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Top 10 Examples of "i18n-calypso in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'i18n-calypso' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function init() {
	if ( window.Raven && isEnabled( 'sentry' ) ) {
		window.Raven.config( '' ).install();
		// This is an experiment to send uncaught error in Promises to Sentry
		// We might want to remove it if we receive too many errors
		window.addEventListener( 'unhandledrejection', ( err ) => {
			window.Raven.captureException( err.reason );
		} );

	window.switchLocale = switchLocale;

	if ( window.localeData ) {
		i18n.setLocale( window.localeData );


	// pre-load checkout chunk
return parseJson( response ).then( ( json ) => {
			if ( json.success ) {
				return setSuccess( true, json );

			if ( 'rest_cookie_invalid_nonce' === json.code ) {
				setError( json.code );
				window.persistState = true;
				alert( __( 'There was a problem saving your settings. Please try again after the page is reloaded.' ) );

			if ( 'validation_failure' === _.get( json, 'data.error' ) && _.get( json, '' ) ) {
				let fieldsStatus =;
				// Some services still give the field errors in an array, keep backwards-compatibility
				if ( _.isArray( fieldsStatus ) ) {
					fieldsStatus = {}; ( fieldName ) => fieldsStatus[ fieldName ] = EMPTY_ERROR );
				return setFieldsStatus( fieldsStatus );

			if ( ) {
				return setError(, json );
			siteTitlePlaceholder: i18n.translate( "E.g., Vail Renovations or Stevie's blog" ),
			// Site topic step
			siteTopicHeader: i18n.translate( 'What is your site about?' ),
			siteTopicLabel: i18n.translate( 'What is your site about?' ),
			siteTopicSubheader: i18n.translate(
				"We'll add relevant content to your site to help you get started."
			siteTopicInputPlaceholder: i18n.translate( 'Enter a topic or choose one from below.' ),
			// Domains step
			domainsStepHeader: i18n.translate( 'Give your site an address' ),
			domainsStepSubheader: i18n.translate(
				'Enter a keyword that describes your site to get started.'
			domainsStepHeaderTestCopy: i18n.translate( "Let's get your site a domain!" ),
			domainsStepSubheaderTestCopy: i18n.translate(
				"Tell us your site's name or a few keywords, and we'll come up with some suggestions."
			// Site styles step
			siteStyleSubheader: i18n.translate(
				'This will help you get started with a theme you might like. You can change it later.'
"To set up this service, we're going to make some changes to the " +
								'the DNS records for your domain.'
						) }
					<a>{ showRecordsLinkText }</a>
				{ this.renderDnsTemplateRecords() }
				{ this.renderConflictingRecords() }
		/* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid,jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events,jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */

export default localize( DomainConnectAuthorizeRecords );
		} );

		if ( ! activeFilter ) {
		} else {
			if ( currentSite &amp;&amp; currentSite.domain ) {
				// FIXME: Auto-converted from the Flux setTitle action. Please use  instead. setTitle( i18n.translate( 'Stats', { textOnly: true } ) ) );

			const gmtOffset = getSiteOption(, siteId, 'gmt_offset' );
			const momentSiteZone = i18n
				.utcOffset( Number.isFinite( gmtOffset ) ? gmtOffset : 0 );
			if ( queryOptions.startDate &amp;&amp; i18n.moment( queryOptions.startDate ).isValid() ) {
				date = i18n.moment( queryOptions.startDate ).locale( 'en' );
				numPeriodAgo = getNumPeriodAgo( momentSiteZone, date, activeFilter.period );
			} else {
				date = rangeOfPeriod( activeFilter.period, momentSiteZone.locale( 'en' ) ).startOf;

			numPeriodAgo = parseInt( numPeriodAgo, 10 );
			if ( numPeriodAgo ) {
				if ( numPeriodAgo &gt; 9 ) {
					numPeriodAgo = '10plus';
				numPeriodAgo = '-' + numPeriodAgo;
			} else {
				numPeriodAgo = '';
getTimeString = timestamp => {
		var DAY_IN_SECONDS = 3600 * 24,
			MAX_LENGTH = 15,
			parsedTime = Date.parse( timestamp ),

		if ( isNaN( parsedTime ) ) {
			return '';

		const localeSlug = getLocaleSlug();
		momentTime = moment( timestamp ).locale( localeSlug );

		if ( - parsedTime > 1000 * DAY_IN_SECONDS * 5 ) {
			// 30 Apr 2015
			timeString = momentTime.format( 'll' );

			if ( timeString.length > MAX_LENGTH ) {
				// 2015/4/30 if 'll' is too long, e.g. "30 de abr. de 2015"
				timeString = momentTime.format( 'l' );
		} else {
			// simplified units, no "ago", e.g. 7 min, 4 hours, 2 days
			timeString = momentTime.fromNow( true );

		return timeString;
export function localizeUrl( fullUrl, locale ) {
	const localeSlug = locale || ( typeof getLocaleSlug === 'function' ? getLocaleSlug() : 'en' );
	const urlParts = url.parse( String( fullUrl ) );

	if ( ! urlParts ) {
		return fullUrl;

	// Let's unify the URL.
	urlParts.protocol = 'https';
	if ( '' === urlParts.hostname ) { = '';
	if ( ! endsWith( urlParts.pathname, '.php' ) ) {
		urlParts.pathname = ( urlParts.pathname + '/' ).replace( /\/+$/, '/' );

	if ( ! localeSlug || 'en' === localeSlug ) {
return renderCard( {
					status: '',
					content: __( 'Loading…' ),
				} );

			if ( scanEnabled ) {
				// Check for threats
				const threats = this.props.scanThreats;
				if ( threats !== 0 ) {
					return renderCard( {
						content: [
								{ __( 'Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.', 'Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.', {
									count: threats,
									args: { number: numberFormat( threats ) },
								} ) }
								{ __( '{{a}}View details at{{/a}}', {
									components: { a: <a href=""> },
								} ) }
								{ __( '{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}', {
									components: { a: </a><a href=""> },
								} ) }
							</a></p><a href="">,
					} );

				// All good</a>

	const { decimal, grouping, symbol, unitValue = 1000 } = THOUSANDS[ code ];

	const sign = number &lt; 0 ? '-' : '';
	const absNumber = Math.abs( number );

	// no-op if we have a small number
	if ( absNumber &lt; unitValue ) {
		return `${ sign }${ absNumber }`;

	//show 2 sig figs, otherwise take leading sig figs.
	const decimals = absNumber &lt; unitValue * 10 ? 1 : 0;

	const value = numberFormat( absNumber / unitValue, {
		thousandsSep: grouping,
		decPoint: decimal,
	} );

	return `${ sign }${ value }${ symbol }`;
function switchLocale( localeSlug ) {
	setLocaleCookie( localeSlug );

	if ( localeSlug === config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ) ) {
		// sets the locale back to the default

	request.get( languageFileUrl( localeSlug ) ).end( function( error, response ) {
		if ( error ) {
			debug( 'Encountered an error loading locale file for ' + localeSlug + '. Falling back to English.' );
		i18n.setLocale( response.body );
	} );

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