Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'gsap' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let forceAnimation = false;
if (this.isPlayingShowOrHideLoadingWidgetAnimation) {
// Note: This happens when more than one of these animations are
// constructed back to back, before the first has started, or if an
// animation is killed before it can complete. In these cases we always
// want to return the full desired animation, not the empty one.
console.debug('Calling getUpdateStatusWidgetVisibility while '
+ 'isPlayingShowOrHideLoadingWidgetAnimation = true. ');
forceAnimation = true;
// If nothing has changed, return an empty animation.
if (hide === this.shouldHideStatusWidget && !forceAnimation) {
console.debug('Returning without update status widget visibility animation.');
return new TimelineMax({});
} else {
console.debug('Getting update status widget visibility animation.');
this.isPlayingShowOrHideLoadingWidgetAnimation = true;
const updateStatusWidgetVisibilityAnimation = new TimelineMax({
onStart: () => {
this.ngZone.run(() => {
console.debug('Updating status widget visibility to '
+ (hide ? 'hidden' : 'visible') + ' from '
+ (this.shouldHideStatusWidget ? 'hidden' : 'visible'));
// Disable hiding so animations will show up.
this.shouldHideStatusWidget = false;
onComplete: () => {
this.nodeEditSource = new NodeEditSource()
this.tagEdit = new TagEdit()
this.nodeTree = new NodeTree()
// Codemirror
// Animate actions menu
if ($('.actions-menu').length) {
TweenLite.to('.actions-menu', 0.5, {right: 0, delay: 0.4, ease: Expo.easeOut})
window.Rozier.nodeStatuses = new NodeStatuses()
// Switch checkboxes
if (typeof window.Rozier.importRoutes !== 'undefined' &&
window.Rozier.importRoutes !== null) {
window.Rozier.import = new Import(window.Rozier.importRoutes)
window.Rozier.importRoutes = null
tweenConfettiParticle(id) {
const minAngle = this.confettiSprites[id].angle - SPREAD / 2;
const maxAngle = this.confettiSprites[id].angle + SPREAD / 2;
const minVelocity = this.confettiSprites[id].velocity / 4;
const maxVelocity = this.confettiSprites[id].velocity;
// Physics Props
const velocity = loRandom(minVelocity, maxVelocity);
const angle = loRandom(minAngle, maxAngle);
const gravity = GRAVITY;
// const friction = loRandom(0.1, 0.25);
const friction = loRandom(0.01, 0.05);
const d = 0;
TweenMax.to(this.confettiSprites[id], DECAY, {
physics2D: {
ease: Power4.easeIn,
onComplete: () => {
// remove confetti sprite and id
loPull(this.confettiSpriteIds, id);
delete this.confettiSprites[id];
const space = (Math.floor(i / this.count) + 1) * diff;
const linex = this.center + offsetX + (dists[0] - space) * x;
const liney = this.center + offsetY + (dists[0] - space) * y;
const start = { x2: linex, y2: liney };
const end = { x1: linex, y1: liney };
timeline.to(line, 0.7, { attr: start, ease });
timeline.to(line, 1.3, { attr: end, ease }, "-=0.7");
timeline.to(line, 0.5, { opacity: 0 }, "-=0.5");
if (i < this.count) {
const timeline = new TimelineMax();
const square = this.squares[i];
const circle = this.circles[i];
// animate square
timeline.fromTo(square, 1.5, { rotation: i * 35, transformOrigin }, { rotation: "+=360", ease });
timeline.add("start", "-=1.5");
timeline.to(square, 1.5, { x: offsetX + dists[1] * x, y: offsetY + dists[1] * y, ease }, "start");
timeline.from(square, 1.5, { scale: 0, ease }, "start");
timeline.to(square, 1, { opacity: 0, ease }, "start+=0.8");
// animate circle
timeline.to(circle, 1.5, { x: offsetX + dists[2] * x, y: offsetY + dists[2] * y, ease }, "start+=0.3");
timeline.from(circle, 1.5, { scale: 0, transformOrigin, ease }, "start+=0.3");
timeline.to(circle, 1.5, { scale: 0, transformOrigin, ease }, "-=0.9");
getStartAnimationsForCircleSquareDiamondWidgetLoading(): TimelineMax {
const startAnimationsTimeline = new TimelineMax({
align: 'sequence',
// Start animations happen in three groups. Group 0 animations before
// group 1, which animates before group 2. The animations within each
// group start at the same time.
const startAnimationsGroup0: Animation[] = [];
const startAnimationsGroup1: Animation[] = [];
const startAnimationsGroup2: Animation[] = [];
// Update visibility of the status widget before starting; it could have
// disappeared due to certain settings, and in some of these cases it
// needs to reappear before loading animation begins.
this.explorer.rotationVelocity = 0.02;
this.explorer.on("pointerdown", () => {
this.explorer.rotationVelocity *= -1;
// Add the explorer to the scene we are building
// Listen for frame updates
this.app.ticker.add(() => {
// each frame we spin the explorer around a bit
this.explorer.rotation += this.explorer.rotationVelocity;
TweenLite.to(this.explorer, 2, {y: this.app.initialHeight / 2});
openSearch () {
// Close panel if open
// Translate search panel
TweenLite.to(this.$searchPanel, 0.6, {x: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut})
this.$mainContentOverlay[0].style.display = 'block'
TweenLite.to(this.$mainContentOverlay, 0.6, {opacity: 0.5, ease: Expo.easeOut})
// Add active class
this.searchOpen = true
openUser () {
// Close panel if open
// Translate user panel
TweenLite.to(this.$userActions, 0.6, {x: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut})
if (this.$mainContentOverlay.length) {
this.$mainContentOverlay[0].style.display = 'block'
TweenLite.to(this.$mainContentOverlay, 0.6, {opacity: 0.5, ease: Expo.easeOut})
// Add active class
this.userOpen = true
curEmailIndex = value.length;
// very crude email validation for now to trigger effects
if (curEmailIndex > 0) {
if (mouthStatus == "small") {
mouthStatus = "medium";
TweenMax.to([mouthBG, mouthOutline, mouthMaskPath], 1, { morphSVG: mouthMediumBG, shapeIndex: 8, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tooth, 1, { x: 0, y: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tongue, 1, { x: 0, y: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to([eyeL, eyeR], 1, { scaleX: .85, scaleY: .85, ease: Expo.easeOut });
if (value.includes("@")) {
mouthStatus = "large";
TweenMax.to([mouthBG, mouthOutline, mouthMaskPath], 1, { morphSVG: mouthLargeBG, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tooth, 1, { x: 3, y: -2, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tongue, 1, { y: 2, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to([eyeL, eyeR], 1, { scaleX: .65, scaleY: .65, ease: Expo.easeOut, transformOrigin: "center center" });
} else {
mouthStatus = "medium";
TweenMax.to([mouthBG, mouthOutline, mouthMaskPath], 1, { morphSVG: mouthMediumBG, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tooth, 1, { x: 0, y: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tongue, 1, { x: 0, y: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to([eyeL, eyeR], 1, { scaleX: .85, scaleY: .85, ease: Expo.easeOut });
} else {
mouthStatus = "small";
TweenMax.to([mouthBG, mouthOutline, mouthMaskPath], 1, { morphSVG: mouthSmallBG, shapeIndex: 9, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tooth, 1, { x: 0, y: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to(tongue, 1, { y: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut });
TweenMax.to([eyeL, eyeR], 1, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut });
show() {
TweenLite.set('#news-feed', {y: -50}); // set the Y transform before animating it
TweenLite.to('#news-feed', 0.3, {y: 0});