Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'firebase-tools' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
.then(async (token: string) => {
const project = await getProject(token);
const confirmation = await userConfirmation();
if (!confirmation) {
console.log('\nYou chose not to continue. Nothing was changed.\n');
return false;
let task = showTask('Downloading project configuration');
const config = await firebaseTools.setup.web({ project, token });
// Write config to top-level config directory
await promisify(writeFile)(
resolvePath(__dirname, '../../config/project.json'),
JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)
// Deploy database rules
task = showTask('Deploying Firestore indexes and security rules');
await firebaseTools.deploy({
cwd: resolvePath(__dirname, '../../config')
await firebaseTools.deploy({
cwd: resolvePath(__dirname, '../../config')
// Firestore calls grpc.load() which has been deprecated and we
// get an ugly warning on screen. This mutes it temporarily.
const unmute = muteDeprecationWarning();
const firestore = firebase.initializeApp(config).firestore();
firestore.settings({ timestampsInSnapshots: true });
const rootRef = firestore.doc('/');
task = showTask('Deleting "shops" collection');
await firebaseTools.firestore.delete('/shops', {
yes: true,
recursive: true
task = showTask('Loading test data into "shops" collection');
await loadTestDataset(rootRef, loadJSONFile(
) as TestCollection[]);
.then((result?: boolean) => {
const config = require(resolvePath(
cachedToken = config.tokens.refresh_token;
} catch (err) {
/* no problem */
if (cachedToken) {
return cachedToken;
const {
tokens: { refresh_token: freshToken }
} = await firebaseTools.login.ci();
return freshToken;
task('deploy:devapp', ['stage-deploy:devapp'], () => {
return firebaseTools.deploy({cwd: projectDir, only: 'hosting'})
// Firebase tools opens a persistent websocket connection and the process will never exit.
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deployed the dev-app to firebase');
.catch((err: any) => {
task('deploy:devapp', ['stage-deploy:devapp'], () => {
return firebaseTools.deploy({cwd: projectDir, only: 'hosting'})
// Firebase tools opens a persistent websocket connection and the process will never exit.
.then(() => { console.log('Successfully deployed the demo-app to firebase'); process.exit(0); })
.catch((err: any) => { console.log(err); process.exit(1); });
task('deploy:devapp', ['stage-deploy:devapp'], () => {
return (
.deploy({ cwd: projectDir, only: 'hosting' })
// Firebase tools opens a persistent websocket connection and the process will never exit.
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deployed the demo-app to firebase');
.catch((err: any) => {
task('deploy:devapp', ['stage-deploy:devapp'], () => {
return firebaseTools.deploy({cwd: projectDir, only: 'hosting'})
// Firebase tools opens a persistent websocket connection and the process will never exit.
.then(() => { console.log('Successfully deployed the demo-app to firebase'); process.exit(0); })
.catch((err: any) => { console.log(err); process.exit(1); });
if (!(context.auth && context.auth.token && context.auth.token.admin)) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'Must be an administrative user to initiate delete.'
const path = data.path;
`User ${context.auth.uid} has requested to delete path ${path}`
// Run a recursive delete on the given document or collection path.
// The 'token' must be set in the functions config, and can be generated
// at the command line by running 'firebase login:ci'.
return firebase_tools.firestore
.delete(path, {
project: process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT,
recursive: true,
yes: true,
token: functions.config().fb.token
.then(() => {
return {
path: path
// [END recursive_delete_function]
async function deployConfig(configFile: string, project: string) {
console.log(`Deploying ${configFile} to ${project}.`);
// Read the local JSON file and then wrap it in { runtime: config: { ... } }
const configFileString = fs.readFileSync(configFile).toString();
const config = {
runtime: {
config: JSON.parse(configFileString)
// Encode the proposed config into a flat map of dot-separated values
const newConfig = encoding.flattenConfig(config, encoding.Direction.ENCODE);
// Get the current runtime config from Firebase as a giant object
const current = await firebase.functions.config.get("runtime", {
project: project
// Decode the config into a flat map of dot-separated values.
const currentConfig = encoding.flattenConfig(
runtime: current
const keysRemoved: string[] = [];
const keysAddedOrChanged: string[] = [];
const newKeys = Object.keys(newConfig);
const currentKeys = Object.keys(currentConfig);
const val = newConfig[key];
// If no changes, we're done
if (args.length == 0) {
console.log("No config changes.");
// Log out everything that is changing
// Set the new config
await firebase.functions.config.set(args, {
project: project