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Top 10 Examples of "promise-mysql in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'promise-mysql' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

co(function *(){
  // set up a connection for the database
  connection = yield mysql.createConnection({
      user: config.db.user,
      password: config.db.password,
      database: config.db.database
  // login to redit and get your information
  let loginResult = yield reddit('/api/v1/me').get();
  console.log(`** : ${} has logged in.`);
  //get a listing of all new posts on the front page
  let listingResult = yield reddit('/r/borrow/new').listing();
  for (let post of{
    let newPost = processPost(;
    let user = yield getUser(newPost.poster);
    if (newPost.type == "REQ"){
      // generate a score for all requested loans
      let score = generateScore(newPost, user);
var mysql = require('promise-mysql')
var mysqlConnectionOptions = require('../../backend/settings.js').mysqlConnectionOptions

const pool = mysql.createPool(mysqlConnectionOptions)

var tableName = 'contracts' // !!! set table name hear!

function test () {
  pool.query('drop table ' + tableName)
    .then(function (results) {
      console.log('Drop table "' + tableName + '" results:\n ', results)
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log('Drop table "' + tableName + '" error:\n', err)

setTimeout(test, 500)
var mysql = require('promise-mysql')
var mysqlConnectionOptions = require('../common/settings.js').mysqlConnectionOptions

var optionsBeforeDBCreation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mysqlConnectionOptions)) // full copy
delete optionsBeforeDBCreation['database'] // delete database field

console.log('opt\n', optionsBeforeDBCreation)

var pool = mysql.createPool(optionsBeforeDBCreation)

function createDatabase () {
  pool.query('create database etheroscope')
    .then(function (results) {
      console.log('Database creation success! results:\n ')
      pool = mysql.createPool(mysqlConnectionOptions)
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log('Database creation error:\n', err)
      pool = mysql.createPool(mysqlConnectionOptions)

var sqlContracts = 'create table if not exists contracts(\n' +
  '    contractHash VARCHAR(40)  not null,\n' +
  '    name         VARCHAR(128),\n' +
var mysql = require('promise-mysql')
var mysqlConnectionOptions = require('../../backend/settings.js').mysqlConnectionOptions

var optionsBeforeDBCreation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mysqlConnectionOptions)) // full copy
delete optionsBeforeDBCreation['database'] // delete database field

const pool = mysql.createPool(optionsBeforeDBCreation)

function test () {
  pool.query('create database etheroscope')
    .then(function (results) {
      console.log('Database creation success! results:\n ', results)
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log('Database cretion error:\n', err)

setTimeout(test, 500)
"use strict";
let mysql = require("promise-mysql");
let fs = require("fs");
let argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
let config = fs.readFileSync("./config.json");
let coinConfig = fs.readFileSync("./coinConfig.json");
let protobuf = require('protocol-buffers');
let path = require('path'); = require("./lib/support.js")();
global.config = JSON.parse(config);
global.mysql = mysql.createPool(global.config.mysql);
global.protos = protobuf(fs.readFileSync('./lib/data.proto'));
global.argv = argv;
let comms;
let coinInc;

// Config Table Layout
// .

global.mysql.query("SELECT * FROM config").then(function (rows) {
    rows.forEach(function (row){
        if (!global.config.hasOwnProperty(row.module)){
            global.config[row.module] = {};
        if (global.config[row.module].hasOwnProperty(row.item)){
// Express middleware
var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // reads request bodies from POST requests
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); // parses cookie from Cookie request header into an object
var morgan = require('morgan'); // logs every request on the console
var checkLoginToken = require('./lib/check-login-token.js'); // checks if cookie has a SESSION token and sets request.user
var onlyLoggedIn = require('./lib/only-logged-in.js'); // only allows requests from logged in users

// Controllers
var authController = require('./controllers/auth.js');

 Load the RedditAPI class and create an API with db connection. This connection will stay open as
 long as the web server is running, which is 24/7.
var RedditAPI = require('./lib/reddit.js');
var connection = mysql.createPool({
    user: 'root',
    database: 'reddit'
var myReddit = new RedditAPI(connection);

// Create a new Express web server
var app = express();

// Specify the usage of the Pug template engine
app.set('view engine', 'pug');

 This next section specifies the middleware we want to run.
 app.use takes a callback function that will be called on every request
 the callback function will receive the request object, the response object, and a next callback.
async function getPool() {
  // From memory
    return pool;
  // Create the pool from settings
  let settings = await args.getMysqlSettings();
  settings.multipleStatements = true;
  pool = mysql.createPool(settings);
  return pool;
const doDropAllDbTables = async config => {
    let errorMessage
    const defaultConfig = {
        multipleStatements: true,
        host: null,
        user: null,
        password: null,
        database: null,
    // Create the connection to the local database
    const conn = await mysql
        .createConnection({ ...defaultConfig, ...config })
        .catch(error => (errorMessage = error))
    if (errorMessage) return new Error(errorMessage)
private init() {
        port: this.config.mysql.port,
        user: this.config.mysql.user,
        password: this.config.mysql.password,
        database: "leadcoin",
      .then(conn => {
        return conn.end()
      .catch(err => {
        if (this.config.env != "test") {
          console.log("Failed to connect to mysql:", err.message)
        setTimeout(this.init, 2000)
var mysql = require('promise-mysql')
var mysqlConnectionOptions = require('../../backend/settings.js').mysqlConnectionOptions

const pool = mysql.createPool(mysqlConnectionOptions)

function test () {
  pool.query('show tables')
    .then(function (results) {
      console.log('Show tables results:\n ', results)
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log('Show tables error:\n', err)

setTimeout(test, 500)

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