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Top 10 Examples of "keythereum in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'keythereum' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

wan: '0x67f3de547c7f3bc77095686a9e7fe49397e59cdf', // WMKR
  from: '0x026a6301477c59ab17d11cade5fd00e5c8c6fa90',
  to: '0x017ab346a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
  value: '2242000000000000',
  storeman: {
    wan: '0x06daa9379cbe241a84a65b217a11b38fe3b4b063',
    eth: '0x41623962c5d44565de623d53eb677e0f300467d2',

// Get Ethereum private keys
const ethDatadir = '/home/user/.ethereum/testnet/';
const ethKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(opts.from, ethDatadir);
const ethPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', ethKeyObject);

// Get Wanchain private keys
const wanDatadir = '/home/user/.wanchain/testnet/';
const wanKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(, wanDatadir);
const wanPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', wanKeyObject);

// Do inbound MKR to WMKR transaction
  .catch(err => {
// Define the transaction opts
const opts = {
  from: '0x017ab346a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
  to: '0x026a6301477c59ab17d11cade5fd00e5c8c6fa90',
  value: '1210000000000000000',
  storeman: {
    wan: '0x06daa9379cbe241a84a65b217a11b38fe3b4b063',
    eth: '0x41623962c5d44565de623d53eb677e0f300467d2',

// Get Ethereum private keys
const ethDatadir = '/home/user/.ethereum/testnet/';
const ethKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(, ethDatadir);
const ethPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', ethKeyObject);

// Get Wanchain private keys
const wanDatadir = '/home/user/.wanchain/testnet/';
const wanKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(opts.from, wanDatadir);
const wanPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', wanKeyObject);

// Do outbound WETH to ETH transaction
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error:', err);

  // Generate a new redeemKey
  redeemKey: wanx.newRedeemKey('sha256'),

  // private key of to address
  wif: 'cNggJXP2mMNSHA1r9CRd1sv65uykZNyeH8wkH3ZPZVUL1nLfTxRM',

// Total miner fee for redeem (in satoshis)
const minerFee = '2000';

// Get Wanchain private keys
const wanDatadir = '/home/user/.wanchain/testnet/';
const wanKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(opts.from, wanDatadir);
const wanPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', wanKeyObject);

// Do outbound WBTC to BTC transaction
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error:', err);

async function sendLock() {

  console.log('Starting btc outbound lock', opts);

  // Get the outbound fee
  const fee = await cctx.getOutboundFee(opts);
// Define the transaction opts
const opts = {
  from: '0x026a6301477c59ab17d11cade5fd00e5c8c6fa90',
  to: '0x017ab346a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
  value: '1210000000000000000',
  storeman: {
    wan: '0x06daa9379cbe241a84a65b217a11b38fe3b4b063',
    eth: '0x41623962c5d44565de623d53eb677e0f300467d2',

// Get Ethereum private keys
const ethDatadir = '/home/user/.ethereum/testnet/';
const ethKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(opts.from, ethDatadir);
const ethPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', ethKeyObject);

// Do inbound ETH to WETH lock transaction
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error:', err);

async function sendLock() {

  console.log('Starting eth inbound lock', opts);

  // Get the raw lock tx
  const lockTx = cctx.buildLockTx(opts);
to: '0x017ab346a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
  value: '1210000000000000000',
  storeman: {
    wan: '0x06daa9379cbe241a84a65b217a11b38fe3b4b063',
    eth: '0x41623962c5d44565de623d53eb677e0f300467d2',
  redeemKey: {
    x: '4d5569480ddd42fb1a8ddd641a36f384913480e621dacd038f234131f69b9b9d',
    xHash: '2cb53e1ae99fb341bf674076f9bcc2f4e170b08354fe74eb3bb9e7c325f584f0',

// Get Wanchain private keys
const wanDatadir = '/home/user/.wanchain/testnet/';
const wanKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(, wanDatadir);
const wanPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', wanKeyObject);

// Do inbound ETH to WETH redeem transaction
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error:', err);

async function sendRedeem() {

  console.log('Starting eth inbound redeem', opts);

  // Get the raw redeem tx
  const redeemTx = cctx.buildRedeemTx(opts);
console.log("Inside Add to SC");
  const user = await User.findOne({ email: email });
  let currPubKey;
  if (user.pubKey == "" || user.pubKey == undefined) {
    // user's account is not created create on.
    currPubKey = createKeystore(;
  } else {
    currPubKey = user.pubKey;
  console.log(`Current public Key: ${currPubKey}`);
  console.log(`User Key: ${user.pubKey}`)
  const keyObj = keythereum.importFromFile(
  const privateKey = keythereum.recover(process.env.DEF_ACCOUNT_PWD, keyObj);
  const count = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(coinbase_acnt).catch(err => {
    throw err;
  var rawTransaction = {
    from: coinbase_acnt,
    gasPrice: web3.utils.toHex(20 * 1e9),
    gasLimit: web3.utils.toHex(210000),
    to: process.env.CONTRACT_ADDR,
    value: "0x0",
    data: contract.methods
const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx');
const keythereum = require('keythereum');
const WebSocket = require('isomorphic-ws');

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:31337/transactions');

const DATADIR = '/home/user/.ethereum/priv_testnet';
const ADDRESS = '34e583cf9c1789c3141538eec77d9f0b8f7e89f2';
const PASSWORD = 'password';

const enc_key = keythereum.importFromFile(ADDRESS, DATADIR);
const key = keythereum.recover(PASSWORD, enc_key);

ws.onmessage = msg => {
  // Should do verification of parameters / user confirmation?
  const {id, data} = JSON.parse(;
  const {chainId} = data;
  const tx = new EthereumTx(data);

  console.log({'id': id, 'chainId': chainId, 'data': tx.serialize().toString('hex')});

  ws.send(JSON.stringify({'id': id, 'chainId': chainId, 'data': tx.serialize().toString('hex')}));
storeman: {
    wan: '0x9ebf2acd509e0d5f9653e755f26d9a3ddce3977c',
    btc: '0x83e5ca256c9ffd0ae019f98e4371e67ef5026d2d',

  // Generate a new redeemKey
  redeemKey: wanx.newRedeemKey('sha256'),

  // lockTime is optional
  // lockTime: moment().add(8, 'h').unix(),

// Get Wanchain private keys
const wanDatadir = '/home/user/.wanchain/testnet/';
const wanKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(, wanDatadir);
const wanPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', wanKeyObject);

// Do inbound BTC to WBTC transaction
Promise.resolve([]).then(() => {

  console.log('Starting btc inbound lock', opts);

  // Create new P2SH lock address
  const contract = cctx.buildHashTimeLockContract(opts);

  console.log('Created new BTC contract', contract);

  // Add the lockTime to opts
  opts.lockTime = contract.lockTime;

  // Convert BTC amount from satoshis to bitcoin
  const sendAmount = (new BigNumber(opts.value)).div(100000000).toString();
to: '0x017ab346a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
  value: '1210000000000000000',
  storeman: {
    wan: '0x06daa9379cbe241a84a65b217a11b38fe3b4b063',
    eth: '0x41623962c5d44565de623d53eb677e0f300467d2',
  redeemKey: {
    x: '4d5569480ddd42fb1a8ddd641a36f384913480e621dacd038f234131f69b9b9d',
    xHash: '2cb53e1ae99fb341bf674076f9bcc2f4e170b08354fe74eb3bb9e7c325f584f0',

// Get Wanchain private keys
const ethDatadir = '/home/user/.ethereum/testnet/';
const ethKeyObject = keythereum.importFromFile(, ethDatadir);
const ethPrivateKey = keythereum.recover('mypassword', ethKeyObject);

// Do outbound redeem transaction
Promise.resolve([]).then(() => {

  console.log('Starting eth outbound redeem', opts);

  // Get the tx count to determine next nonce
  return web3eth.eth.getTransactionCount(;

}).then(txCount => {

  // Get the raw redeem tx
  const redeemTx = cctx.buildRedeemTx(opts);
  redeemTx.nonce = web3eth.utils.toHex(txCount);

  // Sign and send the tx
getKeystore(function (err, data) {
        if (err) cb(err, null);
        else {
            var keystore = JSON.parse(data)
            try {
                var privateKey = keythereum.recover(password, keystore);
                cb(null, privateKey);
                // setTimeout(function () { cb(null, privateKey) }, 2000);
            catch (err) {
                cb({ message: lang[language].KeyPassMatch }, null);

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