Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'easygettext' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
.describe('attrs', 'The attributes passed to easygettext extractor.')
.describe('xgettext-args', 'The arguments to pass to xgettext command.')
.demand(['src', 'output'])
const outputFile = argv.output
const srcFolder = argv.src
const extractAttrs = argv.attrs
const xgettextArgs = argv.xgettextArgs
// clean up
shell.rm('-f', outputFile)
let finalAttrs = extractAttrs
? extractAttrs.concat(ExtractorDefaultAttrs)
: ExtractorDefaultAttrs
// support v-translate directive
if (finalAttrs.indexOf('v-translate') === -1) {
const extractor = new Extractor({
lineNumbers: true,
attributes: finalAttrs
const vueFiles = glob.sync(`${srcFolder}/**/*.vue`)
// extract from templates
let renderPromises = vueFiles.map((file) => {
const extractAttrs = argv.attrs
const xgettextArgs = argv.xgettextArgs
// clean up
shell.rm('-f', outputFile)
let finalAttrs = extractAttrs
? extractAttrs.concat(ExtractorDefaultAttrs)
: ExtractorDefaultAttrs
// support v-translate directive
if (finalAttrs.indexOf('v-translate') === -1) {
const extractor = new Extractor({
lineNumbers: true,
attributes: finalAttrs
const vueFiles = glob.sync(`${srcFolder}/**/*.vue`)
// extract from templates
let renderPromises = vueFiles.map((file) => {
let content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
let filename = path.basename(file)
let output = parseVue(content, filename, false)
let templateLang = output.template ? output.template.lang : null
let renderFn = templateLang && consolidate[templateLang] && consolidate[templateLang].render
let renderOpts = templateLang && require(`./extract-opts/${templateLang}`)
// must be in html so that they can match when the app runs
poFiles.forEach((poFile) => {
let poContents = fs.readFileSync(poFile, {
encoding: 'utf-8'
let data = po2json(poContents)
let lang = data.headers.Language
if (!translationData[lang]) {
translationData[lang] = data.messages
} else {
Object.assign(translationData[lang], data.messages)