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Top 10 Examples of "stopword in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'stopword' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* global it */
/* global describe */

const Readable = require('stream').Readable
const logLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'error'
const s = new Readable({ objectMode: true })
const sandboxPath = 'test/sandbox'
const should = require('should')
const stopwords = require('stopword').en

  id: 'a',
  title: 'The Beatles',
  content: 'The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960. Beatles from Liverpool',
  year: ['1960', '1961', '1962']
  id: 'b',
  title: 'The Rolling Stones',
  content: 'The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962.',
  year: ['1962', '1963', '1964']
  id: 'c',
  title: 'Pink Floyd',
const textItems = this.$store.state.leotext
        children.forEach(child => {
          const t = textItems[child.t]
          let textData = {}
          try {
            textData = JSON.parse(t)
          } catch (e) {
          items.push(_.get(textData, this.from, ''))
        let text = items.join()
        // text = stripchar.RSspecChar(text.toLowerCase())
        text = text.replace(/[[\]&,;'"”’().*?]/g, ' ')
        let words = split(text)
        words = sw.removeStopwords(words)
        const wf = {}
        _.remove(words, word => /\d/.test(word))
        words.forEach(word => {
          if (word.length < 4) { return }
          word = word.toLowerCase()
          wf[word] = wf[word] ? wf[word] + 1 : 1
        // debugger
        const wordFreq = {}
        Object.keys(wf).forEach(k => {
          const v = wf[k]
          if (v > this.threshold) wordFreq[k] = v
        const keys = Object.keys(wordFreq)
        keys.forEach(k => {
          if (wordFreq[k + 's']) {
              .replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");

        //Remove _index + index files from uri
        const compUriArray = item.uri.split("/");
        const lastItemInCompArray = compUriArray[compUriArray.length - 1];
        if (
          lastItemInCompArray.includes("index") ||
        ) {
          item.uri = compUriArray.join("/");

        let content = stopword
          .join(" ")
          .replace(/\W/g, " ")
        let truncatedContent = truncate(content, _this.contentSize); // 20kB limit
        item.content = truncatedContent;

        // If this is a partial index, remove everything but the props we want
        if (self.partial) {
          item = _.pick(item, self.customInd);
        // Include an objectID to prevent duplicated entries in the index.
        item.objectID =
          : item.uri
const withoutStopWords = str => {
  // turn the string into an array of words
  const arr = strToArray(str);
  // filter out any words that are considered stop words
  const cleaned = stopword.removeStopwords(arr);
  // join the array back into a string
  const joined = cleaned.join(' ');
  // return the string
  return joined;
export const withoutStopWords = (str: string): string => {
  // turn the string into an array of words
  const arr = strToArray(str);
  // filter out any words that are considered stop words
  const cleaned = stopword.removeStopwords(arr);
  // join the array back into a string
  const joined = cleaned.join(' ');
  // return the string
  return joined;
export const withoutStopWords = (str) => {
  // turn the string into an array of words
  const arr = strToArray(str);
  // filter out any words that are considered stop words
  const cleaned = stopword.removeStopwords(arr);
  // join the array back into a string
  const joined = cleaned.join(' ');
  // return the string
  return joined;
import stopword from 'stopword'

import pipeline from './search-index-pipeline'
import { convertMetaDocId } from 'src/activity-logger'
import { RESULT_TYPES } from 'src/overview/constants'

const indexOpts = {
    batchSize: 500,
    appendOnly: false,
    indexPath: 'worldbrain-index',
    logLevel: 'info',
    preserveCase: false,
    compositeField: false,
    nGramLength: 1,
    // separator: /[|' .,\-|(\n)]+/,
    stopwords: stopword.en,
    fieldOptions: {
        // The `domain.tld(.cctld)` data from a page's URL
        // Currently used to afford `domain.tld(.cctld)` search in our queries
        // Should never need to tokenize, but put forward-slash separator incase preproecssing fails for whatever reason
        // (then domain search can still happen)
        domain: {
            weight: 40,
            fieldedSearch: true,
            separator: '/',
        // Page title text; occasionally empty
        title: {
            weight: 30,
            fieldedSearch: true,
        // Page URL tokenized by forward slashes; normalized slightly to remove protocol and leading `www.`
private preprocess(text: string, { removeSW = false }): string[] {
    const tokenizer = new WordTokenizer();
    let tokens = text.split(' ');
    if (removeSW) {
      tokens = sw.removeStopwords(tokens, ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS);
    return tokenizer.tokenize(tokens.join(' '));
exports.getVector = function(text, options) {
  if (typeof text != "string")
    throw new Error("error: input must be a string");
  var defaults = {
    nGramLength: 1,
    separator: /[\|' \.,\-|(\n)]+/,
    stopwords: sw.getStopwords()
  options = _.defaults(options || {}, defaults)
  if (options.nGramLength == 0)
    throw new Error("error: nGramLength must be greater than 0");
  //tokenise string, remove stopwords
  var tokens = sw.removeStopwords(text, {
    inputSeparator: options.separator,
    stopwords: options.stopwords
  }).split(' ');
  var vec = []
  if (!isNaN(options.nGramLength)) {
    return getTermVectorForNgramLength(tokens, options.nGramLength);
  else if (options.nGramLength.constructor === Array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < options.nGramLength.length; i++)
      vec = vec.concat(getTermVectorForNgramLength(tokens, options.nGramLength[i]))
    return vec;
  else if (typeof(options.nGramLength)
           && (parseInt(options.nGramLength.gte) <= parseInt(options.nGramLength.lte))) {
    var j = parseInt(options.nGramLength.gte);
    while (j <= options.nGramLength.lte) {
exports.getVector = function(text, options) {
  if (typeof text != "string")
    throw new Error("error: input must be a string");
  var defaults = {
    nGramLength: 1,
    separator: /[\|' \.,\-|(\n)]+/,
    stopwords: sw.getStopwords()
  options = _.defaults(options || {}, defaults)
  if (options.nGramLength == 0)
    throw new Error("error: nGramLength must be greater than 0");
  //tokenise string, remove stopwords
  var tokens = sw.removeStopwords(text, {
    inputSeparator: options.separator,
    stopwords: options.stopwords
  }).split(' ');
  var vec = []
  if (!isNaN(options.nGramLength)) {
    return getTermVectorForNgramLength(tokens, options.nGramLength);
  else if (options.nGramLength.constructor === Array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < options.nGramLength.length; i++)
      vec = vec.concat(getTermVectorForNgramLength(tokens, options.nGramLength[i]))

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