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Top 10 Examples of "esprima in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'esprima' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


				// AngularStub creates this variable to check the injections
				lib.constants.MODULE = '$module';

				var node = TestHelper.createFunctionNode(this.functionName, this.functionParams, annotationTags);
				var code = Generator.generateCodeForNode(node);
				var expectedParams = '[\'%1\']'.replace('%1', this.functionParams.join('\',\''));
				var expectedCode = "%module.%type('%name', %value);\n%value.$inject=%injection;"
					.replace('%module', '$module')
					.replace('%type', dependencyType)
					.replace('%name', this.dependencyName)
					.replace(/%value/g, this.functionName)
					.replace('%injection', expectedParams);

				var codeTokens = esprima.tokenize(code),
					expectedTokens = esprima.tokenize(expectedCode);

				compareTokens(codeTokens, expectedTokens);
async function determineDependencyInfo(resource, rawInfo, pool) {
	const info = new ModuleInfo(;
	info.size = resource.fileSize;
	if ( /\.js$/.test( ) {
		// console.log("analyzing %s", resource.file);
		const code = await resource.buffer();
		info.size = code.length;
		const promises = [];
		try {
			const ast = esprima.parseScript(code.toString(), {comment: true});
			jsAnalyzer.analyze(ast,, info);
			new XMLCompositeAnalyzer(pool).analyze(ast,, info);
		} catch (error) {
			log.error("failed to parse or analyze %s:",, error);
		if ( rawInfo ) {
			info.rawModule = true;
			// console.log("adding preconfigured dependencies for %s:",, rawInfo.dependencies);
			rawInfo.dependencies.forEach( (dep) => info.addDependency(dep) );
			if ( rawInfo.requiresTopLevelScope ) {
				info.requiresTopLevelScope = true;
			if ( rawInfo.ignoredGlobals ) {
				info.ignoredGlobals = rawInfo.ignoredGlobals;
const convertImports = (srcPath) => {
	let changed = false;
	// console.log("scanning imports of", srcPath);
	let code = fs.readFileSync(srcPath).toString();
	const tree = esprima.parseModule(code);
	const importer = srcPath.replace(basePath, "");
	const importerDir = path.dirname(importer);
	// console.log("-> ", importer);
	tree.body.forEach(node => {
		if (node.type === "ImportDeclaration") {
			let importee = node.source.value;
			if (importee.startsWith(".")) {
			let importeeDir = path.dirname(importee);
			let importeeFile = path.basename(importee);
			let relativePath = path.relative(importerDir, importeeDir);
			if (relativePath.length === 0) {
				relativePath = "."
			if (!relativePath.startsWith(".")) {
const convertImports = (srcPath) => {
	let changed = false;
	// console.log("scanning imports of", srcPath);
	let code = fs.readFileSync(srcPath).toString();
	if (code.includes("import.meta.url")) {
		console.log(`skipping convertion for ${srcPath} due to import.meta.url usage`);
	const tree = esprima.parseModule(code);
	const importer = srcPath.replace(basePath, "");
	const importerDir = path.dirname(importer);
	tree.body.forEach(node => {
		if (node.type === "ImportDeclaration" && node.source.value.endsWith(".less")) {
			let importee = node.source.value;
			node.source.value = importee.replace(".less", "-css.js");
			changed = true;
			// console.log(importee, "from", importer);

	if (changed) {
		fs.writeFileSync(srcPath, escodegen.generate(tree));
function isNamedObject(node, objectPath, length) {
	// console.log("checking for named object ", node, objectPath, length);
	while ( length > 1
			&& node.type === Syntax.MemberExpression
			&& isIdentifier(, objectPath[length-1]) ) {
		node = node.object;
	return length === 1 && isIdentifier(node, objectPath[0]);
// assert(String) = args[i++].value;

		if ( args[i].type === Syntax.ArrayExpression ) {
			this.dependencyArray = args[i++];
			this.dependencies = (elem) => {
				if ( !isString(elem) ) {
					throw new TypeError();
				return ModuleName.resolveRelativeRequireJSName(, elem.value);
			this.dependencyInsertionIdx = this.dependencyArray.elements.length;

		if ( args[i].type === Syntax.FunctionExpression ) {
			this.factory = args[i++];
			params = this.factory.params;
			this.paramNames = (param) => {
				if ( param.type !== Syntax.Identifier ) {
					throw new TypeError();
			if ( this.factory.params.length < this.dependencyInsertionIdx ) {
				this.dependencyInsertionIdx = this.factory.params.length;

		// console.log("declared dependencies: " + this.dependencies);
var featureify = function(source, config) {
  config = config || {};
  enabled = config.enabled || {};

  var namespace = config.namespace || "Ember";

  var tree = esprima.parse(source, {
    range: true

  var sourceModifier = new SourceModifier(source);
  var walk = function(node) {
    if (node.type === "IfStatement") {
      if (node.test.type === "CallExpression" && node.test.callee) {
        // test
        if (node.test.callee.object &&
            node.test.callee.object.object &&
          // test namespace.FEATURES.isEnabled()
          if ( === namespace &&
     === "FEATURES" &&
     === "isEnabled") {
            var featureName = node.test.arguments[0].value;
module.exports = function (text, output, scope) {

  var tree = esprima.parse(text);
  var tracker = newScope()

  crawlScope(tree, function (node, scope, parent, param, path) {
    var fn = crawls[node.type]
    if (fn) fn(node, scope, parent, param, path)
  }, tracker, newScope);

  var globals = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)
    .concat(['arguments', 'this', 'setTimeout', 'clearTimeout', 'setInterval', 'clearInterval']);

  // fixScope(tracker, tree, globals)

  catchOutputs(tree, '$out')

  var code = escodegen.generate(tree)
  code += ';' + (name) {
checkString: function(str, filename) {
        filename = filename || 'input';
        var tree;
        str = str.replace(/^#![^\n]+\n/, '\n');
        try {
            tree = esprima.parse(str, {loc: true, range: true, comment: true, tokens: true});
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error('Syntax error at ' + filename + ': ' + e.message);
        var file = new JsFile(filename, str, tree);
        var errors = new Errors(file);
        this._activeRules.forEach(function(rule) {

            // Do not process the rule if it's equals to null (#203)
            if (this._config[rule.getOptionName()] !== null ) {
                rule.check(file, errors);

        }, this);

        // sort errors list to show errors as they appear in source
        errors.getErrorList().sort(function(a, b) {
function addAdRequire(ast, adRequirePath) {
  var body = ast.body;
  var useStrictNode = body[0];
  var requireNode = parse("var ad = require('" + adRequirePath + "');").body[0];
  var rest = body.slice(1);
  // Remove any existing calls to require ad, to avoid duplication.
  var restFiltered = rest.filter(function(node) {
    return !_.isEqual(node, requireNode);
  return build.program([useStrictNode, requireNode].concat(restFiltered));

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