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Top 10 Examples of "xpath in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'xpath' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const chai = require("chai");
const chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");
const should = chai.should(); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const xpath  = require("xpath");
const entityFixtures = require("./fixtures/entities");
const ModelStub      = require("./fixtures/model-stub");
//const samlFixtures   = require("./fixtures/saml");
const credentials = require("../lib/util/credentials");
const randomID    = require("../lib/util/random-id");
const signing     = require("../lib/util/signing");
const errors      = require("../lib/errors");
const namespaces  = require("../lib/namespaces");
const select      = xpath.useNamespaces(namespaces);
const moment      = require("moment");

 * Tests for SP request construction and response handling for the
 * security-conscious. The protocol binding layer is tested seperately, as
 * its functionality is shared by both IDPs and SPs.
describe("Service Provider security checklist", function() {

	const requestConstruction = require("../lib/request-construction");
	const responseConstruction = require("../lib/response-construction");
	const responseHandling = require("../lib/response-handling");

	let sp = entityFixtures.simpleSPWithCredentials;
	let idp = entityFixtures.simpleIDPWithCredentials;
	const idpWithLatency = entityFixtures.simpleIDPWithLatency;

    // Attempt to grab the website URL.
    try {
        websiteUrl = xpath.select1("/*[local-name() = 'widget']/*[local-name() = 'author']/@href", configXmlDoc).value;
    catch (err) {
        console.error("Unable to parse href from the author node from the config.xml file.");

    // Attempt to query and parse the version information from config.xml.
    // Default to 0.0.0 if there are any problems.
    try {
        var versionString = xpath.select1("/*[local-name() = 'widget']/@version", configXmlDoc).value;
        var versionParts = versionString.split(".");
        majorVersion = parseInt(versionParts[0], 10);
        minorVersion = parseInt(versionParts[1], 10);
        buildVersion = parseInt(versionParts[2], 10);
    catch (err) {
        console.log("Error parsing version from config.xml; using 0.0.0 instead.", err);

    // Create the structure of the buildVars variable.
    var buildVars = {
        applicationName: applicationName,
        email: email,
        websiteUrl: websiteUrl,
        majorVersion: majorVersion,
        minorVersion: minorVersion,
const buildGsubTables = (_dom, ligature) => {
  dom = _dom;

  if (/_/.test(ligature.glyph) === false) {
    // not a ligature, so see if glyph exists in font (as substitute)
    const glyphNode =
    if (!glyphNode) {

  const glyphs =\.liga$/, '').split('_');
  const isSingleGlyph = glyphs.length == 1;

  gsubDom ='ttFont/GSUB', dom, true);

  // look for 'calt' feature
  featureListDom ='FeatureList', gsubDom, true);
fs.readFile(CONFING_XML, 'utf8', function (err, xml) {

    // get splash nodes
    var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml);
    var select = xpath.useNamespaces({'widget': ''});
    var nodes = select('//widget:platform[@name="android"]/widget:splash', doc);

    // for each splash nodes
    var EXT_PNG = '.png';
    var EXT_9PNG = '.9.png';
    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      var node = nodes[i];
      var fname = node.getAttribute('src');
      if (fname.indexOf(EXT_9PNG) === -1) {
        fname = fname.substring(0, fname.length - EXT_PNG.length);
        fname += EXT_9PNG;
        console.log('adding .9 :' + fname);
        node.setAttribute('src', fname);
      } else {
        console.log('.9 already added : ' + fname);
function configureSigningCredentials(xml, cb) {
    if (options.signingCert || options.thumprints) { return cb(null, true) };

    if (!options.getCredentials) {
      return cb(null, false);

    var issuer, sessionIndex, nameId;
    var issuerNode =[type].ISSUER_PATH, xml);

    if (issuerNode && issuerNode.length > 0) {
      issuer = issuerNode[0].textContent;

    // If LogoutRequest, we should check sessionIndex too
    if (constants.ELEMENTS[type].SESSION_INDEX_PATH){
      var sessionIndexNode =[type].SESSION_INDEX_PATH, xml);
      if (sessionIndexNode && sessionIndexNode.length > 0) {
        sessionIndex = sessionIndexNode[0].textContent;

    // If LogoutRequest, we should check sessionIndex too
    if (constants.ELEMENTS[type].NAME_ID){
      var nameIdNode =[type].NAME_ID, xml);
EnvelopedSignature.prototype.process = function (node, options) {
  if (null == options.signatureNode) {
    // leave this for the moment...
    var signature ="./*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']", node)[0];
    if (signature) signature.parentNode.removeChild(signature);
    return node;
  var signatureNode = options.signatureNode;
  var expectedSignatureValue = utils.findFirst(signatureNode, ".//*[local-name(.)='SignatureValue']/text()").data;
  var signatures =".//*[local-name(.)='Signature' and namespace-uri(.)='']", node);
  for (var h in signatures) {
    if (!signatures.hasOwnProperty(h)) continue;
    var signature = signatures[h];
    var signatureValue = utils.findFirst(signature, ".//*[local-name(.)='SignatureValue']/text()").data;
    if (expectedSignatureValue === signatureValue) {
  return node;

  // patch CFFFont
  const cffFont ='/ttFont/CFF/CFFFont', dom, true);

  cffFont.setAttribute('name', ligFontName);
  setAttribute(cffFont, 'FullName', 'value', fullName);
  setAttribute(cffFont, 'FamilyName', 'value', familyName);

  const charStrings ='/CharStrings/CharString', configDom);
  const targetCharStrings ='CharStrings', cffFont, true);

  const subrs = {
    map: [],
    source: await loadConfigAsync('subrs'),
    target:'/ttFont/CFF/CFFFont/Private/Subrs', dom, true)
  const gsubrs = {
    map: [],
    source: await loadConfigAsync('gsubrs'),
    target:'/ttFont/CFF/GlobalSubrs', dom, true)

  charStrings.forEach(node => {
    patchCharStringSubrs(node, subrs, gsubrs);
var fieldName = groupFields[l].attributes[0].value;

            var groupComponents = componentGroups[k].getElementsByTagName('component');
            for (l = 0; l < groupComponents.length; l++) {
                var compName = groupComponents[l].attributes[0].value;
                componentGroupFields[componentName][componentGroupName] = componentGroupFields[componentName][componentGroupName].concat(flattenComponent(compName, dom));



    var names = messageNames(dom);
    var messages ='//fix/messages/message', dom);

    for (var m = 0; m < messages.length; m++) {
        var messageName = messages[m].attributes[0].value;
        GROUPS[messageName] = {};
        var messageComponents = messages[m].getElementsByTagName('component');

        for (var n = 0; n < messageComponents.length; n++) {
            var componentName = messageComponents[n].attributes[0].value;
            var groupNames = Object.keys(componentGroupFields[componentName]);

            for (o = 0; o < groupNames.length; o++) { // collapse fields into GROUPS index
                GROUPS[messageName][groupNames[o]] = componentGroupFields[componentName][groupNames[o]];
this.readAndroidManifest((err, manifest) => {
                if (err) return done.rejectWith(this, [new Error('Manifest read error. ' + err.message)]);
                done.result.manifest = manifest;
                try {
                    const doc = new dom().parseFromString(manifest);
                    // extract the package name from the manifest
                    const pkg_xpath = '/manifest/@package';
                    done.result.package = xpath.select1(pkg_xpath, doc).value;
                    const android_select = xpath.useNamespaces({"android": ""});
                    // extract a list of all the (named) activities declared in the manifest
        			const activity_xpath='/manifest/application/activity/@android:name';
                    var nodes = android_select(activity_xpath, doc);
                    nodes && (done.result.activities = => n.value));

                    // extract the default launcher activity
        			const launcher_xpath='/manifest/application/activity[intent-filter/action[@android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"] and intent-filter/category[@android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"]]/@android:name';
                    var nodes = android_select(launcher_xpath, doc);
                    // should we warn if there's more than one?
                    if (nodes && nodes.length >= 1)
                        done.result.launcher = nodes[0].value
                } catch(err) {
                    return done.rejectWith(this, [new Error('Manifest parse failed. ' + err.message)]);
                done.resolveWith(this, [done.result]);
"use strict";

const xpath = require("xpath");
const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const xmlenc = require("xml-encryption");

const credentials   = require("./credentials");
const pemFormatting = require("./pem-formatting");

const namespaces = require("../namespaces");

const DOMParser     = xmldom.DOMParser;
const XMLSerializer = xmldom.XMLSerializer;
const select        = xpath.useNamespaces(namespaces);

// these are the encryption algorithms supported by xml-encryption
const supportedAlgorithms = {
	encryption: [
	keyEncryption: [

const defaultAlgorithms = {
	encryption: "",

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