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Top 10 Examples of "delegate-it in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'delegate-it' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function init(): void {
	// Exclude PR review box because it's in a `position:fixed` container; The scroll HAS to appear within the fixed element.
	delegate('textarea:not(#pull_request_review_body)', 'focusin', focusListener);
function init(): void {
	// Collapsed comments in PR conversations and files
	delegate('.repository-content', '.minimized-comment details summary', 'click', clickAll(minimizedCommentsSelector));

	// "Load diff" buttons in PR files
	delegate('.repository-content', '.js-file .js-diff-load', 'click', clickAll(allDiffsSelector));

	// Review comments in PR
	delegate('.repository-content', '.js-file .js-resolvable-thread-toggler', 'click', clickAll(resolvedCommentsSelector));
export function listenToCommentFields(callback: DelegateEventHandler): void {
	delegate('.js-comment-field, #commit-description-textarea', 'keydown', event => {
		const field = event.delegateTarget;

		// Don't do anything if the autocomplete helper is shown or if non-Roman input is being used
		if (select.exists('.suggester', field.form!) || event.isComposing) {

	}, {
		// Adds support for `esc` key; GitHub seems to use `stopPropagation` on it
		capture: true
function init(): void {
	delegate('#files', '[action$="/review_comment/create"]', 'submit', handleReviewSubmission);
	delegate('#files', '.rgh-submit-single', 'click', handleSubmitSingle);
function init(): void {
	delegate('#files', '.js-file-header-dropdown > summary', 'click', handleMenuOpening);
function init(): void {
	delegate('.form-actions button[value="approve"]', 'click', () => markAllFilesAsViewed());
async function init(): Promise {
	await onDomReady;

	if (pageDetect.isNotifications()) {
		const notifications = await getNotifications();
		if (notifications.length > 0) {
			await renderNotifications(notifications);
			document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('refined-github:mark-unread:notifications-added'));

			delegate('.btn-link.delete-note', 'click', markNotificationRead),
			delegate('.js-mark-all-read', 'click', markAllNotificationsRead),
			delegate('.js-delete-notification button', 'click', updateUnreadIndicator),
			delegate('.js-mark-visible-as-read', 'submit', markVisibleNotificationsRead)
	} else if (pageDetect.isPR() || pageDetect.isIssue()) {
		await markRead(location.href);

		if (pageDetect.isPRConversation() || pageDetect.isIssue()) {
			onUpdatableContentUpdate(select('#partial-discussion-sidebar')!, addMarkUnreadButton);
	} else if (pageDetect.isDiscussionList()) {
		for (const discussion of await getNotifications()) {
			const {pathname} = new URL(discussion.url);
			const listItem = select(`.read [href='${pathname}']`);
			if (listItem) {
function init(): void {
	delegate('.rgh-upload-btn', 'click', triggerUploadUI);
function init(): void {
	listeners = [
		...delegate('#discussion_bucket', '#merge_title_field', 'input', maybeShowNote),
		...delegate('#discussion_bucket', 'form.js-merge-pull-request', 'submit', submitPRTitleUpdate),
					<button data-close-dialog="" aria-label="Close dialog" type="button">
					<h3>Are you sure?</h3>

					<p>Are you sure you want to mark all unread notifications as read?</p>
					<button id="clear-local-notification" type="button">Mark all notifications as read</button>

	delegate('#clear-local-notification', 'click', async () =&gt; {
		await setNotifications([]);

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