Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'kleur' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
glob('**/*.svelte', { cwd }).forEach(file => {
if (file[0] === '_') return;
try {
const { js } = compile(
fs.readFileSync(`${cwd}/${file}`, 'utf-8'),
Object.assign(options, {
filename: file
console.log( // eslint-disable-line no-console
`\n>> ${colors.cyan().bold(file)}\n${addLineNumbers(js.code)}\n<< ${colors.cyan().bold(file)}`
} catch (err) {
console.log(`failed to generate output: ${err.message}`);
/* eslint-disable no-console */
"use strict";
const kleur = require("kleur");
kleur.enabled = false;
const ConsoleLogger = require("../../../src/loggers/console");
const ServiceBroker = require("../../../src/service-broker");
const LoggerFactory = require("../../../src/logger-factory");
const lolex = require("lolex");
const broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
describe("Test Console logger class", () => {
describe("Test Constructor", () => {
it("should create with default options", () => {
const logger = new ConsoleLogger();
fs.writeFileSync(ROLLUP_INPUT_FILE, `${requires}\n\n${esmExportString}`);
const testExports = `module.exports = {${[...snippetsArray, ...archivedSnippetsArray]
.map(v => v.id)
// Check Travis builds - Will skip builds on Travis if not CRON/API
if (util.isTravisCI() && util.isNotTravisCronOrAPI()) {
)} Module build terminated, not a cron job or a custom build!`
await doRollup();
// Clean up the temporary input file Rollup used for building the module
console.log(`${green('SUCCESS!')} Snippet module built!`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${red('ERROR!')} During module creation: ${err}`);
)} Module build terminated, not a cron job or a custom build!`
await doRollup();
// Clean up the temporary input file Rollup used for building the module
console.log(`${green('SUCCESS!')} Snippet module built!`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${red('ERROR!')} During module creation: ${err}`);
if (withPath) {
// a hacky way to do conditional array.map
return directoryFilenames.reduce((fileNames, fileName) => {
if (
exclude == null ||
!exclude.some(toExclude => fileName === toExclude)
return fileNames;
}, []);
return directoryFilenames.filter(v => v !== 'README.md');
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${red('ERROR!')} During snippet loading: ${err}`);
// Creates a hash for a value using the SHA-256 algorithm.
} else {
output += `${snippet[0].slice(0, -3)}:uncategorized\n`;
console.log(`${yellow('Tagged uncategorized:')} ${snippet[0].slice(0, -3)}`);
// Write to tag_database
fs.writeFileSync('tag_database', output);
} catch (err) {
// Handle errors (hopefully not!)
console.log(`${red('ERROR!')} During tag_database generation: ${err}`);
// Log statistics for the tag_database file
console.log(`\n${bgWhite(black('=== TAG STATS ==='))}`);
for (let tagData of Object.entries(tagDbStats)
.filter(v => v[0] !== 'undefined')
.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0])))
console.log(`${green(tagData[0])}: ${tagData[1]} snippets`);
`${blue("New untagged snippets (will be tagged as 'uncategorized'):")} ${missingTags}\n`
// Log a success message
console.log(`${green('SUCCESS!')} tag_database file updated!`);
// Log the time taken
const indexOfSeparator = title.indexOf('-');
if (indexOfSeparator === -1) {
title = title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title.substr(1, title.length);
} else {
title =
title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
title.substr(1, indexOfSeparator - 1) +
' ' +
title.substr(indexOfSeparator + 1, title.length).toUpperCase();
try {
const data = await printTitle(title);
// TagLine is optional.
if (
typeof tagLine !== 'undefined' &&
tagLine !== '' &&
tagLine.trim().length > 0
) {
console.log(' ' + kleur.bold()[tagLineColor](tagLine));
} catch (error) {
throw error;
render() {
if (this.closed) return;
if (this.firstRender) this.out.write(cursor.hide);
else this.out.write(clear(this.outputText));
// Print prompt
this.outputText = [
style.symbol(this.done, this.aborted),
this.parts.reduce((arr, p, idx) => arr.concat(idx === this.cursor && !this.done ? color.cyan().underline(p.toString()) : p), [])
].join(' ');
// Print error
if (this.error) {
this.outputText += this.errorMsg.split('\n').reduce(
(a, l, i) => a + `\n${i ? ` ` : figures.pointerSmall} ${color.red().italic(l)}`, ``);
this.out.write(erase.line + cursor.to(0) + this.outputText);
} else {
title = cursor === i ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;
if (cursor === i && v.description) {
desc = ` - ${v.description}`;
if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, {
margin: prefix.length,
width: this.out.columns
return prefix + title + color.gray(desc || '');
} // shared with autocompleteMultiselect
renderOption(cursor, v, i, arrowIndicator) {
const prefix = (v.selected ? color.green(figures.radioOn) : figures.radioOff) + ' ' + arrowIndicator + ' ';
let title, desc;
if (v.disabled) {
title = cursor === i ? color.gray().underline(v.title) : color.strikethrough().gray(v.title);
} else {
title = cursor === i ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;
if (cursor === i && v.description) {
desc = ` - ${v.description}`;
if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, {
margin: prefix.length,
width: this.out.columns
return prefix + title + color.gray(desc || '');
} // shared with autocompleteMultiselect