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Top 10 Examples of "plylog in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'plylog' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

* The complete set of contributors may be found at
 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at

// Be mindful of adding imports here, as this is on the hot path of all
// commands.

import * as logging from 'plylog';
import * as updateNotifier from 'update-notifier';
import {PolymerCli} from './polymer-cli';

const packageJson = require('../package.json');
const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.main');

// Update Notifier: Asynchronously check for package updates and, if needed,
// notify on the next time the CLI is run.
// See for info on how this works.
updateNotifier({pkg: packageJson}).notify();

(async () => {
  const args = process.argv.slice(2);
  const cli = new PolymerCli(args);
  try {
    const result = await;
    if (result && result.constructor && === 'CommandResult') {
  } catch (err) {
import * as bower from 'bower';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {dest} from 'vinyl-fs';

import mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
import {forkStream, PolymerProject, addServiceWorker, SWConfig, HtmlSplitter} from 'polymer-build';

import {getOptimizeStreams} from 'polymer-build';
import {ProjectBuildOptions} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {waitFor, pipeStreams} from './streams';
import {loadServiceWorkerConfig} from './load-config';
import {LocalFsPath} from 'polymer-build/lib/path-transformers';

const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export const mainBuildDirectoryName = 'build';

 * Generate a single build based on the given `options` ProjectBuildOptions.
 * Note that this function is only concerned with that single build, and does
 * not care about the collection of builds defined on the config.
export async function build(
    options: ProjectBuildOptions,
    polymerProject: PolymerProject): Promise {
  const buildName = || 'default';
  // If no name is provided, write directly to the build/ directory.
  // If a build name is provided, write to that subdirectory.
  const buildDirectory = path.join(mainBuildDirectoryName, buildName);
  logger.debug(`"${buildDirectory}": Building with options:`, options);
// the command is actually run, in order to minimize startup time from loading
// unused code. Any imports that are only used as types will be removed from the
// output JS and so not result in a require() statement.

import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
import * as polyserveTypeOnly from 'polyserve';
import {args as polyserveArgs} from 'polyserve/lib/args';
import {ServerOptions} from 'polyserve/lib/start_server';
import * as urlTypeOnly from 'url';

import {Environment} from '../environment/environment';

import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';

const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.command.serve');

export class ServeCommand implements Command {
  name = 'serve';
  aliases = [];

  description = 'Runs the polyserve development server';

  args = polyserveArgs;

  async run(options: CommandOptions, config: ProjectConfig) {
    // Defer dependency loading until this specific command is run
    const polyserve = require('polyserve') as typeof polyserveTypeOnly;
    const startServers = polyserve.startServers;
    const getServerUrls = polyserve.getServerUrls;
    const url = require('url') as typeof urlTypeOnly;
import * as dom5 from 'dom5';
import * as gulpif from 'gulp-if';
import * as path from 'path';
import {posix as posixPath} from 'path';
import {Transform} from 'stream';
import File = require('vinyl');
import * as logging from 'plylog';

import {StreamAnalyzer, DepsIndex} from './analyzer';
import {compose} from './streams';

// non-ES module
const minimatchAll = require('minimatch-all');
const through = require('through2').obj;
const Vulcanize = require('vulcanize');
let logger = logging.getLogger('');

export class Bundler extends Transform {

  entrypoint: string;
  root: string;
  shell: string;
  fragments: string[];
  allFragments: string[];

  sharedBundleUrl: string;

  analyzer: StreamAnalyzer;
  sharedFile: File;

  constructor(root: string, entrypoint: string,
      shell: string, fragments: string[], analyzer: StreamAnalyzer) {

// Be careful with these imports. As many as possible should be dynamic imports
// in the run method in order to minimize startup time from loading unused code.

import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {args as polyserveArgs} from 'polyserve/lib/args';
import {ServerOptions} from 'polyserve/lib/start_server';

import {Environment} from '../environment/environment';

import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';

const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.command.serve');

export class ServeCommand implements Command {
  name = 'serve';
  aliases = [];

  description = 'Runs the polyserve development server';

  args = polyserveArgs;

  async run(options: CommandOptions, config: ProjectConfig) {
    // Defer dependency loading until this specific command is run
    const polyserve = await import('polyserve');
    const startServers = polyserve.startServers;
    const getServerUrls = polyserve.getServerUrls;
    const url = await import('url');
import * as bower from 'bower';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {dest} from 'vinyl-fs';

import mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
import {forkStream, PolymerProject, addServiceWorker, SWConfig, HtmlSplitter} from 'polymer-build';

import {getOptimizeStreams} from 'polymer-build';
import {ProjectBuildOptions} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {waitFor, pipeStreams} from './streams';
import {loadServiceWorkerConfig} from './load-config';
import {LocalFsPath} from 'polymer-build/lib/path-transformers';

const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export const mainBuildDirectoryName = 'build';

 * Generate a single build based on the given `options` ProjectBuildOptions.
 * Note that this function is only concerned with that single build, and does
 * not care about the collection of builds defined on the config.
export async function build(
    options: ProjectBuildOptions,
    polymerProject: PolymerProject): Promise {
  const buildName = || 'default';
  // If no name is provided, write directly to the build/ directory.
  // If a build name is provided, write to that subdirectory.
  const buildDirectory = path.join(mainBuildDirectoryName, buildName);
  logger.debug(`"${buildDirectory}": Building with options:`, options);

// Be careful with these imports. As many as possible should be dynamic imports
// in the run method in order to minimize startup time from loading unused code.

import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as commandLineUsage from 'command-line-usage';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';

import {globalArguments} from '../args';

import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';

const logger = logging.getLogger('');

const b =;
const m = chalk.magenta;
const CLI_TITLE = chalk.bold.underline('Polymer-CLI');
const CLI_DESCRIPTION = 'The multi-tool for Polymer projects';
const CLI_USAGE = 'Usage: \`polymer  [options ...]\`';

const HELP_HEADER = `
   ${b('/\\\\˜˜/')}   ${m('/\\\\˜˜/')}${b('\\\\')}
  ${b('/__\\\\/')}   ${m('/__\\\\/')}${b('__\\\\')}    ${CLI_TITLE}
 ${b('/\\\\  /')}   ${m('/\\\\  /')}${b('\\\\  /\\\\')}
${b('/__\\\\/')}   ${m('/__\\\\/')}  ${b('\\\\/__\\\\')}  ${CLI_DESCRIPTION}
${b('\\\\  /\\\\')}  ${m('/\\\\  /')}   ${b('/\\\\  /')}
 ${b('\\\\/__\\\\')}${m('/__\\\\/')}   ${b('/__\\\\/')}   ${CLI_USAGE}
  ${b('\\\\')}  ${m('/\\\\  /')}   ${b('/\\\\  /')}
   ${b('\\\\')}${m('/__\\\\/')}   ${b('/__\\\\/')}
const babelPresetES2015NoModules =
    babelPresetES2015.buildPreset({}, {modules: false});
const externalHelpersPlugin = require('babel-plugin-external-helpers');
const babelObjectRestSpreadPlugin =
const babelPluginSyntaxDynamicImport =
const babelPluginSyntaxObjectRestSpread =

// TODO(fks) 09-22-2016: Latest npm type declaration resolves to a non-module
// entity. Upgrade to proper JS import once compatible .d.ts file is released,
// or consider writing a custom declaration in the `custom_typings/` folder.
import File = require('vinyl');

const logger = logging.getLogger('');

export type FileCB = (error?: any, file?: File) => void;
export type CSSOptimizeOptions = {
  stripWhitespace?: boolean;
export interface OptimizeOptions {
  html?: {
          exclude?: string[]
  css?: {
          exclude?: string[]
 * The complete set of authors may be found at
 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {SWConfig} from 'polymer-build';

const logger = logging.getLogger('');

export function loadServiceWorkerConfig(configFile: string):
    Promise {
  return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
    fs.stat(configFile, (statError) => {
      let config: SWConfig|null = null;
      // only log if the config file exists at all
      if (!statError) {
        try {
          config = require(configFile);
        } catch (loadError) {
              `${configFile} file was found but could not be loaded`,

import * as dom5 from 'dom5';
import * as osPath from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {Transform, PassThrough} from 'stream';
import File = require('vinyl');
import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs';
import {StreamAnalyzer, DepsIndex} from './analyzer';
import {Bundler} from './bundle';
import {optimize, OptimizeOptions} from './optimize';
import {FileCB} from './streams';
import {writeServiceWorker, SWConfig} from './service-worker';
import {forkStream} from './fork-stream';

const logger = logging.getLogger('polymer-project');
const pred = dom5.predicates;

const extensionsForType: {[mimetype: string]: string} = {
  'text/ecmascript-6': 'js',
  'application/javascript': 'js',
  'text/javascript': 'js',
  'application/x-typescript': 'ts',
  'text/x-typescript': 'ts',

export interface ProjectOptions {
   * Path to the root of the project on the filesystem.
  root?: string;

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