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Top 10 Examples of "infusion in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'infusion' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    kettle = fluid.registerNamespace("kettle");


// Some definitions to make sure that errors during request get logged to the console. This should really be
// a default
fluid.defaults("gpii.test.errorLoggingRequest", {
    listeners: {
        "onRequestError.log": "fluid.logUncaughtException",
        "onRequestError.logActivity": {
            funcName: "fluid.logActivity",
            args: [null],
            priority: "after:log"
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 289016.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    kettle = fluid.registerNamespace("kettle"),
    path = require("path"),
    jqUnit = jqUnit || fluid.require("jqUnit"),
    gpii = fluid.registerNamespace("gpii");




 * Initial function to be called when the user hits the /match URL. Simply calls the
 *  gpii.flatMatchMaker.match function and fires the 'onSuccess' event when it returns
gpii.tests.multiUserSupport.flatMatchMakerMockMatch = function (ontologyHandler, body) {
    // fake a matchmaking process and return a payload dependent on users/preferences:
    var responseOptions = {
        "multiuser1": {
            "inferredConfiguration": {
                "gpii-default": {
                    "applications": {
 * Licensed under the New BSD license. You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with this License.
 * The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's
 * Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
 * under grant agreement no. 289016.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    gpii = fluid.registerNamespace("gpii");


// With all-in-local config, nonexistent GPII keys are able to key in and key out.
// Note that with untrusted config, nonexistent GPII keys can only key in with client credentials that have privilege
// to create nonexistent GPII keys and prefs safes.
gpii.tests.userLogonRequest.nonexistentKeyInTestDefs = [{
    name: "Testing login and logout with a nonexistent GPII key",
    expect: 2,
    gpiiKey: "bogusToken",
    sequence: [
            // login with a non-existing GPII key
            task: "{lifecycleManager}.performLogin",
            args: ["{testCaseHolder}.options.gpiiKey"],
            resolve: "gpii.tests.userLogonRequest.testLoginResponse",

fluid.defaults("", {
    gradeNames: ["gpii.test.disruption.settings.sequenceGrade"],
    testCaseGradeNames: "",
    sequenceElements: {
        mainSequence: {
            priority: "after:startServer",
            gradeNames: ""

// For failed test case that are rejected by /settings endpoint
// 1. rejected when requesting /settings without providing an access token
fluid.defaults("", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.test.sequenceElement"],
    sequence: [
        { funcName: "fluid.log", args: ["Flowmanager rejected put settings sequence -- no access token..."]},
            func: "{settingsPutRequest}.send",
            args: ["{testCaseHolder}.options.updatedPrefsSet"]
            event: "{settingsPutRequest}.events.onComplete",
            listener: "gpii.test.verifyStatusCodeResponse",
            args: ["{arguments}.0", "{settingsPutRequest}", "{testCaseHolder}.options.expectedStatusCode"]

fluid.defaults("", {

 * ========================================================================
 * Testing of untrusted local config with the live cloud based flow manager
 * ========================================================================



// PUT /settings tests

fluid.defaults("gpii.tests.productionConfigTesting.settingsPut.testCaseHolder", {
    gradeNames: [
    productionHostConfig: {
        hostname: "flowmanager",
        port: 9082
    distributeOptions: {
        "accessTokenRequest.hostConfig": {
            source: "{that}.options.productionHostConfig",
            target: "{that accessTokenRequest}.options"
        "settingsPutRequest.hostConfig": {
            source: "{that}.options.productionHostConfig",
            target: "{that settingsPutRequest}.options"
/*jshint node:true*/

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    osc = require("osc");


var oscjs = fluid.registerNamespace("oscjs");

fluid.defaults("", {
    gradeNames: "",

    components: {
        browserTestWindow: {
            createOnEvent: "onReady",
            type: "oscjs.tests.electron.browserTestWindow"

        // We need a separate window for Electron-specific tests
        // because qunit-composite uses iFrames, which are sandboxed from the
        // Electron Node.js API (e.g. require()).
        electronTestWindow: {
            createOnEvent: "onReady",
            type: "oscjs.tests.electron.electronTestWindow",
            options: {
                windowOptions: {
gpii.tests.productionConfigTesting.testGetForDeletion = function (data, request) {
    var expected = request.options.expectedStatusCodes;
    var actual = request.nativeResponse.statusCode;
        "Deleting record from database using " + request.options.path +
        ", status: " + actual,
        expected.indexOf(actual), -1
    // Mark and store the to-be-deleted record
    if (actual === 201 || actual === 200) {
        request.options.docToRemove = JSON.parse(data);
        request.options.docToRemove._deleted = true;
Licensed under the New BSD license. You may not use this file except in
compliance with this License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 289016.

"use strict";
var fluid = require("infusion"),
    gpii = fluid.registerNamespace("gpii");


gpii.loadTestingSupport(); = {
    client_id: "",
    client_secret: "client_secret_chrome",
    redirect_uri: "",
    state: "The Client's Unique State",
    username: "bob",
    password: "b"

// A grade, applied to the testCaseHolder itself, to be used for testing whether
// the access token supplied for the settings request is checked. This overrides
// the definition of the settings request so that the member, ordinarily returned

WARNING:  Do not run these tests directly.  They are called from within the
"" after it has initialized the environment.

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    kettle = fluid.require("kettle");

// Ensure this happens first, to catch errors during code loading.

// Pass the current `require` to `fluid.require`, as nyc's instrumentation is hooked into it.
fluid.require("%gpii-universal", require);

var testIncludes = [

fluid.each(testIncludes, function (path) {
Licensed under the New BSD license. You may not use this file except in
compliance with this License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 289016.

"use strict";

var fluid = require("infusion"),
    gpii = fluid.registerNamespace("gpii");




// To avoid duplicating this entire piece in each test. Given a true or false value
// as input, this will return a settingshandler entry, containing all the options from
// the solutions registry entry for NVDAs launchHandler, with a settings block with
// running: X - where X is replaced with the input parameter = function (running) {
    return {
        "com.freedomscientific.jaws": [{
            "settings": {
                "running": running
            "options": {

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