Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'konva' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
componentDidMount() {
const stageW = 640
const stageH = 450
this.stage = new Konva.Stage({
container: 'certiCntnr',
width: stageW,
height: stageH
// certificat template image
const imageObj = new Image()
// load template image file...
const imageLayer = new Konva.Layer()
const textLayer = new Konva.Layer()
imageObj.onload = function(e) {
let certiImage = new Konva.Image({
x: 0, y: 0,
image: imageObj,
width: stageW, height: stageH
imageObj.src = '/img/certemplateA_from_dreamstime.com_s.png'
// start to redraw cert texts....
const firstCt = this.state.certs[0]
if(!firstCt) return console.log('no certificate yet...');
componentDidMount() {
const stageW = 640
const stageH = 450
this.stage = new Konva.Stage({
container: 'certiCntnr',
width: stageW,
height: stageH
// certificat template image
const imageObj = new Image()
// load template image file...
const imageLayer = new Konva.Layer()
const textLayer = new Konva.Layer()
imageObj.onload = function(e) {
let certiImage = new Konva.Image({
x: 0, y: 0,
image: imageObj,
width: stageW, height: stageH
imageObj.src = '/img/certemplateA_from_dreamstime.com_s.png'
// start to redraw cert texts....
const firstCt = this.state.certs[0]
if(!firstCt) return console.log('no certificate yet...');
y: 80,
width: 100,
height: 20,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: {
x: 0,
y: 80,
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: {
x: 100,
y: 80,
stroke: self.options.tooltip.stroke,
strokeWidth: 1,
image: new Konva.Image({
stroke: '#D2D2D2',
strokeWidth: 1,
self.paths_ref = {
zoom_icon: 'M22.646,19.307c0.96-1.583,1.523-3.435,1.524-5.421C24.169,8.093,19.478,3.401,13.688,3.399C7.897,3.401,3.204,8.093,3.204,13.885c0,5.789,4.693,10.481,10.484,10.481c1.987,0,3.839-0.563,5.422-1.523l7.128,7.127l3.535-3.537L22.646,19.307zM13.688,20.369c-3.582-0.008-6.478-2.904-6.484-6.484c0.006-3.582,2.903-6.478,6.484-6.486c3.579,0.008,6.478,2.904,6.484,6.486C20.165,17.465,17.267,20.361,13.688,20.369zM15.687,9.051h-4v2.833H8.854v4.001h2.833v2.833h4v-2.834h2.832v-3.999h-2.833V9.051z',
unzoom_icon: 'M22.646,19.307c0.96-1.583,1.523-3.435,1.524-5.421C24.169,8.093,19.478,3.401,13.688,3.399C7.897,3.401,3.204,8.093,3.204,13.885c0,5.789,4.693,10.481,10.484,10.481c1.987,0,3.839-0.563,5.422-1.523l7.128,7.127l3.535-3.537L22.646,19.307zM13.688,20.369c-3.582-0.008-6.478-2.904-6.484-6.484c0.006-3.582,2.903-6.478,6.484-6.486c3.579,0.008,6.478,2.904,6.484,6.486C20.165,17.465,17.267,20.361,13.688,20.369zM8.854,11.884v4.001l9.665-0.001v-3.999L8.854,11.884z',
lightbulb: 'M15.5,2.833c-3.866,0-7,3.134-7,7c0,3.859,3.945,4.937,4.223,9.499h5.553c0.278-4.562,4.224-5.639,4.224-9.499C22.5,5.968,19.366,2.833,15.5,2.833zM15.5,28.166c1.894,0,2.483-1.027,2.667-1.666h-5.334C13.017,27.139,13.606,28.166,15.5,28.166zM12.75,25.498h5.5v-5.164h-5.5V25.498z',
// start plugin
// put this circle hit area into array for later detect
rect: {tx:cStartX-10, ty:cStartY-10, bx:cStartX+10, by:cStartY+10},
title: t.title
// save the last end point
lEndX = parseInt((i+1)/6)%2?(cStartX - distance):(cStartX + distance)
lEndY = cStartY
// the 6th point line, reset end x/y
if(i>0 && (i+1)%6===0){//get line down in the n 6th point
// console.log('draw down line ...')
lEndX = cStartX
lEndY = cStartY + distance
// line
var line = new Konva.Line({
points: [cStartX, cStartY, lEndX, lEndY],
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
var arc = new Konva.Arc({
x: cStartX,
y: cStartY,
innerRadius: 4,
outerRadius: 6,
angle: 90,
fill: 'white',
var vline = new Konva.Line({
points: [cStartX, cStartY, cStartX, (i%2)?cStartY-30:cStartY+30],
shadowOpacity: 0.9,
visible: false,
listening: true,
globals.elements.sharedReplayLeaderLabel = sharedReplayLeaderLabel;
// Add an animation to alert everyone when shared replay leadership has been transfered
globals.elements.sharedReplayLeaderLabelPulse = new Konva.Tween({
node: sharedReplayLeaderLabel,
width: size * 2,
height: size * 2,
offsetX: 0.025 * winH,
offsetY: 0.025 * winH,
duration: 0.5,
easing: Konva.Easings.EaseInOut,
onFinish: () => {
if (globals.elements.sharedReplayLeaderLabelPulse) {
// Tooltip for the crown
sharedReplayLeaderLabel.tooltipName = 'leader';
// This will get filled in later by the "replayLeader" command
sharedReplayLeaderLabel.tooltipContent = '';
tooltips.init(sharedReplayLeaderLabel, false, true);
// The user can right-click on the crown to pass the replay leader to an arbitrary person
sharedReplayLeaderLabel.on('click', (event) => {
const w = this.width();
const h = this.height();
this.background = new Konva.Rect({
name: 'background',
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: w,
height: h,
cornerRadius: 0.12 * h,
fill: 'black',
opacity: 0.6,
const text = new Konva.Text({
x: 0,
y: 0.275 * h, // 0.25 is too high for some reason
width: w,
height: 0.5 * h,
fontSize: 0.5 * h,
fontFamily: 'Verdana',
fill: 'white',
align: 'center',
text: config.number.toString(),
listening: false,
const resetButton = () => {
const layer = this.getLayer();
fill: 'black',
courseTxt.offsetX(courseTxt.width() / 2)
const achievemTxt = new Konva.TextPath({
x: 10, y: 306,
fill: '#EEE',
fontSize: 14,
fontStyle: 'bold',
fontFamily: 'Arial',
text: achievement,
// text: 'qualified',
data: 'M288 44 C 284 72, 342 72, 340 30'
const qore = new Konva.Text({
x: 310, y: 324,
fontFamily: 'Bitter Bold',
fontSize: 30,
text: achievement?achievement[0]:'-',
fill: 'white',
drawAllText(textLayer, courseName, achievement, dateObj) {
textLayer.destroyChildren()// clear first
const textpath = new Konva.TextPath({
x: 0,
y: 0,
fill: '#7D9EC0',
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
text: 'ULTRONELE',
data: 'M280 40 C 290 22, 340 22, 360 40'
const userName = this.state.userFullName
const userTxt = new Konva.Text({
x: 280, y: 196,
fontFamily: 'Bitter Bold',
fontSize: 24,
fontStyle: 'bold',
text: userName,
fill: 'black',
const { signiture } = this.props
const sigitureTxt = new Konva.Text({
x: 446, y: 356,
fontFamily: 'Permanent Marker',
fontSize: 20,
fontStyle: 'bold',
text: signiture?signiture:'Unknown',
fill: 'black',
constructor(config: Konva.ContainerConfig) {
this.cardBack = new Konva.Image({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: this.width(),
height: this.height(),
image: globals.cardImages.get('deck-back')!,
this.cardBack.on('dragend', this.dragEnd);
// The text that shows the number of cards remaining in the deck
this.numLeftText = new Konva.Text({
fill: 'white',
stroke: '#222222',
strokeWidth: 3,
align: 'center',
x: 0,
y: 0.3 * this.height(),
width: this.width(),
height: 0.4 * this.height(),
fontSize: 0.4 * this.height(),
fontFamily: 'Verdana',
fontStyle: 'bold',
text: globals.deckSize.toString(),
listening: false,
const drawClueAreaDisabled = () => {
// We fade the clue area and draw a rectangle on top of it when there are no clues available
globals.elements.clueAreaDisabled = new Konva.Group({
x: clueAreaValues.x * winW,
y: clueAreaValues.y * winH,
width: clueAreaValues.w! * winW,
// A transparent rectangle to stop clicks
const rect = new Konva.Rect({
width: clueAreaValues.w! * winW,
height: clueAreaValues.h! * winH,
listening: true, // It must listen or it won't stop clicks
const spacing = {
x: 0.075,
y: 0.03,
const lineColor = '#1a1a1a';
// The line from top-left to bottom-right
const line1 = new Konva.Line({
points: [
spacing.x * winW,