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Top 10 Examples of "tlds in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tlds' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const replacements = {
  '<': '<',
  '>': '>',
  '"': '"',

function normhtml(str) {
  // Like escapehtml but doesn't escape & since we don't want to have
  // to decode and then reencode.
  return str.replace(/[<>"]/g, (chr) => replacements[chr]);

// A registry name should end in a TLD.  We sort TLDs so that the RegExp greedily matches
// the longest TLD: e.g. .community should come before .com.
const REG_NAME = String.raw`(?:[a-z0-9\-_~!$&'()*+,;=%]+[.])+(?:${ tlds.sort(descLength).join('|') })[.]?`;

// TODO: range restrict
// eslint-disable-next-line id-match
const IPV4 = String.raw`\d+(?:\.\d+){3}(?=[/?#]|:\d)`;

// TODO: count hex digits properly.
// eslint-disable-next-line id-match
const IPV6 = String.raw`\[(?!\])(?:[0-9a-f]+(?:[:][0-9a-f]+)*)?(?:[:][:](?:[0-9a-f]+(?:[:][0-9a-f]+)*))?\]`;

const PROTOCOL_REGEX = String.raw`\b([a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*):`;

const PROTOCOL_PATTERN = new RegExp(`^${ PROTOCOL_REGEX }`, 'i');

const AUTHORITY_REGEX = String.raw`[^/:?#\s<>!,;]*`;
const AUTHORITY_PATTERN = new RegExp(`^(?:[^:/#?]*:)?//(${ AUTHORITY_REGEX })`);
function process_link(raw_data) { 
    const DESCRIPTION_PREFIX = ' - ';
    validate(!!raw_data.url, "URL shouldn't be empty");
    validate(!!raw_data.texts.inside, "URL text shouldn't be empty");
    if( ! normalize_url.is_url(raw_data.url) ) {
        return null;
 // validate(raw_data.texts.before==='', "URL shouldn't be preceded by any text");
    if( raw_data.texts.before!=='' ) {
        return null;
    validate(validator.isURL(raw_data.url,{allow_underscores: true}), "Doesn't seem to be an URL: `"+raw_data.url+"`");
    const resource_url = raw_data.url;
    const dn = normalize_url(resource_url).split('/')[0];
    validate(validator.isFQDN(dn), "Doesn't seem to be a valid domain: `"+dn+"`");
    validate(tlds.includes(dn.split('.').slice(-1)[0]), "Doesn't seem to be a valid TLD for: `"+dn+"`");
    const title = raw_data.texts.inside;

    let description = raw_data.texts.after;
    if( description.startsWith(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX) ) {
        description = description.slice(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX.length);

    delete raw_data;

    return {

    function validate(passed, msg){
private buildUrl(query: string) {
    // See if they have started with a web scheme
    if (/^https?:\/\/\w+/.test(query)) {
      return query;

    // See if they have ended with a valid TLD
    if (tlds.some(tld => query.endsWith(`.${tld}`))) {
      return `https://${query}`;

    // Probably searching then
    const searchEngine =
      engines.find(engine => engine.key ===!.searchEngine) ||

    return searchEngine.search_url.replace('{searchTerms}', query);
export function buildUrl(query: string, engineUrl: string) {
  // See if they have started with a web scheme
  if (/^https?:\/\/\w+/.test(query)) {
    return query;

  // See if they have ended with a valid TLD
  if (tlds.some(tld => query.endsWith(`.${tld}`))) {
    return `https://${query}`;

  // Probably searching then
  return engineUrl.replace('{searchTerms}', encodeURIComponent(query));
for (i = 1; ; i++) {
      if (str[i] !== String.fromCharCode(str[i - 1].charCodeAt(0) + 1)) {
        if (i < 3) {
          ranges.push(str.slice(0, i));
        } else {
          ranges.push(str[0] + '-' + str[i - 1]);
        str = str.slice(i);
  return '[' + ranges.join('') + ']';

var tlds = require('tlds').filter(name => /^[a-z]{2}$/.test(name)).sort();

// group by first letter

var result = [];

'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('').forEach(letter => {
  var list = tlds.filter(name => name[0] === letter);

  if (!list.length) { return; }

  if (list.length < 2) {
    result = result.concat(list);
import tlds from 'tlds';

// Reusables
const validTlds = tlds.concat(['local', 'dev']).join('|');
const escapeChar = `\\`;
const notWhitespaceCommaDoubleQuoteOrDot = `[^${escapeChar}s,"]`;
const dot = `${escapeChar}.`;
const hostnameChars = `[a-z0-9]`;
const number = `[0-9]`;
const endingChars = `${dot}?([${escapeChar}s<>",]|$)`;

// Sections
const optionalScheme = `(([a-z]+:)?//)?`;
const hostname = `(((${hostnameChars}-*)*${hostnameChars}+)${dot})+(${validTlds})`;
const ip = `(${number}{1,3}${dot}){3}${number}{1,3}`;
const optionalPortNumber = `(:${number}+)?`;
const optionalSlash = `(${escapeChar}/(${notWhitespaceCommaDoubleQuoteOrDot}*)?)?`;
const endsWithButDontMatch = `(?=${endingChars})`;

// Build
function validate_normalized_url(val, {Thing}) { 
    const dn = val.split('/')[0];
    const dn_msg = "Domain name `"+dn+"`"+(dn!==val?" (of `"+val+"`)":"");
    if( ! dn.includes('.') ) {
        throw new Thing.ValidationError(dn_msg+" is missing a dot. The domain name needs to have at least one dot like in ``.");
    if( ! validator.isFQDN(dn) ) {
        throw new Thing.ValidationError(dn_msg+" doesn't seem to exist.");
    const tld = dn.split('.').slice(-1)[0];
    if( ! tlds.includes(tld) ) {
        throw new Thing.ValidationError("The root `"+tld+"` (in the domain name `"+dn+"`"+(dn!==val?(" of `"+val+"`"):"")+") doesn't seem to exist.");
    if( val.endsWith('/') ) {
        return false;
    return true;
return matches.reduce((urls, match) => {
    if (!protocolRegex.test(match)) {
      match = `https://${match}`;

    let matchUrl: url.URL;
    try {
      matchUrl = new url.URL(match);
    } catch (e) {
      return urls;

    const hostnameParts = matchUrl.hostname.split(".");
    const tld = hostnameParts[hostnameParts.length - 1];
    if (tlds.includes(tld)) {

    return urls;
  }, []);
const validateTld = email => {
  let tld = email
  if (tlds.indexOf(tld) === -1) return tld;
  else return true;
export default (_opts) => {
  const opts = Object.assign({ strict: true }, _opts);
  const protocol = `(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//)${opts.strict ? '' : '?'}`;
  const auth = '(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?';
  const ip = ipRegex.v4().source;
  const host = '(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)';
  const domain = '(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*';
  const tld = `(?:\\.${opts.strict ? '(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})' : `(?:${tlds.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).join('|')})`})\\.?`;
  const port = '(?::\\d{2,5})?';
  const path = '(?:[/?#][^\\s"]*)?';
  const regex = `(?:${protocol}|www\\.)${auth}(?:localhost|${ip}|${host}${domain}${tld})${port}${path}`;

  return opts.exact ? new RegExp(`(?:^${regex}$)`, 'i') : new RegExp(regex, 'ig');

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