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Top 10 Examples of "ember-data in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ember-data' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


      adapter: adapter,

  registry.optionsForType('serializer', { singleton: false });
  registry.optionsForType('adapter', { singleton: false });
  registry.register('adapter:-default', DS.Adapter);

  registry.register('serializer:-default', DS.JSONAPISerializer);
  registry.register('serializer:-json', DS.JSONSerializer);
  registry.register('serializer:-rest', DS.RESTSerializer);

  registry.register('adapter:-rest', DS.RESTAdapter);
  registry.register('adapter:-json-api', DS.JSONAPIAdapter);

  registry.injection('serializer', 'store', 'service:store'); = container.lookup('service:store');
  env.restSerializer = container.lookup('serializer:-rest'); =;
  env.serializer ='-default'); =;
  // lazily create the adapter method because some tets depend on
  // modifiying the adapter in the container after setupStore is
  // called
  Object.defineProperty(env, 'adapter', {
    get() {
registry.register('model:' + dasherize(prop), options[prop]);

      adapter: adapter,

  registry.optionsForType('serializer', { singleton: false });
  registry.optionsForType('adapter', { singleton: false });
  registry.register('adapter:-default', DS.Adapter);

  registry.register('serializer:-default', DS.JSONAPISerializer);
  registry.register('serializer:-json', DS.JSONSerializer);
  registry.register('serializer:-rest', DS.RESTSerializer);

  registry.register('adapter:-rest', DS.RESTAdapter);
  registry.register('adapter:-json-api', DS.JSONAPIAdapter);

  registry.injection('serializer', 'store', 'service:store'); = container.lookup('service:store');
  env.restSerializer = container.lookup('serializer:-rest'); =;
  env.serializer ='-default'); =;
  // lazily create the adapter method because some tets depend on
  // modifiying the adapter in the container after setupStore is
  // called
  Object.defineProperty(env, 'adapter', {
QUnit.begin(() => {
  RSVP.configure('onerror', reason => {
    // only print error messages if they're exceptions;
    // otherwise, let a future turn of the event loop
    // handle the error.
    if (reason && reason instanceof Error) {
      throw reason;

  // Prevent all tests involving serialization to require a container
    transformFor(attributeType) {
      return this._super(attributeType, true) || transforms[attributeType];

* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
import ENV from 'files-view/config/environment';

export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  init: function () {
      cache: false

  namespace: Ember.computed(function() {
    var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/').filter(function(i) {
      return i !== "";
    var view = parts[parts.length - 3];
    var version = '/versions/' + parts[parts.length - 2];
    var instance = parts[parts.length - 1];

    if (!/^(\d+\.){2,3}\d+$/.test(parts[parts.length - 2])) { // version is not present
      instance = parts[parts.length - 2];
import DS from 'ember-data';
import config from 'front/config/environment';
import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import DataAdapterMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/data-adapter-mixin';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import FastbootAdapter from 'ember-data-storefront/mixins/fastboot-adapter';

export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend(DataAdapterMixin, FastbootAdapter, {
  fastboot: service(),
  host: computed('fastboot.isFastBoot', function() {
    let fastboot = this.fastboot;

    if (fastboot.isFastBoot) {
      // docker network alias
      return config.APP.backendDockerHost;
    } else {
      return config.APP.backendHost;
  namespace: config.APP.backendNamespace,
  init() {
    this.headers = {
import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Model.extend({
    // relationships
    vendor: DS.belongsTo('vendor'),
    users: DS.hasMany('user'),

    // attributes
    title: DS.attr('string'),
    date: DS.attr('date'),
    tags: DS.attr('array')
function paymentStateAcceptance(object) {
  return !Object.keys(PAYMENT_STATES)
    .some((state) => PAYMENT_STATES[state] === object.get('paymentState'));

export default AbstractModel.extend({
  // Attributes
  customForms: DS.attr('custom-forms'),
  dischargeInfo: DS.attr('string'),
  endDate: DS.attr('date'), // if visit type is outpatient, startDate and endDate are equal
  examiner: DS.attr('string'),
  hasAppointment: DS.attr('boolean', { defaultValue: false }),
  history: DS.attr('string'), // No longer used
  historySince: DS.attr('string'), // History of the Present Illness -- no longer used
  location: DS.attr('string'),
  notes: DS.attr('string'), // this field is being deprecated in favor of patient-note
  outPatient: DS.attr('boolean'),
  paymentState: DS.attr('string', { defaultValue: PAYMENT_STATES.PENDING }),
  primaryDiagnosis: DS.attr('string'), // No longer used -- diagnoses are stored in diagnoses hasMany relationship
  primaryBillingDiagnosis: DS.attr('string'), // AKA final diagnosis
  primaryBillingDiagnosisId: DS.attr('string'),
  reasonForVisit: DS.attr('string'),
  startDate: DS.attr('date'),
  status: DS.attr('string'),
  visitType: DS.attr(),

  // Associations
  charges: DS.hasMany('proc-charge', { async: false }),
  diagnoses: DS.hasMany('diagnosis', { async: false }),
  imaging: DS.hasMany('imaging', { async: true }),
  labs: DS.hasMany('lab', { async: true }),
col: Ember.computed('column', function() {
    return this.get('column.col');

  template: DS.attr('string'),

  x: DS.attr('number'),
  y: DS.attr('number'),
  x_padded: DS.attr('number'),
  y_padded: DS.attr('number'),
  rx: DS.attr('number'),
  ry: DS.attr('number'),
  cx: DS.attr('number'),
  cy: DS.attr('number'),
  width: DS.attr('number'),
  height: DS.attr('number'),

  svgenv: Ember.inject.service('svg-environment'),

  _addNodeValues: Ember.on('ready', function() {
    var svgenv = this.get('svgenv');

    if ( ! svgenv ) {
      throw new Ember.Error('svgenv has not been injected yet');

    // TODO: use uppercase names for absolute values

    // x
    this.set('x', this.get('col') * svgenv.get('colW'));
    this.set('x_padded', svgenv.get('paddingL') + this.get('x'));
    this.set('cx', this.get('x') + (svgenv.get('colW') / 2));
cloneUrl: attr('string'),
  gitUrl: attr('string'),
  sshUrl: attr('string'),
  svnUrl: attr('string'),

  // Urls
  archiveUrl: attr('string'),
  assigneesUrl: attr('string'),
  blobsUrl: attr('string'),
  branchesUrl: attr('string'),
  collaboratorsUrl: attr('string'),
  commentsUrl: attr('string'),
  commitsUrl: attr('string'),
  compareUrl: attr('string'),
  contentsUrl: attr('string'),
  contributorsUrl: attr('string'),
  deploymentsUrl: attr('string'),
  downloadsUrl: attr('string'),
  eventsUrl: attr('string'),
  forksUrl: attr('string'),
  gitCommitsUrl: attr('string'),
  gitRefsUrl: attr('string'),
  gitTagsUrl: attr('string'),
  hooksUrl: attr('string'),
  htmlUrl: attr('string'),
  issueCommentUrl: attr('string'),
  issueEventsUrl: attr('string'),
  issuesUrl: attr('string'),
  keysUrl: attr('string'),
  labelsUrl: attr('string'),
  mergesUrl: attr('string'),
Meta: attr(),
  Address: attr('string'),
  TaggedAddresses: attr(),
  Port: attr('number'),
  EnableTagOverride: attr('boolean'),
  CreateIndex: attr('number'),
  ModifyIndex: attr('number'),
  // TODO: These should be typed
  ChecksPassing: attr(),
  ChecksCritical: attr(),
  ChecksWarning: attr(),
  Nodes: attr(),
  Datacenter: attr('string'),
  Node: attr(),
  Service: attr(),
  Checks: attr(),
  SyncTime: attr('number'),
  meta: attr(),
  passing: computed('ChecksPassing', 'Checks', function() {
    let num = 0;
    // TODO: use typeof
    if (get(this, 'ChecksPassing') !== undefined) {
      num = get(this, 'ChecksPassing');
    } else {
      num = get(get(this, 'Checks').filterBy('Status', 'passing'), 'length');
    return {
      length: num,
  hasStatus: function(status) {
    let num = 0;

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