Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'carbon-components' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
init() {
// Grab the tooltip element
const holder = select(this.services.domUtils.getHolder());
const chartprefix = Tools.getProperty(this.model.getOptions(), "style", "prefix");
this.tooltip = DOMUtils.appendOrSelect(holder, `div.${settings.prefix}--${chartprefix}--tooltip`);
// Apply html content to the tooltip
const tooltipTextContainer = DOMUtils.appendOrSelect(this.tooltip, "div.content-box");
// listen to show-tooltip Custom Events to render the tooltip
this.services.events.addEventListener("show-tooltip", e => {
// check the type of tooltip and that it is enabled
if ((e.detail.type === TooltipTypes.DATAPOINT && Tools.getProperty(this.model.getOptions(), "tooltip", "datapoint", "enabled"))
|| (e.detail.type === TooltipTypes.GRIDLINE && Tools.getProperty(this.model.getOptions(), "tooltip", "gridline", "enabled")) ) {
let data = select(event.target).datum() as any;
// if there is a provided tooltip HTML function
if (Tools.getProperty(this.model.getOptions(), "tooltip", "customHTML")) {
} else if (e.detail.multidata) {
mounted() {
this.numberInput = NumberInput.create(this.$el);
this.numberInput.element.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
// this.$emit('input', e.target.value)
methods: {
connectedCallback() {
// Manually hooks the event listeners on the host element to make the event names configurable
this._hChangePage = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXPagination).eventAfterChangePage,
this._handleChangePage as EventListener
this._hChangePageSize = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXPagination).eventAfterChangePageSize,
this._handleChangePageSize as EventListener
// Modifies event listener options with `capture` option to use for delegated `focus`/`blur` event
let massagedOptions: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions = typeof options === 'undefined' ? false : options;
if (delegatedType) {
if (Object(options) === options) {
massagedOptions = {
capture: !hasFocusin,
} else {
massagedOptions = !hasFocusin;
on(target, (delegatedType || unprefixedType) as keyof HTMLElementEventMap, this[listenerName], massagedOptions)
connectedCallback() {
// Manually hooks the event listeners on the host element to make the event names configurable
this._hAfterChangeRadioButton = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXRadioButtonGroup).eventAfterChangeRadioButton,
this._handleAfterChangeRadioButton as EventListener
connectedCallback() {
// Manually hooks the event listeners on the host element to make the event names configurable
this._hAfterChange = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXDatePicker).eventAfterChange,
this._handleChange as EventListener
connectedCallback() {
// Manually hooks the event listeners on the host element to make the event names configurable
this._hChangePage = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXPagination).eventAfterChangePage,
this._handleChangePage as EventListener
this._hChangePageSize = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXPagination).eventAfterChangePageSize,
this._handleChangePageSize as EventListener
connectedCallback() {
if (!this._throttledHandleMousemoveImpl) {
this._throttledHandleMousemoveImpl = throttle(this._handleMousemoveImpl, 10);
// Manually hooks the event listeners on the host element to make the event names configurable
this._hChangeInput = on(
(this.constructor as typeof BXSlider).eventAfterChangeInput,
this._handleChangeInput as EventListener
const renderCb = () => {
const title = select(`g.${settings.prefix}--${options.chart.style.prefix}--title`);
// Remove event listener for when chart render is finished
chartEventsService.removeEventListener("render-finished", renderCb);
styleHolderElement() {
const holderElement = this.getHolder() as HTMLElement;
const { width, height } = this.model.getOptions();
// Add class to chart holder
select(this.getHolder()).classed(`${settings.prefix}--chart-holder`, true);
// If width exists in options
if (width) {
// Apply formatted width attribute to chart
holderElement.style.width = Tools.formatWidthHeightValues(width);
// If height exists in options
if (height) {
// Apply formatted height attribute to chart
holderElement.style.height = Tools.formatWidthHeightValues(height);