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Top 10 Examples of "pg in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pg' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* global describe, before, it */
'use strict';
var co = require('co'),
		should = require('chai').should(),
		pg = require('../lib')(require('pg').native),
		testHelper = require('./test-helper');

var query = 'select name from person order by name';

describe('CoClient-Native', function() {
	var connString = null;

	before(function() {
		return co(function*() {
			var config = yield testHelper.getConfig();
			connString = config.connectionStrings.main;

	describe('#connectPromise()', function() {
var lodash          = require('lodash');
var dbConfig        = { host: 'localhost', port: 5432, user: 'user', password: 'password', database: 'pg_generator_test_625393' };
var generator       = require('../../lib/index.js');

var conString           = 'postgres://' + dbConfig.user + ':' + dbConfig.password + '@' + + ':' + dbConfig.port + '/'; //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/'
var conStringTest       = conString + dbConfig.database;                                                                //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/db'
var conStringTemplate   = conString + 'template1';                                                                      //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/db'

var sql = {
    createDB        : "CREATE DATABASE pg_generator_test_625393 WITH ENCODING = 'UTF8' TEMPLATE = template0;",
    dropDB          : "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pg_generator_test_625393;",
    createSchema    : function (sqlID) { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'create-test-db-' + sqlID  + '.sql')).toString(); },
    dropConnection  : "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity where datname='pg_generator_test_625393';"

pg.on('error', function (err) {
    // Do nothing on termination due to admin command. We do this to drop previously created test db.
    if (!err.message.match('terminating connection due to administrator command')) { console.log('Database error!', err); }

module.exports.dbConfig = dbConfig;

module.exports.generate = function generate(sqlId, options, callback) {
    module.exports.resetDB(sqlId, function () {
        generator(function (err) {
            if (err) { callback(err); return; }
        }, lodash.defaults(options, {
            database: 'pg_generator_test_625393',
            user: dbConfig.user,
            password: dbConfig.password,
            output: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'model'),
var async           = require('async');
var dbConfig        = { host: 'localhost', port: 5432, user: 'user', password: 'password'  };

var conString           = 'postgres://' + dbConfig.user + ':' + dbConfig.password + '@' + + ':' + dbConfig.port + '/'; //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/'
var conStringTest       = conString + 'pg_generator_test_724839';                                                       //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/db'
var conStringTemplate   = conString + 'template1';                                                                      //'postgres://user:pass@host:port/db'

var sql = {
    createDB        : "CREATE DATABASE pg_generator_test_724839 WITH ENCODING = 'UTF8' TEMPLATE = template0;",
    dropDB          : "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pg_generator_test_724839;",
    createSchema    : function (sqlID) { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'create-test-db-' + sqlID  + '.sql')).toString(); },
    dropConnection  : "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity where datname='pg_generator_test_724839';"

pg.on('error', function (err) {
    // Do nothing on termination due to admin command. We do this to drop previously created test db.
    if (!err.message.match('terminating connection due to administrator command')) { console.log('Database error!', err); }

module.exports.dbConfig = dbConfig;

module.exports.resetDB = function resetDB(sqlID, callback) {
    if (sqlID === undefined) { sqlID = 1; }
    var client = new pg.Client(conStringTemplate);

    client.connect(function () {
            client.query.bind(client, sql.dropConnection),
            client.query.bind(client, sql.dropDB),
            client.query.bind(client, sql.createDB),
            function (next) {
it('continues processing after a connection failure', (done) => {
    const Client = require('pg').Client
    const orgConnect = Client.prototype.connect
    let called = false

    Client.prototype.connect = function (cb) {
      // Simulate a failure on first call
      if (!called) {
        called = true

        return setTimeout(() => {
        }, 100)
      // And pass-through the second call, cb)

    const pool = new Pool({
it('continues processing after a connection failure', (done) => {
    const Client = require('pg').Client
    const orgConnect = Client.prototype.connect
    let called = false

    Client.prototype.connect = function (cb) {
      // Simulate a failure on first call
      if (!called) {
        called = true

        return setTimeout(() => {
        }, 100)
      // And pass-through the second call, cb)

    const pool = new Pool({
      Client: Client,
      connectionTimeoutMillis: 1000,
      max: 1
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var sinon = require('sinon');
var pg    = require('pg').native;
var PostGISSource = require(__dirname + '/../datasources/PostGIS');

var async = require('async');
var __ = require('lodash')

var source = new PostGISSource({
  connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL || "tcp://postgres@localhost/postgis", //required
  tableName: "rpd_parks", // required
  geomField: "wkb_geometry", // required
  fields: "map_park_n, ogc_fid", //faster if you specify fields, but optional
  name: "sf_parks", // optional, defaults to table name
  projection: "EPSG:4326" // Lat/Long

describe('PostGIS Data Source', function() {
tracer.startRootSpan({ name: 'selectEventRootSpan' }, (rootSpan: RootSpan) => {
        const q = 'SELECT 4 as value'
        // Must use new Query for eventemitter
        const query = client.query(new pg.Query(q))
        query.on('end', res => {
          assert.strictEqual(rootSpanVerifier.endedRootSpans.length, 0)
          assert.strictEqual(rootSpanVerifier.endedRootSpans.length, 1)
          assert.strictEqual(rootSpanVerifier.endedRootSpans[0].spans.length, 1)
          assert.strictEqual(rootSpanVerifier.endedRootSpans[0].spans[0].attributes.query, q)
          assertSpan(rootSpanVerifier, 'pg-query', SpanKind.CLIENT)
expect('$1^', 'one')).toBe('one');
        expect('$1:raw', 'one')).toBe('one');

        expect('$1', ['one'])).toBe('\'one\'');
        expect('$1^', ['one'])).toBe('one');
        expect('$1:raw', ['one'])).toBe('one');

        expect('$1, $1', 'one')).toBe('\'one\', \'one\'');

        expect('$1$1', 'one')).toBe('\'one\'\'one\'');
        expect('$1^$1^', 'one')).toBe('oneone');

        expect('$1', [userObj])).toBe(;
        expect('$1^', [userObj])).toBe(JSON.stringify(userObj));

        expect('$1, $2, $3, $4', [true, -12.34, 'text', dateSample])).toBe('true, -12.34, \'text\', \'' + $pgUtils.prepareValue(dateSample) + '\'');

        expect('$1 $1, $2 $2, $1', [1, 'two'])).toBe('1 1, \'two\' \'two\', 1'); // test for repeated variables;

        expect('Test: $1', ['don\'t break quotes!'])).toBe('Test: \'don\'\'t break quotes!\'');

        // testing with lots of variables;
        let source = '', dest = '';
        const params = [];
        for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
            source += '$' + i;
            dest += i;
        expect(, params)).toBe(dest);

        // testing various cases with many variables:
"use strict";

const cfg            = require('../../modules/confighandler/cfg.js');
const moment         = require('moment');
const readEnv        = require('../../../setup/readEnv');
const path           = require('path');
const pg             = require('pg');

let connStr;

if (process.env.DATABASE_URL /* Running on heroku */) {
	connStr = process.env.DATABASE_URL;
	pg.defaults.ssl = true;
} else {
	let env = readEnv(path.join(__dirname, "../../../"));

	if (env === null) {
		console.error("Couldn't connect to the database!\n" +
			"The .ENV file was not found, or couldn't be parsed.");

	if (env.useSSL) {
		pg.defaults.ssl = true;

	connStr = env.url;
 * Interface to PostgreSQL client
 * */
const pg = require('pg');
const knex = require('knex');
const config = require('../config');

// remember: all values returned from the server are either NULL or a string
pg.types.setTypeParser(20, val => (val === null ? null : parseInt(val, 10)));
console.log('connecting %s', config.POSTGRES_URL);
const db = knex({
  client: 'pg',
  connection: config.POSTGRES_URL,
  pool: {
    afterCreate: (conn, done) => {
      // Set the minimum similarity for pg_trgm
      conn.query('SELECT set_limit(0.6);', (err) => {
        // if err is not falsy, connection is discarded from pool
        done(err, conn);
db.on('query-error', (err) => {
  throw err;

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