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Top 10 Examples of "bs-logger in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bs-logger' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import { LogContexts, LogLevels } from 'bs-logger'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'

import { createJestPreset as createJestPresetCore } from './config/create-jest-preset'
import { pathsToModuleNameMapper as pathsToModuleNameMapperCore } from './config/paths-to-module-name-mapper'
import { TsJestTransformer } from './ts-jest-transformer'
import { TsJestGlobalOptions } from './types'
import { rootLogger } from './util/logger'
import { Deprecateds, interpolate } from './util/messages'
import { mocked as mockedCore } from './util/testing'
import { VersionCheckers } from './util/version-checkers'

// deprecate helpers
const warn = rootLogger.child({ [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.warn })
const helperMoved =  any>(name: string, helper: T) =>
  warn.wrap(interpolate(Deprecateds.HelperMovedToUtils, { helper: name }), helper)

/** @deprecated */
export const mocked = helperMoved('mocked', mockedCore)
/** @deprecated */
export const createJestPreset = helperMoved('createJestPreset', createJestPresetCore)
/** @deprecated */
export const pathsToModuleNameMapper = helperMoved('pathsToModuleNameMapper', pathsToModuleNameMapperCore)

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
export const version: string = require('../package.json').version
export const digest: string = readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '..', '.ts-jest-digest'), 'utf8')

let transformer!: TsJestTransformer
function defaultTransformer(): TsJestTransformer {

  // Use full language services when the fast option is disabled.
  if (!configs.tsJest.isolatedModules) {
    // Set the file contents into cache.
    const updateMemoryCache = (code: string, fileName: string) => {
      logger.debug({ fileName }, `updateMemoryCache()`)
      if (memoryCache.contents[fileName] !== code) {
        memoryCache.contents[fileName] = code
        memoryCache.versions[fileName] = (memoryCache.versions[fileName] || 0) + 1

    // Create the compiler host for type checking.
    const serviceHostDebugCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.debug,
      namespace: 'ts:serviceHost',
      call: null,
    const serviceHostTraceCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,

    const serviceHost = {
      getScriptFileNames: () => Object.keys(memoryCache.versions),
      getScriptVersion: (fileName: string) => {
        const normalizedFileName = normalize(fileName)
        const version = memoryCache.versions[normalizedFileName]

        // We need to return `undefined` and not a string here because TypeScript will use
        // `getScriptVersion` and compare against their own version - which can be `undefined`.
import { LogContexts } from 'bs-logger'
import { CompilerOptions } from 'typescript'

import { rootLogger } from '../util/logger'
import { Errors, interpolate } from '../util/messages'

type TsPathMapping = Exclude
type JestPathMapping = jest.InitialOptions['moduleNameMapper']

// we don't need to escape all chars, so commented out is the real one
// const escapeRegex = (str: string) => str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')
const escapeRegex = (str: string) => str.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')

const logger = rootLogger.child({ [LogContexts.namespace]: 'path-mapper' })

export const pathsToModuleNameMapper = (
  mapping: TsPathMapping,
  { prefix = '' }: { prefix?: string } = {},
): JestPathMapping => {
  const jestMap: JestPathMapping = {}
  for (const fromPath of Object.keys(mapping)) {
    let pattern: string
    const toPaths = mapping[fromPath]
    // check that we have only one target path
    if (toPaths.length === 0) {
      logger.warn(interpolate(Errors.NotMappingPathWithEmptyMap, { path: fromPath }))
    } else if (toPaths.length > 1) {
        interpolate(Errors.MappingOnlyFirstTargetOfPath, {
[LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,
    version: require('../../package.json').version,
  targets: process.env.TS_JEST_LOG || undefined,

 * @internal
export let rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())


// re-create the logger if the env var has been backported
if (original !== process.env.TS_JEST_LOG) {
  rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())
const original = process.env.TS_JEST_LOG

const buildOptions = () => ({
  context: {
    [LogContexts.package]: 'ts-jest',
    [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,
    version: require('../../package.json').version,
  targets: process.env.TS_JEST_LOG || undefined,

 * @internal
export let rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())


// re-create the logger if the env var has been backported
if (original !== process.env.TS_JEST_LOG) {
  rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())
logger.debug({ fileName }, `updateMemoryCache()`)
      if (memoryCache.contents[fileName] !== code) {
        memoryCache.contents[fileName] = code
        memoryCache.versions[fileName] = (memoryCache.versions[fileName] || 0) + 1

    // Create the compiler host for type checking.
    const serviceHostDebugCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.debug,
      namespace: 'ts:serviceHost',
      call: null,
    const serviceHostTraceCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,

    const serviceHost = {
      getScriptFileNames: () => Object.keys(memoryCache.versions),
      getScriptVersion: (fileName: string) => {
        const normalizedFileName = normalize(fileName)
        const version = memoryCache.versions[normalizedFileName]

        // We need to return `undefined` and not a string here because TypeScript will use
        // `getScriptVersion` and compare against their own version - which can be `undefined`.
        // If we don't return `undefined` it results in `undefined === "undefined"` and run
        // `createProgram` again (which is very slow). Using a `string` assertion here to avoid
        // TypeScript errors from the function signature (expects `(x: string) => string`).
        return version === undefined ? ((undefined as any) as string) : String(version)
      getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string) {
  jest.mock('./bar/foo', () => 'foo')
const func2 = () => {
  const bar = 'bar'
  jest.mock('./bar/foo', () => 'foo')
const logger = testing.createLoggerMock()
const createFactory = () => {
  return hoist.factory({ logger, compilerModule: tsc } as any)
const transpile = (source: string) => tsc.transpileModule(source, { transformers: { before: [createFactory()] } })

describe('hoisting', () => {
  it('should have correct signature', () => {
    expect(typeof hoist.version).toBe('number')
    expect(typeof hoist.factory).toBe('function')

  it('should hoist jest mock() and unmock() statements', () => {
    const out = transpile(CODE_WITH_HOISTING)
it('should use the cache', () => {
    const compiled1 = compiler.compile(source, __filename)
    expect(logTarget.filteredLines(LogLevels.debug, Infinity)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Array [
  "[level:20] readThrough(): cache miss
  "[level:20] getOutput(): compiling using language service
  "[level:20] updateMemoryCache()
  "[level:20] visitSourceFileNode(): hoisting
  "[level:20] getOutput(): computing diagnostics
  "[level:20] readThrough(): writing caches
export const run: CliCommand = async (args: Arguments /*, logger: Logger*/) => {
  const nullLogger = createLogger({ targets: [] })
  const file = args._[0]
  const filePath = resolve(process.cwd(), file)
  const footNotes: string[] = []
  if (!existsSync(filePath)) {
    throw new Error(`Configuration file ${file} does not exists.`)
  const name = basename(file)
  const isPackage = name === 'package.json'
  if (!/\.(js|json)$/.test(name)) {
    throw new TypeError(`Configuration file ${file} must be a JavaScript or JSON file.`)
  let actualConfig: jest.InitialOptions = require(filePath)
  if (isPackage) {
    actualConfig = (actualConfig as any).jest
  if (!actualConfig) actualConfig = {}
describe('raiseDiagnostics', () => {
  const createTsError = jest.fn(
    (list: Diagnostic[]) => new Error( => `[TS${d.code}] ${d.messageText}`).join('\n')),
  const filterDiagnostics = jest.fn(list => list)
  const logger = testing.createLoggerMock()
  const makeDiagnostic = ({
    messageText = 'foo',
    code = 9999,
    category = DiagnosticCategory.Warning,
  }: Partial = {}): Diagnostic => ({ messageText, code, category } as any)
  it('should throw when warnOnly is false', () => {
    const { raiseDiagnostics } = createConfigSet({ createTsError, filterDiagnostics })
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([])).not.toThrow()
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([makeDiagnostic()])).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(`"[TS9999] foo"`)
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([makeDiagnostic({ category: DiagnosticCategory.Message })])).not.toThrow()
  it('should not throw when warnOnly is true', () => {
    const { raiseDiagnostics } = createConfigSet({

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