeMacOS = RX.Platform.getType() === 'macos';
const _skypeEaseInAnimationCurve = RX.Animated.Easing.CubicBezier(1, 0, 0.78, 1);
const _skypeEaseOutAnimationCurve = RX.Animated.Easing.CubicBezier(0.33, 0, 0, 1);
const _keyCodeEnter = 13;
const _keyCodeSpace = 32;
const _keyCodeReturn = 3;

export class VirtualListCell extends RX.Component, RX.Stateless> {
    // Helper class used to render child elements. If we know that none of the children changed - we would like to skip
    // the render completely, to improve performance.
    private static StaticRenderer = class  extends
            RX.Component, RX.Stateless> {
        constructor(props: StaticRendererProps) {

        shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: StaticRendererProps): boolean {
            return nextProps.shouldUpdate ||
                this.props.isFocused !== nextProps.isFocused ||
                this.props.isSelected !== nextProps.isSelected;

        render() {
            // If we don't have an item to render, return null here
top: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        borderRadius: 15
    toggleKnob: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        top: 2,
        height: 26,
        width: 26,
        borderRadius: 13,
        backgroundColor: 'white'

export class ToggleSwitch extends RX.Component {
    private _knobLeftAnimationValue: RX.Animated.Value;
    private _knobLeftAnimationStyle: RX.Types.AnimatedViewStyleRuleSet;

    private _toggleColorAnimationValue: RX.Animated.Value;
    private _toggleColorAnimationStyle: RX.Types.AnimatedViewStyleRuleSet;

    constructor(props: ToggleSwitchProps) {

        // This value controls the left offset of the knob, which we will
        // animate when the user toggles the control.
        this._knobLeftAnimationValue = RX.Animated.createValue(props.value ? KNOB_LEFT_ON : KNOB_LEFT_OFF);
        this._knobLeftAnimationStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedViewStyle({
            left: this._knobLeftAnimationValue
// tslint:disable:override-calls-super
export class VirtualListView
    extends RX.Component, VirtualListViewState> {

    private _lastScrollTop = 0;
    private _layoutHeight = 0;
    private _layoutWidth = 0;

    // Cache the width for rendered items for reuse/optimization
    private _contentWidth = -1;

    private _isMounted = false;

    // Controls the full height of the scrolling view, independent of the view port height
    private _containerHeight = 0;
    private _containerHeightValue = RX.Animated.createValue(this._containerHeight);
    private _containerAnimatedStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedViewStyle({
        height: this._containerHeightValue

    // A dictionary of items that maps item keys to item indexes.
    private _itemMap = new Map();

    private _scrollViewRef = createRef();

    // When we need to actually re-render, mark this until it's resolved
    private _isRenderDirty = false;

    // Number of pending item animations. We defer some actions while animations are pending.
    private _pendingAnimations = new Set();
    // We attempt to guess the size of items before we render them, but if we're wrong, we need to accumulate the guess
    // error so that we can correct it later.

        // This value controls the left offset of the knob, which we will
        // animate when the user toggles the control.
        this._knobLeftAnimationValue = RX.Animated.createValue(props.value ? KNOB_LEFT_ON : KNOB_LEFT_OFF);
        this._knobLeftAnimationStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedViewStyle({
            left: this._knobLeftAnimationValue

        // This value controls the background color of the control. Here we make
        // use of the interpolate method to smoothly transition between two colors.
        this._toggleColorAnimationValue = RX.Animated.createValue(this.props.value ? 1 : 0);
        this._toggleColorAnimationStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedTextInputStyle({
            backgroundColor: RX.Animated.interpolate(this._toggleColorAnimationValue, [0, 1], ['#66f', '#ddd'])

const _styles = {
    cellView: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        position: 'absolute'
    overflowVisible: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        overflow: 'visible'
    overflowHidden: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
        overflow: 'hidden'

const _isNativeMacOS = RX.Platform.getType() === 'macos';
const _skypeEaseInAnimationCurve = RX.Animated.Easing.CubicBezier(1, 0, 0.78, 1);
const _skypeEaseOutAnimationCurve = RX.Animated.Easing.CubicBezier(0.33, 0, 0, 1);
const _keyCodeEnter = 13;
const _keyCodeSpace = 32;
const _keyCodeReturn = 3;

export class VirtualListCell extends RX.Component, RX.Stateless> {
    // Helper class used to render child elements. If we know that none of the children changed - we would like to skip
    // the render completely, to improve performance.
    private static StaticRenderer = class  extends
            RX.Component, RX.Stateless> {
        constructor(props: StaticRendererProps) {

        shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: StaticRendererProps): boolean {
            return nextProps.shouldUpdate ||
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
        // If the value of the toggle changes, animate the toggle sliding
        // from one side to the other. In parallel, animate the opacity change.
        if (prevProps.value !== this.props.value) {
                RX.Animated.timing(this._knobLeftAnimationValue, {
                    duration: ANIMATION_DURATION,
                    toValue: this.props.value ? KNOB_LEFT_ON : KNOB_LEFT_OFF,
                    easing: RX.Animated.Easing.InOut()

                RX.Animated.timing(this._toggleColorAnimationValue, {
                    duration: ANIMATION_DURATION,
                    toValue: this.props.value ? 1 : 0,
                    easing: RX.Animated.Easing.InOut()
            ]) .start();
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ToggleSwitchProps) {
        // If the value of the toggle changes, animate the toggle sliding
        // from one side to the other. In parallel, animate the opacity change.
        if (prevProps.value !== this.props.value) {
                RX.Animated.timing(this._knobLeftAnimationValue, {
                    duration: ANIMATION_DURATION,
                    toValue: this.props.value ? KNOB_LEFT_ON : KNOB_LEFT_OFF,
                    easing: RX.Animated.Easing.InOut()

                RX.Animated.timing(this._toggleColorAnimationValue, {
                    duration: ANIMATION_DURATION,
                    toValue: this.props.value ? 1 : 0,
                    easing: RX.Animated.Easing.InOut()

        // This value controls the left offset of the knob, which we will
        // animate when the user toggles the control.
        this._knobLeftAnimationValue = RX.Animated.createValue(props.value ? KNOB_LEFT_ON : KNOB_LEFT_OFF);
        this._knobLeftAnimationStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedViewStyle({
            left: this._knobLeftAnimationValue

        // This value controls the background color of the control. Here we make
        // use of the interpolate method to smoothly transition between two colors.
        this._toggleColorAnimationValue = RX.Animated.createValue(this.props.value ? 1 : 0);
        this._toggleColorAnimationStyle = RX.Styles.createAnimatedTextInputStyle({
            backgroundColor: RX.Animated.interpolate(this._toggleColorAnimationValue, [0, 1], ['#66f', '#ddd'])

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