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Top 10 Examples of "mem in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'mem' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      // Init menu
      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'books');

      // Init books
      this.booksModule = Mem.set('books', BooksModule);

      //Init comments
      this.commentsModule = Mem.set('comments', CommentsModule);
onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      // Init menu
      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'books');

      // Init books
      this.booksModule = Mem.set('books', BooksModule);

      //Init comments
      this.commentsModule = Mem.set('comments', CommentsModule);
onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      // Init menu
      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'books');

      // Init books
      this.booksModule = Mem.set('books', BooksModule);

      //Init comments
      this.commentsModule = Mem.set('comments', CommentsModule);
onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'authors');
onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'authors');
onBeforeRoute: function() {
      // Init main module container
      this.container = Mem.set('container', View, {
        container: $('#wrap')

      // Init menu
      this.menuModule = Mem.set('menu', MenuModule);
      this.menuModule.showMenu(this.container.getMenuContainer(), 'books');

      // Init books
      this.booksModule = Mem.set('books', BooksModule);

      //Init comments
      this.commentsModule = Mem.set('comments', CommentsModule);
const category = fname.indexOf('-1f3f') >= 0 ? 'diversity' : ns.emojioneList[shortname].category;
		const title = ns.imageTitleTag ? `title="${ shortname }"` : '';
		// const size = ns.spriteSize === '32' || ns.spriteSize === '64' ? ns.spriteSize : '32';
		// if the emoji path has been set, we'll use the provided path, otherwise we'll use the default path
		const ePath = ns.defaultPathPNG !== ns.imagePathPNG ? ns.imagePathPNG : `${ ns.defaultPathPNG + ns.emojiSize }/`;

		// depending on the settings, we'll either add the native unicode as the alt tag, otherwise the shortname
		const alt = ns.unicodeAlt ? ns.convert(unicode.toUpperCase()) : shortname;

		if (ns.sprites) {
			return `<span title="" class="emojione emojione-${ category } _${ fname }">${ alt }</span>`;
		return `<img src="${ ePath }${ fname }${ ns.fileExtension }" title="" alt="${ alt }" class="emojione">`;

	const convertUnicode = mem(function(entire, m1, m2, m3) {
		const mappedUnicode = ns.mapUnicodeToShort();

		if ((typeof m3 === 'undefined') || (m3 === '') || !(ns.unescapeHTML(m3) in ns.asciiList)) {
			// if the ascii doesnt exist just return the entire match
			return entire;

		m3 = ns.unescapeHTML(m3);
		const unicode = ns.asciiList[m3];
		const shortname = mappedUnicode[unicode];
		const category = unicode.indexOf('-1f3f') &gt;= 0 ? 'diversity' : ns.emojioneList[shortname].category;
		const title = ns.imageTitleTag ? `title="${ ns.escapeHTML(m3) }"` : '';
		// const size = ns.spriteSize === '32' || ns.spriteSize === '64' ? ns.spriteSize : '32';
		// if the emoji path has been set, we'll use the provided path, otherwise we'll use the default path
		const ePath = ns.defaultPathPNG !== ns.imagePathPNG ? ns.imagePathPNG : `${ ns.defaultPathPNG + ns.emojiSize }/`; (types => S.reduce
      (f => x => $.Function ([x, f]))
      (types[types.length - 1])
      (types.slice (0, -1))),

  //    convertRecordField :: SignatureEntry
  //                          -> Reader (TypeMap (Pair String Type))
  const convertRecordField = memoize (entry => S.pipe ([
    convertType, (valueType => [entry.text, valueType]),
  ]) (entry));

  //    convertRecord :: SignatureEntry -> Reader (TypeMap Type)
  const convertRecord = memoize (S.pipe ([
    children, (convertRecordField),
    S.unchecked.sequence (Reader), (fromPairs), ($.RecordType),

  //    convertTypevar :: SignatureEntry -> Type
  const convertTypevar = memoize (x => $.TypeVariable (text (x)));

  //    unaryTypevar :: SignatureEntry -> (Type -> Type)
  const unaryTypevar = memoize (x => $.UnaryTypeVariable (text (x)));

  //    convertConstrainedType :: SignatureEntry -> Reader (TypeMap Type)
  const convertConstrainedType = memoize (entry => S.pipe ([
let mostRecentlyUpdated = pullRequestsFromAPI[0].updated_at

    const prsToDelete = new Array()
    const prsToUpsert = new Array()

    // The API endpoint for this PR, i.e or a GHE url
    const { endpoint } = repository
    const store = this.repositoryStore

    // Upsert will always query the database for a repository. Given that
    // we've receive these repositories in a batch response from the API
    // it's pretty unlikely that they'd differ between PRs so we're going
    // to use the upsert just to ensure that the repo exists in the database
    // and reuse the same object without going to the database for all that
    // follow.
    const upsertRepo = mem(store.upsertGitHubRepository.bind(store), {
      // The first argument which we're ignoring here is the endpoint
      // which is constant throughout the lifetime of this function.
      // The second argument is an `IAPIRepository` which is basically
      // the raw object that we got from the API which could consist of
      // more than just the fields we've modelled in the interface. The
      // only thing we really care about to determine whether the
      // repository has already been inserted in the database is the clone
      // url since that's what the upsert method uses as its key.
      cacheKey: (_, repo) =&gt; repo.clone_url,

    for (const pr of pullRequestsFromAPI) {
      // We can do this string comparison here rather than convert to date
      // because ISO8601 is lexicographically sortable
      if (pr.updated_at &gt; mostRecentlyUpdated) {
        mostRecentlyUpdated = pr.updated_at
axios.get('/metrics').then(function (res) {
                    var metrics =,
                        mem = metrics['mem'],
                        memFree = metrics[''],
                        heap = metrics['heap'],
                        heapUsed = metrics['heap.used'],
                        heapCommited = metrics['heap.committed'],
                        activeSession = metrics[''];
                    // Memory
                    data.setValue(0, 1, 100 * memFree / mem);
                    // Heap (Used)
                    data.setValue(1, 1, 100 * heapUsed / heap);
                    // Heap (Commited)
                    data.setValue(2, 1, 100 * heapCommited / heap);
                    chart.draw(data, options);
                    // Active Session
                    document.getElementById('activeSession').innerText = activeSession;

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