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Top 10 Examples of "import-from in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'import-from' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export async function generateExport() {
  const cosmosConfig = getCosmosConfig();
  const { rootPath, outputPath, publicPath, publicUrl } = cosmosConfig;

  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');
  if (!webpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
    console.log('Install using "yarn add webpack" or "npm install webpack"');

  const userWebpackConfig = getUserWebpackConfig(cosmosConfig);
  const loaderWebpackConfig = enhanceWebpackConfig({
    shouldExport: true

  // Copy static files first, so that the built index.html overrides the its
  // template file (in case the static assets are served from the root path)
  if (publicPath) {
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(shouldExport ? 'production' : 'development'),
        PUBLIC_URL: JSON.stringify(removeTrailingSlash(publicUrl))
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      COSMOS_CONFIG: JSON.stringify({
        // Config options that are available inside the client bundle. Warning:
        // Must be serializable!

  if (!alreadyHasPlugin(webpackConfig, 'HtmlWebpackPlugin')) {
    const HtmlWebpackPlugin = silentImport(rootPath, 'html-webpack-plugin');

    if (HtmlWebpackPlugin) {
      plugins = [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
          title: 'React Cosmos',
          filename: '_loader.html'

  if (hot && !shouldExport) {
    if (!alreadyHasPlugin(webpackConfig, 'HotModuleReplacementPlugin')) {
      plugins = [...plugins, new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()];
// React.componentDidCatch
    devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map',
    resolve: {
      // Warning: webpack 1.x expects ['', '.js', '.jsx']
      extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']
    module: {
      // Note: `module.rules` only works with webpack >=2.x. For 1.x
      // compatibility a custom webpack config (with module.loaders) is required

  // Add mode option for webpack 4+
  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');

  if (webpack.version && parseInt(webpack.version, 10) >= 4) {
    // Disallow non dev/prod environments, like "test" inside Jest, because
    // they are not supported by webpack
    const mode =
      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'production' : 'development';

    config = {
      optimization: {
        // Cosmos reads component names at run-time, so it is crucial to not
        // minify even when building with production env (ie. when exporting)
        minimize: false
export function getWebpack(rootDir: string) {
  const userWebpack = importFrom.silent(rootDir, 'webpack');
  if (!userWebpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
      'Install using "yarn add --dev webpack" or "npm install --save-dev webpack"'

  return userWebpack;
console.log(`[Cosmos] Nice! You're using ${generatedConfigFor}`);
      console.log('[Cosmos] Generated a tailored config file for your setup');

  const cosmosConfig = getCosmosConfig();
  const { next, rootPath, publicUrl } = cosmosConfig;

  if (cosmosConfig.proxies) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] Warning: config.proxies is deprecated!');
      'Please check latest proxy docs:'

  const webpack = silentImport(rootPath, 'webpack');
  if (!webpack) {
    console.warn('[Cosmos] webpack dependency missing!');
    console.log('Install using "yarn add webpack" or "npm install webpack"');

    return () => {};

  const userWebpackConfig = getUserWebpackConfig(cosmosConfig);
  const app = createServerApp({
    playgroundOpts: getPlaygroundOpts(cosmosConfig)
  const { server, startServer, stopServer } = createServer(cosmosConfig, app);

  const publicPath = getPublicPath(cosmosConfig, userWebpackConfig);
  if (publicPath) {
export function resolveExternalModuleAndFn(pointer: any): any {
  if (typeof pointer === 'function') {
    return pointer;

  const patternArr = pointer.split('#');
  const moduleName = patternArr[0];
  const functionName = patternArr[1];
  const localFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), moduleName);
  const localFileExists = fs.existsSync(localFilePath);
  const loadedModule = localFileExists ? require(localFilePath) : importFrom(process.cwd(), moduleName);

  if (!(functionName in loadedModule)) {
    throw new Error(`${functionName} couldn't be found in module ${moduleName}!`);

  return loadedModule[functionName];
module.exports.loadConfig = (appDirectory) => {
  const packageJson = importFrom.silent(appDirectory, './package.json');

  if (!packageJson) {
    return null;

  const { haste } = packageJson;

  if (!haste) {
    return null;

  return haste;
export function getHtmlWebpackPlugin(rootDir: string) {
  return importFrom.silent(
;(Array.isArray(engine) ? engine : [engine]).some(eng => {
      if (typeof eng === 'string') {
        resolved =
          (from && importFrom.silent(path.dirname(path.resolve(from)), eng)) ||
          importFrom.silent(process.cwd(), eng)

        if (resolved?.__esModule) resolved = resolved.default
      } else {
        resolved = eng
      return resolved
allowUnsafeNewFunction(() => {
		esformatter = importFrom.silent(path.dirname(fp), 'esformatter') || require('esformatter');

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