Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'segmentio-facade' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
} else {
var defaultPlan = events.__default || { enabled: true };
if (!defaultPlan.enabled) {
// Disabled events should always be sent to Segment.
planIntegrationOptions = { All: false, 'Segment.io': true };
// Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
this._invoke('track', new Track(msg));
this.emit('track', event, properties, options);
return this;
// clone traits before we manipulate so we don't do anything uncouth, and take
// from `user` so that we carryover anonymous traits
user.identify(id, traits);
var msg = this.normalize({
options: options,
traits: user.traits(),
userId: user.id()
// Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
if (this.options.integrations) {
defaults(msg.integrations, this.options.integrations);
this._invoke('identify', new Identify(msg));
// emit
this.emit('identify', id, traits, options);
return this;
options.context.page = overrides;
var msg = this.normalize({
properties: properties,
category: category,
options: options,
name: name
// Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
if (this.options.integrations) {
defaults(msg.integrations, this.options.integrations);
this._invoke('page', new Page(msg));
this.emit('page', category, name, properties, options);
return this;
if (is.fn(from)) (fn = from), (options = null), (from = null);
if (is.object(from)) (options = from), (from = null);
/* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions, no-sequences */
var msg = this.normalize({
options: options,
previousId: from,
userId: to
// Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
if (this.options.integrations) {
defaults(msg.integrations, this.options.integrations);
this._invoke('alias', new Alias(msg));
this.emit('alias', to, from, options);
return this;
// grab from group again to make sure we're taking from the source
group.identify(id, traits);
var msg = this.normalize({
options: options,
traits: group.traits(),
groupId: group.id()
// Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
if (this.options.integrations) {
defaults(msg.integrations, this.options.integrations);
this._invoke('group', new Group(msg));
this.emit('group', id, traits, options);
return this;
var price = product.price;
var quantity = product.quantity;
clonedTrack.properties = product;
clonedTrack.event = 'Product Purchased';
// Price and quantity are both required by Amplitude:
// https://amplitude.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001361248#tracking-revenue
// Price could potentially be 0 so handle that edge case.
if (trackRevenuePerProduct && price != null && quantity) {
// Add revenueType if exists, to be able to override.
if (revenueType) {
clonedTrack.properties.revenueType = revenueType;
if (revenue) {
clonedTrack.properties.revenue = revenue;
this.setRevenue(mapRevenueAttributes(new Track(clonedTrack)));
logEvent.call(this, new Track(clonedTrack), trackRevenuePerProduct);
HubSpot.prototype.identify = function(identify) {
// use newer version of Identify to have access to `companyName`
var newIdentify = new Identify({
traits: identify.traits(),
userId: identify.userId()
if (!newIdentify.email()) {
var traits = newIdentify.traits({
firstName: 'firstname',
lastName: 'lastname'
traits = convertDates(traits);
traits = formatTraits(traits);
if (newIdentify.companyName() !== undefined) {
Totango.prototype.initialize = function(page) {
page = page || new Page({});
/* eslint-disable */
window.totango = {
go:function(){return -1;},
track:function(t,o,n,a){window.totango_tmp_stack.push({activity:t,module:o,org:n,user:a}); return -1;}};
/* eslint-enable */
window.totango_options = {
allow_empty_accounts: false,
service_id: this.options.serviceId,
disable_heartbeat: this.options.disableHeartbeat,
module: page.category()
each(products, function(product) {
var track = new Track({ properties: product });
each(products, function(product) {
var track = new Track({ properties: product });
window.ga(self._trackerName + 'ec:addProduct', {
id: track.productId() || track.id() || track.sku(),
quantity: track.quantity()