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Top 10 Examples of "deferred in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'deferred' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* eslint max-lines: off */

"use strict";

var push       = Array.prototype.push
  , fs         = require("fs")
  , pathUtils  = require("path")
  , aFrom      = require("es5-ext/array/from")
  , diff       = require("es5-ext/array/#/diff")
  , startsWith = require("es5-ext/string/#/starts-with")
  , deferred   = require("deferred")
  , delay      = deferred.delay
  , promisify  = deferred.promisify
  , mkdir      = promisify(fs.mkdir)
  , writeFile  = promisify(fs.writeFile)
  , unlink     = promisify(fs.unlink)
  , rmdir      = promisify(fs.rmdir)
  , basename   = pathUtils.basename
  , resolve    = pathUtils.resolve
  , sep        = pathUtils.sep
  , pgPath     = resolve(__dirname, "./__playground/readdir");

module.exports = function (t) {
	var pathsAll, paths2, paths0, files2, replaceSep, DELAY = 100;
	replaceSep = function (path) { return path.replace(/\//g, sep); };
	pathsAll = [
		"done", "done/done", "done/done/dthree", "done/done/dthree/dthree",
		"done/done/dthree/dthree/foo", "done/done/dthree/dtwo", "done/done/dthree/dtwo/foo",
"use strict";

var fs        = require("fs")
  , deferred  = require("deferred")
  , resolve   = require("path").resolve
  , promisify = deferred.promisify
  , delay     = deferred.delay
  , mkdir     = promisify(fs.mkdir)
  , rmdir     = promisify(fs.rmdir)
  , gitMode   = require("../../lib/ignore-modes/git")
  , rootPath  = resolve(__dirname, "../__playground/lib/find-root");

module.exports = function (t, a, d) {
	var gitRoot = resolve(rootPath, ".git")
	  , onePath = resolve(rootPath, "one")
	  , gitOnePath = resolve(onePath, ".git")
	  , twoPath = resolve(onePath, "two")
	  , gitTwoPath = resolve(twoPath, ".git")
	  , filePath = resolve(twoPath, "");

	var DELAY = 100, watcher, events = [];

	// Create /.git
resolveExternal(fromfile, fileDirname, scope, dep) {
		log.debug("resolve external %s", dep.value);
		const org = dep.value, lScope = scope;
		let filename = join(dep.value), tree, currentRequire, main, path, ext;

		const [name] = filename.split(sep, 1);
		return deferred.promisifySync(() => {
			// If already processed, return result
			if (this.modules[name]) return this.modules[name];

			if (name === "webmake") {
				this.packages.webmake = resolve(__dirname, "../");
				return (this.modules.webmake = {});
			// Find path to package with Node.js internal functions
			currentRequire = getRequire(fromfile);
			try {
				path = main = currentRequire.resolve(name);
			} catch (e) {
				// No main module for the package, try full require path
				try {
					path = currentRequire.resolve(org);
				} catch (e2) {
'use strict';

// 3rd party modules
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const deferred = require('deferred');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const exec = deferred.promisify(childProcess.exec);
const execFile = deferred.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
const glob = deferred.promisify(require('glob'));

const stat = deferred.promisify(fs.stat);

// Implementation

async function start() {
  const imageNames = await getImageNames();
  const toolNames = await getToolNames();
  const total = imageNames.length * toolNames.length;
  let i = 1;
  const images = [];
  for (const imageName of imageNames) {
    let bestScore = 0;
    let highestSaving = 0;
    let leastLoss = 0;
'use strict';

// 3rd party modules
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const deferred = require('deferred');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const exec = deferred.promisify(childProcess.exec);
const execFile = deferred.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
const glob = deferred.promisify(require('glob'));

const stat = deferred.promisify(fs.stat);

// Implementation

async function start() {
  const imageNames = await getImageNames();
  const toolNames = await getToolNames();
  const total = imageNames.length * toolNames.length;
  let i = 1;
  const images = [];
  for (const imageName of imageNames) {
    let bestScore = 0;
    let highestSaving = 0;
'use strict';

// 3rd party modules
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const deferred = require('deferred');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const exec = deferred.promisify(childProcess.exec);
const execFile = deferred.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
const glob = deferred.promisify(require('glob'));

const stat = deferred.promisify(fs.stat);

// Implementation

async function start() {
  const imageNames = await getImageNames();
  const toolNames = await getToolNames();
  const total = imageNames.length * toolNames.length;
  let i = 1;
  const images = [];
  for (const imageName of imageNames) {
    let bestScore = 0;
    let highestSaving = 0;
    let leastLoss = 0;
    const image = {
// Must not be used on client-side.

'use strict';

var promisify = require('deferred').promisify
  , bcrypt    = require('bcrypt')
  , string    = require('../string')

  , genSalt = promisify(bcrypt.genSalt), hash = promisify(bcrypt.hash)
  , compare = promisify(;

module.exports = string.create('password', {
	async: true,
	min: 5,
	pattern: /(?=[\0-\uffff]*\d)(?=[\0-\uffff]*[a-zA-Z])/,
	rounds: 10,
	compare: function (password, hash) { return compare(password, hash); },
	validate: function (value) {
		return hash(, value), genSalt(this.rounds || 10));
this._attributes[key] = (params[key].toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : false;

                        this._attributes[key] = params[key];

            } else {
                this._attributes[key] = this._schema[key].default;

    /* --- Handle file uploads --- */, _.bind(uploader, this))
    (function (result) {
    }, function(err) {

    return def.promise;
"use strict";

var promisify = require("deferred").promisify
  , fs        = require("fs")
  , path      = require("path")
  , resolve   = path.resolve
  , lstat     = promisify(fs.lstat)
  , unlink    = promisify(fs.unlink)
  , rootPath  = resolve(__dirname, "./__playground/symlink")
  , base      = resolve(rootPath, "from")
  , regular   = resolve(rootPath, "foo")
  , deep      = resolve(rootPath, "foo/bar");

module.exports = function (t) {
	return {
		Regular: {
			Success: function (a, d) {
				t(base, regular)(function () {
					return lstat(regular)(function (stats) {
						a(stats.isSymbolicLink(), true);
						return unlink(regular);
				}).done(d, d);
""(t, a, d) {
		const input = `${ pg }/lib/program.js`
		    , output = `${ pg }/build.js`
		    , options = { include: `${ pg }/lib/included`, ignore: [resolve(pg, "not-taken.js")] };
		t = promisify(t);
		t(input, options)(result => {
			const program = runInNewContext(result, {});
			a(, "x", "Same path require");
			a(program.x.getZ().name, "z", "Deferred call");
				program.x.getZ(), program.x.getZ(),
				"Requiring same object twice, should return same object"
			a(, "z", "Require within required module");
			a(, "y", "Circular dependency");
			a(program.dirjs, "DIR.JS", "Directory with '.js' extension");
			a(, "indexed", "Folder index");
			a(, "included.a", "Manually included #1");
			a(, "included.b", "Manually included #2");
			a(, "outer", "Require module up tree");
			a(, "outer-index", "Require index from sibling directory");

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