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Top 10 Examples of "lazy in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'lazy' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

let opts = Lazy(query).pick([
        'limit', 'offset', 'sort', 'direction'

      if (!opts.limit || opts.limit > 500 || opts.limit < 1) {
        opts.limit = 500;

      let sort = {};
      sort[opts.sort || 'name'] = opts.direction ?
        (opts.direction == 'asc' ? 1 : -1) : 1;

      let res = (await db.cfind(q).sort(sort).limit(opts.limit)
        .skip(opts.skip || 0).exec()).map(d => new model(d));

      res.query = Lazy(q).merge(opts).value();
      return res;
    // for (let i in this.fields.filter(t => t.type == 'oneToOne')) {
.map(timestamp => {
        let reqBody = null;
        let headers = {};

        if (typeof(config.body) === 'object' && Object.keys(config.body).length > 0) {
          if (config.method === 'PUT' || config.method === 'POST') {
            // Escape unicode
            reqBody = JSON.stringify(config.body).replace(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function(m) {
              return '\\u' + ('0000' + m.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
            headers['Content-Length'] = reqBody.length;
          } else {
            url += ('?' + querystring.stringify(_(config.body).filter((elm) => elm != null).value()));
            config.body = {};

        headers = Object.assign({}, {
          'X-Ovh-Consumer': this.opts.consumerKey,
          'X-Ovh-Signature': this.getHashedSignature(config.method || 'GET', this.urlRoot + url, Object.keys(config.body).length ? config.body : null, timestamp),
          'X-Ovh-Timestamp': timestamp,
          'X-Ovh-Application': this.opts.appKey
        }, headers);

        if (config.method === 'POST' || config.method === 'PUT') {
          headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

        return { headers: new Headers(headers) };
    let indices = Lazy( => Lazy(this._items).map((f) => f.hash).indexOf(next)) // Find the item's parent's indices
    const index = indices.length > 0 ? Math.max(indices.max() + 1, 0) : 0; // find the largest index (latest parent)
      const schemaCols = Object.assign(
      // don't handle abstract tables
      if (_options.abstract) continue;
      // creating table
      if (!exists) {
        const query = showCreateTable(table, schemaCols, _options);`Creating table ${table}: ${query}`);
        await this.client.execute(query);
      // calculating difference and apply changes
      else {
        const currTableKeys = Lazy(currTable).keys();
        const appendCols = Lazy(schemaCols)
        if (appendCols.length > 0) {
            new_cols: appendCols.join(', ')
          }, `Altering table ${table}`);
          const query = showAlterTable(
          await this.client.execute(query);
_insert(node) {
    let indices = Lazy( => Lazy(this._items).map((f) => f.hash).indexOf(next)) // Find the item's parent's indices
    const index = indices.toArray().length > 0 ? Math.max(indices.max() + 1, 0) : 0; // find the largest index (latest parent)
    this._items.splice(index, 0, node);
    return node;
await this.client.execute(query);
      // calculating difference and apply changes
      else {
        const currTableKeys = Lazy(currTable).keys();
        const appendCols = Lazy(schemaCols)
        if (appendCols.length > 0) {
            new_cols: appendCols.join(', ')
          }, `Altering table ${table}`);
          const query = showAlterTable(
          await this.client.execute(query);
    // rediscover db structure
    await;'Schema sync done');
executeQuery: function(sql, options){
			// executes a query with provide start and end parameters, calculating the total number of rows
				if(typeof options.start === "number"){
					var countSql = sql.replace(/select.*?from/i,"SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM");
					if(typeof options.end === "number"){
						sql += " LIMIT " + (options.end - options.start + 1);
					sql += " OFFSET " + options.start;
					var results = this.executeSql(sql, options.parameters).rows;
					var lengthObject = first(this.executeSql(countSql, options.parameters).rows);
					results.totalCount = lengthObject.count;
					return results; 
			var results = this.executeSql(sql, options.parameters).rows;
			results.totalCount = results.length;
			return results; 			
		getSchema: function(){
BaseElement.prototype._initHandlers = function () {
  var self = this;
  self.on('focus', function () {
    logger.debug('focus', util.typeOf(self));
    if (!self.focusable) self.focusNext();
  self.on('blur', function () { logger.debug('blur', util.typeOf(self)); });
  self.on('show', function () { self.setFront(); });
  self.on('keypress', _.noop); // 'element keypress' doesn't work correctly without this
  self.on('element keypress', function (el, ch, key) {
    switch (util.getBinding(self.options.bindings, key)) {
      case 'hide': self.hide(); return false;
      case 'focusNext': self.focusNext(); return false;
      case 'focusPrev': self.focusPrev(); return false;
.filter(function (child) { return child instanceof BaseModal; })

  self.on('element blur', function () {
    if (!self.screen.focused.hasAncestor(self) && self.screen.focused !== self) self.hide();

  self.on('click', function () {
    process.nextTick(function () {
      // TODO: don't change focus if contained element has focus already
      var firstChild = self.children[0];
      if (firstChild) firstChild.focus();

  self.on('keypress', _.noop); // 'element keypress' doesn't work correctly without this
  self.on('element keypress', function (el, ch, key) {
    switch (util.getBinding(self.options.bindings, key)) {
      case 'hide': self.hide(); break;
      case 'focusNext': self.focusEl(1); break;
      case 'focusPrev': self.focusEl(-1); break;
  self.on('show', function () {
    // if (self.otherModals.pluck('visible').compact().none()) self.screen.saveFocus();
    process.nextTick(function () { self.parent.render(); });
  self.on('hide', function () {
    if (self.otherModals.pluck('visible').compact().none()) {
      self.parent.lockKeys = true; process.nextTick(function () { self.parent.lockKeys = false; }); // FIXME: ugly hack to stop enter from last event from propagating to editor
return when(source, function(source){
				throw new DatabaseError(3, "not found");
			if(source instanceof Array){
				// this handles query results, but probably should create a branch for real arrays 
				var results = extendSome({
					some: function(callback){
							callback((item && typeof item == "object" && wrap(item, transaction, item, true)) || item);
					length: source.length,
				results.totalCount = source.totalCount;
				return results;
			var instancePrototype = Object.create(facetPrototype);
			defineProperties(instancePrototype, {
				load: {
					value: function(){
						if(facetSchema.allowed && !facetSchema.allowed(transaction.env, source)){
							throw new AccessError("Access denied to " + source);

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