Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tape' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
` expected:\n${chalk.blue(
indentLines(8, JSON.stringify(data.expected, null, 2))
` actual :\n${chalk.blue(
indentLines(8, JSON.stringify(data.actual, null, 2))
const harness = tape.getHarness({
exit: false,
stream: parser,
objectMode: true,
let testFiles = specifiedFiles;
if (testFiles.length === 0) {
if (chatty) {
console.log(chalk.blue(`looking for tests in ${srcDir}`));
testFiles = glob("**/*[.-]spec.ts", { cwd: srcDir });
if (!thorough) {
// exclude files containing slow.spec if not during a thorough run
testFiles = testFiles.filter(f => !/slow\.spec/.test(f));
import test from 'tape';
import { SES } from '../src/index';
test('SES environment does not have def/harden as a global', t => {
const s = SES.makeSESRootRealm();
t.equal(typeof s.global.def, 'undefined');
function check() {
return def({}); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
t.throws(() => s.evaluate(`${check}; check()`), ReferenceError);
test('SES environment does not have def/harden as a global despite requireMode', t => {
const s = SES.makeSESRootRealm({ requireMode: 'allow' });
t.equal(typeof s.global.def, 'undefined');
function check() {
return def({}); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
t.throws(() => s.evaluate(`${check}; check()`), ReferenceError);
t.true(Date.now() - now >= 5e3, '~> waited at least 5 seconds');
test('POST (string body w/ object url)', async t => {
const body = 'peter@klaven';
const uri = parse('https://reqres.in/api/login');
await httpie.post(uri, { body }).catch(err => {
t.is(err.message, 'Bad Request');
isResponse(t, err, 400, {
error: 'Missing email or username'
test('custom headers', async t => {
let headers = { 'X-FOO': 'BAR123' };
let res = await httpie.get('https://reqres.in/api/users', { headers });
let sent = res.req.getHeader('x-foo');
t.is(res.statusCode, 200, '~> statusCode = 200');
t.is(sent, 'BAR123', '~> sent custom "X-FOO" header');
function reviver(key, val) {
if (key.includes('_')) return; // removes
return typeof val === 'number' ? String(val) : val;
test('GET (reviver)', async t => {
// Tests
// -----
test('utils.pairs() gets pairs property from object', function(t) {
let data = {pairs: [['a'], [1]]};
let actual = pairs(data);
let expect = data.pairs;
t.deepEqual(actual, expect, 'should gets the value of pairs property');
data = {data: [1,2,3]};
t.notOk(pairs(data), 'should returns undefined is property is not in object');
test('utils.containedIn() checks if collection contains item', function(t) {
let collection = [0,1,2,3,4];
t.ok(containedIn(collection, 2), 'should returns true if item is in collection');
t.notOk(containedIn(collection, 5), 'should returns false if item is not in collection');
test('utils.rangeFrom0() create a range of indexes from 0', function(t) {
let actual = rangeFrom0(5);
let expect = [0,1,2,3,4];
t.deepEqual(actual, expect, 'should returns an array of indexes from 0');
const t = require('tape');
const sc = require('skale').context();
const data = [['hello', 1], ['hello', 1], ['world', 1]];
const nPartitions = 2;
const init = 0;
function reducer(a, b) {return a + b;}
function combiner(a, b) {return a + b;}
t.test('aggregateByKey', function (t) {
sc.parallelize(data, nPartitions)
.aggregateByKey(reducer, combiner, init)
.collect(function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, [['hello', 2], ['world', 1]]);
// TODO: test passing args in combiner / reducer
// TODO: test using worker contex in combiner / reducer
var aXorBCtor = xorStreamCtor(streamACtor, streamBCtor)
test('compare longer file to shorter file', function (t) {
// this fails right now
var xorB = xorStream(aXorBCtor(), streamBCtor())
streamEqual(streamACtor(), xorB, function (err, equal) {
t.error(err, 'streams compared without error')
t.ok(equal, 'equal pairity output')
test.skip('compare shorter file to longer file', function (t) {
var xorA = xorStream(aXorBCtor(), streamACtor())
streamEqual(streamBCtor(), xorA, function (err, equal) {
t.error(err, 'streams compared without error')
t.ok(equal, 'equal pairity output')
test('compare stings', function (t) {
var strA = crypto.randomBytes(1000).toString('hex')
var strB = crypto.randomBytes(1000).toString('hex')
var webjack = require('../dist/webjack');
function read (file) {
return fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/' + file, 'utf8').trim();
function write (file, data) { /* jshint ignore:line */
return fs.writeFileSync('./test/fixtures/' + file, data + '\n', 'utf8');
test.skip('webjack has tests', function (t) {
// read('something.html')
t.equal(true, true);
test('webjack module is exported', function (t) {
var conn = new webjack.Connection({audioCtx: AudioContext, navigator : navigator});
t.equal(typeof conn === 'object', true);
t('Caching resource', t => {
let a = Audio('./chopin.mp3').on('load', (audio) => {
let b = Audio('./chopin.mp3').on('load', (audio) => {
assert.equal(Object.keys(Audio.cache).length === 1)
t.only('save', t => {
let a = Audio(lena, (err, a) => {
a.save('lena.wav', (err, a) => {
if (!isBrowser) {
let p = __dirname + path.sep + 'lena.wav'
// t('create from buffer', t => {
// Audio(lena).volume(.5).play(() => {
// console.log('end');
* into tap-spec via node pipes rather than stdin / stdout.
* I found large auxiliary output (like console.log'ing a large table)
* would encounter buffering issues when using stdin / stdout.
* Never isolated exact cause, but creating and managing stream in
* Node explicitly seems to work.
* Unfortunately that tickles another issue: in-process streams
* wouldn't print summary information:
* See: https://github.com/scottcorgan/tap-spec/issues/37
* and https://github.com/scottcorgan/tap-spec/issues/37#issuecomment-268949364
* for my workaround.
let htest = test.createHarness()
// A fetch polyfill using ReadFile that assumes url is relative:
function readFileAsync (file, options) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(file, options, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.clientHeight);
['log', 'error', 'info'].forEach(k => {
var original = console[k];
console[k] = function (...args) {
addLine(k, [...args].join(' '));
original.call(console, ...args);
// Wait for tape to finish
const tapeResults = require("tape").getHarness()._results;
tapeResults.on("done", function (): void {
const payload = {
total: tapeResults.count,
passed: tapeResults.pass,
failed: tapeResults.fail,
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", `http://localhost:5001?id=${id}`, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Origin", location.origin);
xhr.onerror = function () {
console.error(`collector ${id} failed:`, xhr.status, xhr.responseText);