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Top 10 Examples of "webextension-polyfill in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'webextension-polyfill' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const [major, minor, patch] = extInfo.version.split(".");
            { major, minor, patch },

        await confReady;
        nvim.ui_attach(cols, rows, {
            ext_linegrid: true,
            ext_messages: getConfForUrl(url).cmdline === "firenvim",
            rgb: true,
        let resizeReqId = 0;
        browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any) => {
            if (request.selector === selector
                && request.funcName[0] === "resize"
                && request.args[0] > resizeReqId) {
                const [id, width, height] = request.args;
                resizeReqId = id;
                // We need to put the keyHandler at the origin in order to avoid
                // issues when it slips out of the viewport
       = `0px`;
       = `0px`;
                // It's tempting to try to optimize this by only calling
                // ui_try_resize when nCols is different from cols and nRows is
                // different from rows but we can't because redraw notifications
                // might happen without us actually calling ui_try_resize and then
                // the sizes wouldn't be in sync anymore
                const [cellWidth, cellHeight] = getCharSize(host);
                const nCols = Math.floor(width / cellWidth);
async function toggleSaka(tabId) {
  if (SAKA_DEBUG)'toggleSaka');
  // Get the specified tab, or the current tab if none is specified
  const currentTab =
    tabId === undefined
      ? (await browser.tabs.query({
          active: true,
          currentWindow: true
      : await browser.tabs.get(tabId);
  if (currentTab) {
    // If the current tab is Saka, switch to the previous tab (if it exists) and close the current tab
    if (currentTab.url === browser.runtime.getURL('saka.html')) {
      if (lastTabId) {
        try {
          const lastTab = await browser.tabs.get(lastTabId);
          if (lastTab) {
            try {
              await browser.tabs.update(lastTabId, { active: true });
              if (SAKA_DEBUG) console.log(`Switched to tab ${lastTab.url}`);
            } catch (e) {
              if (SAKA_DEBUG)
            `Failed to execute Saka into tab. Instead, created new Saka tab after ${
    // If tab couldn't be found (e.g. because query was made from devtools) create a new tab
  } else {
    await browser.tabs.create({
      url: '/saka.html'
    if (SAKA_DEBUG)
      console.log("Couldn't find tab. Instead, created new Saka tab.");
  const window = await;
  await, { focused: true });
  if (SAKA_DEBUG) console.groupEnd();
badgeColor = '#418B8E'
      badgeIcon = '/icons/ipfs-logo-on.svg'
    } else if (state.peerCount === 0) {
      // API is online but no peers
      badgeColor = 'red'
      badgeIcon = '/icons/ipfs-logo-on.svg'
    } else {
      // API is offline
      badgeText = ''
      badgeColor = '#8C8C8C'
      badgeIcon = '/icons/ipfs-logo-off.svg'
    try {
      const oldColor = colorArraytoHex(await browser.browserAction.getBadgeBackgroundColor({}))
      if (badgeColor !== oldColor) {
        await browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: badgeColor })
        await setBrowserActionIcon(badgeIcon)
      const oldText = await browser.browserAction.getBadgeText({})
      if (oldText !== badgeText) await browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: badgeText })
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Unable to update browserAction badge due to error', error)
.catch((err) => {
        console.error('runtime.openOptionsPage() failed, opening options page in tab instead.', err)
        // brave: fallback to opening options page as a tab.
        browser.tabs.create({ url: browser.extension.getURL('dist/options/options.html') })
requestAnimationFrame(async () => {
      const tabId = state.currentTab ? { tabId: } : null
      if (browser.pageAction && tabId && await browser.pageAction.isShown(tabId)) {
        // Get title stored on page load so that valid transport is displayed
        // even if user toggles between public/custom gateway after the load
        state.pageActionTitle = await browser.pageAction.getTitle(tabId)
import delay from "delay"
export default () => "Nothing to see, just a background script :)"

if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
  const browser = require("webextension-polyfill")

  // console.log("Hello from background script!")

  let tabId
  let authorization
  let csrfToken

    async details => {
      tabId = details.tabId
      authorization = details.requestHeaders.find(h => === "authorization").value
      csrfToken = details.requestHeaders.find(h => === "x-csrf-token").value

    { urls: ["*://**bookmark.json*"] },

  async function sendCredentials() {
    let messageSent = false
    let tries = 0
    while (!messageSent && tries < 100) {
      try {
dom.innerHTML = `<strong>${k}</strong> - ${TogglOrigins[customs[k]].name}`;

          dom = document.createElement('a');
          dom.className = 'remove-custom';
          dom.textContent = 'delete';


      replaceContent('#custom-perm-container', customHtml);

      // Load permissions list
      browser.permissions.getAll().then(function (results) {
        let key;

        try {
 = [];
          origins =;
          for (i = 0; i &lt; origins.length; i++) {
            name = url = origins[i]
              .replace('*://*.', '')
              .replace('*://', '')
              .replace('/*', '');
            if (url.split('.').length &gt; 2) {
              name = url.substr(url.indexOf('.') + 1);
  [name] = {
              id: i,
              origin: origins[i],
if (tabs.length === 0) return
  const lists = await storage.getLists()
  if (listIndex == null) {
    const newList = createNewTabList({tabs})
    if (opts.pinNewList) newList.pinned = true
    await listManager.addList(newList)
  } else {
    const list = lists[listIndex]
    tabs.forEach(tab =&gt; list.tabs.push(tab))
    await listManager.updateListById(list._id, _.pick(list, 'tabs'))
  if (opts.addHistory) {
    for (let i = 0; i &lt; tabs.length; i += 1) {
      // maybe occur Error: "An unexpected error occurred" when trying to add about:* to history
      try {
        await browser.history.addUrl({url: tabs[i].url})
      } catch (e) {
        console.debug(`${tabs[i].url} cannot be added to history`)
  return browser.tabs.remove( =&gt;
mounted: function() {
    this.snackbar = new MDCSnackbar(this.$refs.snackbar);
    this.snackbar.foundation_.autoDismissTimeoutMs_ = 31556952000; // 1 year
    this.snackbar.closeOnEscape = false;

    browser.runtime.sendMessage({id: 'selectFrameId'});

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