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Top 10 Examples of "aws-sdk in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'aws-sdk' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var upload = multer({storage: multerS3({
  bucket: 'some-bucket',
  secretAccessKey: 'some secret',
  accessKeyId: 'some key',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  s3ForcePathStyle: true,
  endpoint: new AWS.Endpoint('http://localhost:4568')

var uploadAuto = multer({storage: multerS3({
  bucket: 'some-bucket',
  secretAccessKey: 'some secret',
  accessKeyId: 'some key',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  s3ForcePathStyle: true,
  endpoint: new AWS.Endpoint('http://localhost:4568'),
  contentType: multerS3.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE

var uploadCustomKey = multer({storage: multerS3({
  bucket: 'some-bucket',
  secretAccessKey: 'some secret',
  accessKeyId: 'some key',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  s3ForcePathStyle: true,
  endpoint: new AWS.Endpoint('http://localhost:4568'),
  key: function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, 'key-name')

// express setup
// Check hash here against old and don't increment Script model date if same.
          // Allows sync reset for GH and resave/reset to S3 if needed
          // Covers issue with GitHub cache serving old raw
          if (script.hash !== aScript.hash) {
            aScript.updated = new Date();

          if (findMeta(script.meta, 'UserScript.version.0.value') !==
            findMeta(aMeta, 'UserScript.version.0.value')) {

            aScript.installsSinceUpdate = 0;

        // Attempt to write out data to externals...
        s3 = new AWS.S3();
        if (s3) { // NOTE: Should be a noop
            Bucket: bucketName,
            Key: installName,
            Body: aBuf

          }, function (aErr, aData) {
            if (aErr) {
              // Forward the error
              aScript.invalidate('_id', aErr);

              // Localize the error
                'S3 putObject critical error\n' +
                  installName + '\n' +
                    JSON.stringify(aErr, null, ' ') + '\n' +
assert(options.credentials, 'credentials must be specified');
  assert(!options.bucketCDN || typeof options.bucketCDN === 'string',
    'Expected bucketCDN to be a hostname or empty string for none');
  assert(options.monitor, 'options.monitor is required');
  if (options.bucketCDN) {
    assert(/^https?:\/\//.test(options.bucketCDN), 'bucketCDN must be http(s)');
      'bucketCDN shouldn\'t end with slash');
  // Store the monitor
  this.monitor = options.monitor;
  // Ensure access to the bucket property
  this.bucket = options.bucket;
  // Create S3 client
  if (!options.credentials.mock) {
    this.s3 = new aws.S3(_.defaults({
      params: {
        Bucket: options.bucket,
    }, options.credentials));
  } else {
    this.s3 = options.credentials.mock;
  // Store bucket CDN
  this.bucketCDN = options.bucketCDN;
// object prefix of the Git commit hash.
// TODO currently this is using `latest` as the prefix
// This function also creates an output artifact, which is a zipped JSON file
// that contains the Git commit hash of the input repo artifact. The destination
// bucket for that is the native CodePipeline artifact store bucket.
// This should always callback to the CodePipeline API to indicate success or
// failure.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const unzip = require('unzipper');
const JSZip = require("jszip");

const s3 = new AWS.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'});
const codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline();

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    const job = event['CodePipeline.job'];

    try {
        console.log('Starting sync...');

        const sync = syncCode(job, context, callback);
        const tag = publishRevision(job, context, callback);

        Promise.all([tag, sync])
            .then(() => {
                console.log('...Notifying CodePipeline job of success!');
                codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult({ jobId: }, (e, d) => {
                    callback(null, '...Done!');
s3.headObject(s3_opts, function(err, meta){
            if (meta)'publish', JSON.stringify(meta));
            if (err && err.code == 'NotFound') {
                // we are safe to publish because
                // the object does not already exist
      'publish', 'Preparing to put object');
                var s3_put = new AWS.S3();
                var s3_put_opts = {  ACL: config.acl,
                                     Body: fs.createReadStream(tarball),
                                     Bucket: config.bucket,
                                     Key: key_name
      'publish', 'Putting object');
                try {
                    s3_put.putObject(s3_put_opts, function(err, resp){
              'publish', 'returned from putting object');
                        if(err) {
                 'publish', 's3 putObject error: "' + err + '"');
                           return callback(err);
                        if (resp)'publish', 's3 putObject response: "' + JSON.stringify(resp) + '"');
              'publish', 'successfully put object');
                        console.log('[''] published to ' + remote_package);
//     ],
//     "Resource": [
//       "*"
//     ]
//   }
// ]
// }

'use strict';

console.log('Loading function');

//  Init the AWS connection.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.region = 'us-west-2';
AWS.config.logger = process.stdout;  //  Debug

if (!process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT) {
  //  For unit test, set the credentials.
  const config = require('os').platform() === 'win32' ?
    require('../../../unabiz-emulator/config.json') :
  AWS.config.credentials = {
    accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId,
    secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey,
//  Use AWS command line "aws iot describe-endpoint" to get the endpoint address.
const endpoint = '';
//  Open the AWS IoT connection with the endpoint.
const iotdata = new AWS.IotData({ endpoint });
// Load the SDK for JavaScript
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');

// Set the region
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-east-1' });

const appsync = new AWS.AppSync({ apiVersion: '2017-07-25' });

// For creating User Pool: Reference
// API key is not recommended for security.

const graphQLAPIName = '...'; // your graphQL API Name
const awsRegion = 'us-east-1'; // AWS Region ex - us-east-1
const userPoolId = '...'; // Your Cognito User Pool Id
const roleName = 'Dynamo-AppSyncServiceRole';
const accountId = '...';
const serviceRole = `arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/${roleName}`; // Service IAM Role for appsync to access data sources
const MAX_RETRIES = 20;
let appId;

function wait(timeout) {
module.exports = function route({api, env, name, region, account, RouteKey}, callback) {

  let gateway = new aws.ApiGatewayV2({region})
  let lambda = new aws.Lambda({region})

  let arn = `arn:aws:lambda:${region}:${account}:function:${name}-${env}-ws-${RouteKey.replace('$', '')}`

  // used later
  let integrationId

     * setup the integration
    function createIntegration(callback) {
      setTimeout(function throttle() {
        let uri = `arn:aws:apigateway:${region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${arn}/invocations`
        // console.log(api)
          ApiId: api.ApiId,
creds = new AWS.Credentials('akid', 'secret', 'session');
        conf = {
            credentials: creds,
            endpoint: databaseURL,
            region: 'us-west-2',
    } else {
        creds = new AWS.Credentials('akid2', 'secret2', 'session2');
        conf = {
            credentials: creds,
            endpoint: databaseURL,
            region: 'us-west-2',

    const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB(conf);

    dynamodb.listTables().eachPage((err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error(err); // an error occurred
            return false;
        } else if (data && data.TableNames) {
   => {
                return {
                    TableName: elem,
            }).forEach((params) => {
                dynamodb.deleteTable(params, (err2: Error, data2: any) => {
                    if (err2) {
                        console.error('Unable to delete table. Error JSON:', JSON.stringify(err2, null, 2));
config = require('../secret.json');
} catch (error) {
  console.log('no secret json, on github action')

const awsConfig = {
  region: 'us-east-1',
  // process.env.awsAccessKeyId in action secret
  accessKeyId: process.env.awsAccessKeyId ? process.env.awsAccessKeyId :,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.awsSecretAccessKey ? process.env.awsSecretAccessKey :,
  signatureVersion: 'v4',


const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();

module.exports = dynamodb;

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