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Top 10 Examples of "react-use-gesture in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-use-gesture' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export default function Simple() {
  const [props, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1 }))
  const bind = useDrag(({ down, movement: [x, y] }) => {
    set({ x: down ? x : 0, y: down ? y : 0, scale: down ? 1.2 : 1 })
  // Now we're just mapping the animated values to our view, that's it. Btw, this component only renders once. :-)
  return (
function QuackQuinder({results}) {
    const {state, dispatch} = useContext(QuackContext);
    const {happy, sad} = state;
    const [gone] = useState(() =&gt; new Set()) // The set flags all the results that are flicked out
    const [props, set] = useSprings(results.length, i =&gt; ({, from: from(i)})) // Create a bunch of springs using the helpers above
    // Create a gesture, we're interested in down-state, delta (current-pos - click-pos), direction and velocity
    const bind = useDrag(({args: [index], down, movement: [mx], distance, direction: [xDir], velocity}) =&gt; {
        const trigger = velocity &gt; 0.2 // If you flick hard enough it should trigger the card to fly out
        const dir = xDir &lt; 0 ? -1 : xDir &gt; 0 ? 1 : 0 // Direction should either point left or right

        if (down) dispatch({type: 'SET_VOTESTATE', data: dir})
        if (!down) dispatch({type: 'SET_VOTESTATE', data: 0})

        if (!down &amp;&amp; trigger) {
            if (dir == 1) {
                dispatch({type: 'ADD_HAPPY', data: results[index]})
            } else {
                dispatch({type: 'ADD_SAD', data: results[index]})

        set(i =&gt; {
const offset = activeIndex !== undefined ? activeIndex * -1 : 0;

  const maxIndex =
    parentMax === -1 ? React.Children.count(children) - 1 : parentMax;

  // dragX will represent the current drag value to animate
  const [{ translateX, dragX }, set] = useSpring(() => ({
    translateX: offset * 100 * pageSize,
    dragX: 0,

  // this might look a bit strange but it's part of the api for useDrag
  // bind() is a function we'll add to our container div that gives us a bunch of gesture state data
  // think of this as an event listener for gestures

  const bind = useDrag(({ delta, last, vxvy, currentTarget }) => {
    // this is the drag value
    const [x] = delta;

    // the velocity of the drag -- important to track to prevent jank after user releases
    const [vx] = vxvy;

    // we want the value to immediate update w/ a user drag event, not spring to the value
    set({ dragX: x, immediate: true });

    // last is true when the user releases from dragging
    if (last) {
      const absChange = Math.abs(x);

      const target: any = currentTarget as any;
  const onClose = useCallback(
    (e?) => {
      closing.current = true;
      // Animate offscreen
      setSpring({ to: { transform: `translateY(${height()}px)` } });

  // Handle global escape key

  // This handles all drag interaction. The callback is called without re-render.
  const bindDrag = useDrag(({ event, active, movement, vxvy, last, cancel }) => {

    // If we haven't enabled dragging, cancel the gesture
    if (!last && cancel && !dragging.current) {

    // How far down should we be positioned?
    const yDelta = active ? Math.max(0, movement[1]) : 0;
    // Set immediate (no animation) if we're in a gesture, so it follows your finger precisely
    setSpring({ immediate: active, to: { transform: `translateY(${yDelta}px)` } });

    // Detect if the gesture ended with a high velocity, or with the sheet more than
    // dismissAmount percent of the way down - if so, consider it a close gesture.
    if (last && (movement[1] > (height() || 0) * dismissAmount || vxvy[1] > dismissVelocity)) {
    [position, rotation]

  // Register box as a physics body with mass
  const ref = useCannon({ mass: 100 }, fn, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (dragging) {
    } else {
  }, [dragging, onDrag, onDragStop]);

  const bindDrag = useDrag(
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    ({ delta: [x, y], vxvy: [vx, vy], dragging, event }) => {

        bodyRef.current.position.x + x / aspect,
        bodyRef.current.position.y + -y / aspect,

      if (dragging) {
      } else {
export default (set) =&gt; {
  const [{ dragging, dragDistance, width, currentIndex }, dispatch] = useStateContext()

  const bind = useDrag(({
    movement: [xDelta],
    direction: [xDir],
  }) =&gt; {
    if (canceled) return
    if (down &amp;&amp; distance &gt; dragDistance) {
      dispatch({ type: xDir &gt; 0 ? 'PREV' : 'NEXT', pause: true })
    set(i =&gt; {
      if (i &lt; currentIndex - 1 || i &gt; currentIndex + 1) return { display: 'none' }
      // const sc = down ? 1 - distance / window.innerWidth / 2 : 1
      const x = (i - currentIndex) * width + (down ? xDelta : 0)
export function Bounds({ setActive }) {
  const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() =&gt; ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
  const bind = useDrag(
    ({ down, offset: [ox, oy] }) =&gt; {
      setActive &amp;&amp; setActive(down)
      set({ x: ox, y: oy, immediate: down })
    { bounds }
  return (
export function Offset({ setActive }) {
  const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() =&gt; ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
  const bind = useDrag(({ down, offset: [x, y] }) =&gt; {
    setActive &amp;&amp; setActive(down)
    set({ x, y })
export default function Lock() {
  const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
  const axis = React.useRef()
  const bind = useDrag(
      movement: [mx, my],
      direction: [dx, dy],
      memo = [x.getValue(), y.getValue()],
    }) => {
      if (!axis.current) {
        if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) axis.current = 'x'
        else if (Math.abs(dy) > Math.abs(dx)) axis.current = 'y'

      if (axis.current === 'x') set({ x: memo[0] + mx, immediate: true })
      else if (axis.current === 'y') set({ y: memo[1] + my, immediate: true })

      if (last) axis.current = null
      return memo
export function Swipe({ setActive }) {
  const [position, setPosition] = useState(0)
  const space = 100

  const { x } = useSpring({ x: position * space })
  const bind = useDrag(({ movement, down, swipe: [swipeX], vxvy }) =&gt; {
    setPosition(p =&gt; Math.min(Math.max(-1, p + swipeX), 1))
    setActive &amp;&amp; setActive(down)

  return (
      <div style="{{">
      <div style="{{">

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