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Top 10 Examples of "squel in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'squel' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

public getDashboard(): Observable {
        let query =

        return Observable.create((observer: Observer) => {
            // this.databaseService.query(query, 50, '*:3').subscribe((res: Response) => {
            //     let data = res.json().result[0];
            //     let dashboard: Dashboard = new Dashboard(
            //         new MetaData(
            //             data['@class'],
            //             data['@rid'],
            //             data['@version']
            //         ),
            //         data['icon'],
            //         data['name'],
async function getSongs (params = {}) {
  const songs = {
    result: [],
    entities: {}

  const q =

  Object.keys(params).map(key => {
    if (key === 'providerData' && typeof params.providerData === 'object') {
      Object.keys(params.providerData).map(i => {
        q.where(`json_extract(providerData, '$.${i}') = ?`, params.providerData[i])
    } else {
      q.where(`${key} = ?`, params[key])

  // starred count
  q.field('COUNT(stars.userId) AS stars')
    .left_join('stars USING(songId)')
function createQuery(queryParts, sq) {
      var result = {};
      var multiquery = "";
      var multuvalues = [];
      var tableAlias = 't1';
      if (queryParts['alias'])tableAlias = queryParts['alias'];
      if (queryParts['indexExpression'])tableAlias += ' '+queryParts['indexExpression'];
      var s;
      if (sq) {
          s =
              .from(sq, tableAlias);

      } else {
          s =;
          if (queryParts['indexExpression'])  s ={autoQuoteAliasNames: false });
          s.from(queryParts.table, tableAlias);
      _.each(queryParts['joins'], function (join) {
          if (join.joinedQuerParts) {
            var joinedParts = join.joinedQuerParts
              var sq = '';
              if (joinedParts.nestedParts !== undefined && joinedParts.nestedParts !== '') {
                // This is for cases where joined reports has some a sub query
                sq = createQuery(joinedParts, createQuery(joinedParts.nestedParts));
              } else {
                sq = createQuery(joinedParts);
              _updateJoins(join, s, sq);
          } else {
              _updateJoins(join, s);
url: function () {
    var filters = this.config.baseFilters.concat(this.getFilters())
    var query =

    // Aggregate & group by
    if (this.config.valueField || this.config.aggregateFunction || this.config.groupBy) {
      // If valueField specified, use it as the value
      if (this.config.valueField) {
        query.field(this.config.valueField + ' as value')
      // Otherwise use the aggregateFunction / aggregateField as the value
      } else {
        // If group by was specified but no aggregate function, use count by default
        if (!this.config.aggregateFunction) this.config.aggregateFunction = 'count'

        // Aggregation
        query.field(this.config.aggregateFunction + '(' + (this.config.aggregateField || '*') + ') as value')
async function getProviders () {
  const providers = {
    result: [],
    entities: {},

  try {
    const q =

    const { text, values } = q.toParam()
    const res = await db.all(text, values)

    // normalize
    res.forEach(row => {
      row.isEnabled = row.isEnabled === 1
      providers.entities[] = row

      // parse JSON in prefs column
      providers.entities[].prefs = JSON.parse(row.prefs)
  } catch (err) {
async function getLibrary () {
  const artists = {
    result: [],
    entities: {}
  const songs = {
    result: [],
    entities: {}

  // First query: artists
  try {
    const q =

    // log(q.toString())
    const { text, values } = q.toParam()
    const rows = await db.all(text, values)

    // normalize results
    for (const row of rows) {
      artists.entities[row.artistId] = row
      // prep LUT for songIds
      artists.entities[row.artistId].songIds = []
  } catch (err) {
static posts( req, callback ) {
    const { page, perPage } = InaturalistAPI.paginationData( req, { default: 10, max: 30 } );
    const ids = _.filter( "," ), _.identity );
    let numericIDs = _.filter( ids, id => Number( id ) );
    if ( _.isEmpty( numericIDs ) ) { numericIDs = [-1]; }
    const query = ).field( "posts.*, count(*) OVER() AS total_count" )
      .from( "posts" )
      .join( "projects", null, "posts.parent_id = AND parent_type='Project'" )
      .where( " IN (?) OR projects.slug IN (?)", numericIDs, ids )
      .where( "posts.published_at IS NOT NULL" )
      .order( "posts.published_at", false )
      .limit( perPage )
      .offset( perPage * ( page - 1 ) );
    pgClient.connection.query( query.toString( ), ( err, result ) => {
      if ( err ) { return void callback( err ); }
      const results = result.rows;
      const total = _.isEmpty( results ) ? 0 : Number( results[0].total_count );
      _.each( results, r => ( delete r.total_count ) );
      ESModel.fetchBelongsTo( results, User, { }, () => {
        callback( null, {
          total_results: total,
static followers( req, callback ) {
    const { page, perPage } = InaturalistAPI.paginationData( req, { default: 10, max: 100 } );
    const ids = _.filter( "," ), _.identity );
    let numericIDs = _.filter( ids, id => Number( id ) );
    if ( _.isEmpty( numericIDs ) ) { numericIDs = [-1]; }
    const query = ).field( "s.user_id, count(*) OVER() AS total_count" )
      .from( "projects p" )
      .join( "subscriptions s", null, "s.resource_type='Project' AND" )
      .join( "users u", null, "" )
      .where( "s.resource_type='Project'" )
      .where( " IN (?) OR p.slug IN (?)", numericIDs, ids )
      .order( "u.login" )
      .limit( perPage )
      .offset( perPage * ( page - 1 ) );
    pgClient.connection.query( query.toString( ), ( err, result ) => {
      if ( err ) { return void callback( err ); }
      const results = result.rows;
      const total = _.isEmpty( results ) ? 0 : Number( results[0].total_count );
      _.each( results, r => ( delete r.total_count ) );
      ESModel.fetchBelongsTo( results, User, { source: { includes: ["id", "login", "icon"] } },
        ( ) => {
          callback( null, {
pgClient.connection.query( listQuery.toString( ), ( err, listResult ) => {
      if ( err ) { return void reject( err ); }
      let query = squel
        .select( )
        .fields( [
        ] )
        .field( "lists.title", "list_title" )
        .field( "sources.in_text", "source_in_text" )
        .from( "listed_taxa" )
        .join( "lists", null, " = listed_taxa.list_id" )
        .left_join( "sources", null, " = lists.source_id" )
        .limit( limit );
      if ( req.query.place_id ) {
        query = query.where( "listed_taxa.place_id = ?", req.query.place_id );
members( options, callback ) {
    options = options || { }; = || 1;
    options.per_page = options.per_page || 30;
    let query = )
      .field( "project_users.*, COUNT( OVER() as total_count" )
      .from( "project_users" )
      .join( "users u", null, "" )
      .where( "project_users.project_id = ?", );
    if ( options.role === "manager" ) {
      query = query.join( "projects", null, "project_users.project_id =" )
        .where( "project_users.role = 'manager' OR projects.user_id = project_users.user_id" );
    } else if ( options.role === "curator" ) {
      query = query.join( "projects", null, "project_users.project_id =" )
        .where( "project_users.role IN ? OR projects.user_id = project_users.user_id",
          ["manager", "curator"] );
    if ( options.order_by === "login" ) {
      query = query.order( "u.login" );
    } else {
      query = query.order( "observations_count", false );

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