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Top 10 Examples of "xlsx in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'xlsx' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/* from the electron quick-start */
var electron = require('electron');
var XLSX = require('xlsx');
var app =;

var win = null;

function createWindow() {
	if(win) return;
	win = new electron.BrowserWindow({width:800, height:600});
	win.loadURL("file://" + __dirname + "/index.html");
	win.on('closed', function() { win = null; });
if(app.setAboutPanelOptions) app.setAboutPanelOptions({ applicationName: 'sheetjs-electron', applicationVersion: "XLSX " + XLSX.version, copyright: "(C) 2017-present SheetJS LLC" });
app.on('open-file', function() { console.log(arguments); });
app.on('ready', createWindow);
app.on('activate', createWindow);
app.on('window-all-closed', function() { if(process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit(); });
doc.sheets = => {
    const sheet = file.Sheets[sheetName];
    const data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(sheet, {
      raw: true,
      cellText: false
    }); // jshint ignore:line
    const headers = data.length ? Object.keys(data) : [];
    return {
      name: sheetName,
      headers: headers,
      rows: => {
          .map(y => [y, !x[y].split ? x : x[y].split(';;').filter(x => !!x)])
          .forEach(values => {
            if (values[1].length > 1) x[values[0]] = values[1];
        return Object.assign({}, x, { $doc_type: sheetName });
function _parseExcel(data) {
    const fixedData = fixdata(data)
    // btoa是binary to ascii 将binary的数据用ascii码表示
    const workbook =, {type: 'base64'})
    // 读取多个sheet表
    let sheetTable = []
    const sheetList = workbook.Sheets
    if (sheetList) {
      Object.keys(sheetList).forEach(key => {
        const worksheet = sheetList[key]
        if (RANGE_KEY in worksheet) {
          if (ignore && ignore.length) {
            const wsRefArr = worksheet[RANGE_KEY].split(':')
            const startCellRowNum = ignore[0].replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/, '') || 0
            const startCellRowStr = ignore[0].replace(/[0-9]+/, '') || 'A'
            const endCellRowNum = ignore[1].replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/, '') || 0
            const maxNum =
              startCellRowNum > endCellRowNum ? startCellRowNum : endCellRowNum
            worksheet[RANGE_KEY] = `${startCellRowStr}${+maxNum + 1}:${
reader.onload = function (e) {
          // 数据预处理
          var binary = "";
          var bytes = new Uint8Array(;
          var length = bytes.byteLength;
          for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);

          /* 读取 workbook */
          var wb =, {
            type: 'binary'

          /* 选择第一个sheet */
          var wsname = wb.SheetNames[0];
          var ws = wb.Sheets[wsname];

          /* excel转换json数组,加上{header:1}是普通数组,不写是对象数组 */
 = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);

          /* 生成html表格 */
          var HTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws);
          document.getElementById('out-table').innerHTML = HTML;
          /* 显示导出Excel按钮 */
const steps = res => {
    if (excelFormats.includes(res.descriptor.format)) {
      const buffer = await res.buffer
      const workbook =, {type: 'buffer', bookSheets: true})
      if (sheets === 'all') {
        sheets = Array.from(Array(workbook.SheetNames.length).keys())
        // We are using sheet idx starting from 1 so we need to add 1 to each idx:
        sheets = => value + 1)
      } else if (sheets) { // When sheets are indexes of sheets separated by ','
        sheets = sheets.split(',').map(value => parseInt(value))
      } else { // Default case
        sheets = [1]
      for (let i of sheets) {
        const rows = await toArray(await xlsxParser(res, false, i-1))
        const schema = await infer(rows)
        const step = {
          output: `${}-sheet-${i}`,
          tabulator: {
exportToExcel(): void {
    try {
      /* generate worksheet */
      const ws: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(;

      /* generate workbook and add the worksheet */
      const wb: XLSX.WorkBook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
      XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Sheet1');

      /* save to file */
      XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'file.xlsx');
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('export error', err);
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-present  SheetJS -- */
var XLSX = require('xlsx');
var w ='abc,def\nghi,jkl', {type:'binary'});
var j = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(w.Sheets[w.SheetNames[0]], {header:1});
// 引入 xlsx 模块
var xlsx = require("xlsx");
var fs = require("fs");

// workbook 对象表示整份 Excel 文档
// 一个 workbook 对象包含了 N 个 sheets(看 Excel 文档的左下角)
var workbook = xlsx.readFileSync('example.xlsx');

// 打印出每个 sheet 的 name
for (var i in workbook.SheetNames)

// 获取第一个 sheet 的名字
var firstSheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0];

// 获取第一个 sheet 对象
// 通过表名获取表格
var sheet = workbook.Sheets[firstSheetName];

// 返回表的有效范围
// A1:E180
// console.log(sheet['!ref']);
getHeaderRow(sheet) {
        const headers = []
        const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(sheet['!ref'])
        let C
        const R = range.s.r /* start in the first row */
        for (C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) { /* walk every column in the range */
          var cell = sheet[XLSX.utils.encode_cell({ c: C, r: R })] /* find the cell in the first row */
          var hdr = 'UNKNOWN ' + C // <-- replace with your desired default
          if (cell && cell.t) hdr = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell)
        return headers
get_header_row(sheet) {
            const headers = []
            const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(sheet['!ref'])
            let C
            const R = range.s.r /* start in the first row */
            for (C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) { /* walk every column in the range */
                var cell = sheet[XLSX.utils.encode_cell({ c: C, r: R })] /* find the cell in the first row */
                var hdr = 'UNKNOWN ' + C // <-- replace with your desired default
                if (cell && cell.t) hdr = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell)
            return headers
        generateDate(header, body) {

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