Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'scope-analyzer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
return id != null && !!rows.byId[id]
magicString.walk(function (node) {
// transform-ast has set this to `undefined`
ast.parent = globalScope
var requireList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('require')
var moduleExportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.map(function (node) { return node.parent })
var exportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('exports')
var moduleList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.filter(function (node) { return !isModuleExports(node.parent) })
// Detect simple exports that are just `module.exports = xyz`, we can compile them to a single
// variable assignment.
var isSimpleExport = false
if (moduleExportsList.length === 1 && exportsList.length === 0 && moduleList.length === 0) {
var node = moduleExportsList[0]
if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && node.parent.left === node &&
node.parent.parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
isSimpleExport = scan.nearestScope(node.object, false) === ast
var name = getNodeName(node.parent.right)
if (name) {
moduleExportsName = toIdentifier('_$' + name + '_' + row.id)
// rewrite `typeof module` to `"object"`
if (node.parent.type === 'UnaryExpression' && node.parent.operator === 'typeof') {
} else if (isModuleParent(node.parent)) {
if (row.entry) {
} else {
} else {
renameIdentifier(node, moduleBaseName)
if (scan.scope(ast)) {
// rename colliding global variable names
scan.scope(ast).forEach(function (binding, name) {
if (binding[kShouldRename]) {
renameBinding(binding, toIdentifier('__' + name + '_' + row.id))
row[kRequireCalls].forEach(function (req) {
var node = req.node
var other = req.requiredModule
if (req.external) {
node.edit.update('require(' + JSON.stringify(req.id) + ')')
} else if (other && other[kEvaluateOnDemand]) {
node.edit.update(other[kExportsName] + '({})') // `module.parent` value = {}
} else if (other && other[kExportsName]) {
renameImport(row, node, other[kExportsName])
orderOfExecution.set(row.deps[required] || required, node.end)
function moduleExists (id) {
return id != null && !!rows.byId[id]
magicString.walk(function (node) {
// transform-ast has set this to `undefined`
ast.parent = globalScope
var requireList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('require')
var moduleExportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.map(function (node) { return node.parent })
var exportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('exports')
var moduleList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.filter(function (node) { return !isModuleExports(node.parent) })
// Detect simple exports that are just `module.exports = xyz`, we can compile them to a single
// variable assignment.
var isSimpleExport = false
if (moduleExportsList.length === 1 && exportsList.length === 0 && moduleList.length === 0) {
var node = moduleExportsList[0]
if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && node.parent.left === node &&
node.parent.parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
isSimpleExport = scan.nearestScope(node.object, false) === ast
var name = getNodeName(node.parent.right)
moduleList.forEach(function (node) {
// rewrite `typeof module` to `"object"`
if (node.parent.type === 'UnaryExpression' && node.parent.operator === 'typeof') {
} else if (isModuleParent(node.parent)) {
if (row.entry) {
} else {
} else {
renameIdentifier(node, moduleBaseName)
if (scan.scope(ast)) {
// rename colliding global variable names
scan.scope(ast).forEach(function (binding, name) {
if (binding[kShouldRename]) {
renameBinding(binding, toIdentifier('__' + name + '_' + row.id))
row[kRequireCalls].forEach(function (req) {
var node = req.node
var other = req.requiredModule
if (req.external) {
node.edit.update('require(' + JSON.stringify(req.id) + ')')
} else if (other && other[kEvaluateOnDemand]) {
node.edit.update(other[kExportsName] + '({})') // `module.parent` value = {}
dash(ast, function (node) {
var binding
if (isRequire(node, 'split-require')) {
if (onrequire) onrequire(node)
if (node.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {
// var sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.id)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
// sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.left)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else {
// require('split-require')(...args)
dash(ast, function (node) {
var binding
if (isRequire(node, 'split-require')) {
if (onrequire) onrequire(node)
if (node.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {
// var sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.id)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
// sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.left)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else {
// require('split-require')(...args)
function detectSplitRequireCalls (ast, onreference, onrequire) {
dash(ast, function (node) {
var binding
if (isRequire(node, 'split-require')) {
if (onrequire) onrequire(node)
if (node.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {
// var sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.id)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
// sr = require('split-require')
binding = scan.getBinding(node.parent.left)
if (binding) binding.getReferences().slice(1).forEach(onreference)
} else {
// require('split-require')(...args)
if (!meta) meta = unpackJsonpPrelude(ast)
if (!meta) return
var entryId = meta.entryId
var factories = meta.factories
if (!factories.every(isFunctionOrEmpty)) {
var modules = []
for (var i = 0; i < factories.length; i++) {
var factory = factories[i]
if (factory.factory === null) continue
// If source is available, rewrite the require,exports,module var names in place
// Else, generate a string afterwards.
var range = getModuleRange(factory.factory.body)
var moduleSource = rewriteMagicIdentifiers(
source ? source.slice(range.start, range.end) : null,
if (!moduleSource) {
moduleSource = astring.generate({
type: 'Program',
body: factory.factory.body.body
var deps = getDependencies(factory.factory)
row.source = dedup.source
var requireCalls = []
var orderOfExecution = new Map()
var ast
// hack to keep track of `module`/`exports` references correctly.
// in node.js they're defined by a function wrapper, so their scope is
// one level higher-ish than the module scope. this emulates that.
var globalScope = {
type: 'BrowserPackFlatWrapper',
parent: null
scan.createScope(globalScope, ['require', 'module', 'exports'])
var source = row.source
// Determine if a require() call may not be evaluated according to its linear source position
// This happens primarily if the call is inside a function, or inside a conditional branch
function isOrderUnpredictable (node) {
while ((node = node.parent)) {
// Special-case for IIFE, behaviour is the same as evaluating inline
if (node.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {
// (() => {})()
if (node.parent && node.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && node.parent.callee === node) {
// (function(){}).call(null)
// this form is added by browserify to inject globals
if (node.parent && node.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
var requireList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('require')
var moduleExportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.map(function (node) { return node.parent })
var exportsList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('exports')
var moduleList = scan.scope(globalScope).getReferences('module')
.filter(function (node) { return !isModuleExports(node.parent) })
// Detect simple exports that are just `module.exports = xyz`, we can compile them to a single
// variable assignment.
var isSimpleExport = false
if (moduleExportsList.length === 1 && exportsList.length === 0 && moduleList.length === 0) {
var node = moduleExportsList[0]
if (node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && node.parent.left === node &&
node.parent.parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
isSimpleExport = scan.nearestScope(node.object, false) === ast
var name = getNodeName(node.parent.right)
if (name) {
moduleExportsName = toIdentifier('_$' + name + '_' + row.id)
row[kAst] = ast
row[kIsSimpleExport] = isSimpleExport
row[kExportsName] = moduleExportsName
row.hasExports = (moduleExportsList.length + exportsList.length) > 0
row[kRequireCalls] = requireCalls
row[kDependencyOrder] = orderOfExecution
row[kReferences] = {
require: requireList,